Undead Origins


Dungeon Crawl Classics #83: The Chained Coffin (Compiled 2nd Printing)
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Undead: Dead tissue exposed to the spoil’s power animates, becoming a bizarre and unique form of undead creature.
Spoil Effect on Living Subjects.
Ghost: ?
Phantom: ?
Hant: Transparent spirits that emit a frigid aura of air, the “Hants” in the Deep Hollows are the un-dead spirits of the original inhabitants of the valleys. Slain in the lunar catastrophe that destroyed Luhsaal and decimated their civilization, some still cling to their homeland in the afterlife, attempting to drive away those who would settle in their wake.
Non-Corporeal Undead, Incorporeal Undead: ?
Animated Corn Husk Doll: Once the PCs acquire Shuyr Rilla’s holy symbol from the well and begin moving through the corn field (area 1-8), each doll becomes possessed by a fragment of Hobb undead energy and they attack the party.
Spoil Dwarf: This cave is a spoil, one of the residual deposits of Hsaalian magic that survived the destruction of the Luhsaal (see The Chained Coffin Companion p. 2). The decaying lunar sorcery has strange effects on persons and objects exposed to its radiance, and the dwarves here are no exception.
Originally a band of prospectors, these six dwarves found the gold vein in area 1-8, but were discovered in turn by Shange before they could make much progress mining it. Shange, still seeking to understand the spoil’s power, killed the dwarves but restrained himself from drinking their blood. Instead he left their corpses inside the spoil and was amused when they arose with a semblance of life.
Haggard-seeming dwarves with ebon eyes and gaunt appearance, spoiled dwarves bear the wounds that killed them. Animated in a grim semblance of life by the spoil, these undead miners can strike with their tools to break the limbs of opponents.
The spoil’s magic maintains the un-dead dwarves’ animated state and they cannot move more than 50’ away from area 1-9.
Skeleton of Unknown Origin: Birthed from the bones of a dead something from long ago, the skeletal creature is intent on destroying all life it encounters. Perhaps if it is defeated, clues to what the creature was and where it came from can be discovered amongst its old bones.
Hobb Phantom: The uneasy spirits of the Hobb clan are trapped in Sour Spring Hollow, hungry and hateful.
Ghost of Moonricket Bridge: ?
Ancient Zombie: A handful of miners perished while dumping spoil, falling into the pit and being crushed by the rocks. The Hsaal cared little for their minions and the bodies of the unfortunates were left to rot among the stones, buried beneath impromptu cairns of added debris. There, in the darkness, their spirits have lingered, growing ever hateful. Anyone meddling in their domain attracts the spirits who reanimate their desiccated remains.
Pansy Roane, Ghost: In time, the serpent-men’s demands grew and ultimately Pansy and her unborn child paid the price for Wade’s pride and avarice.
When Wade Roane killed his wife, he concealed her body in this root cellar, walling up the corpse behind the old stone walls. Interred in this crude grave, Pansy’s ghost has been unable to rest and only the discovery of its body and subsequent burial in a churchyard will end its un-dead existence.
Back in my Granny’s time, there t’was a couple that ran the grist mill on Pigsaw Creek. They t’were Pansy and Wade Roane, happy a pair as you ken. Pansy t’was kindling a young ‘en, tis said, and ol’ Wade t’was happy as a hog in slop at the thought of being a proud poppa. But tragedy, as it t’will do here in the hills, well it paid a visit to ‘em.
The spring thaw swelled the creeks and rivers that year, and the Pigsaw overflowed its banks. Pansy t’was coming back to the mill from temple and it’s said she misstepped along the creek banks and fell into the swollen waters. No one saw Pansy go in, but they a’heard her screams all the way back in town. That t’was the last time anyone heard from Pansy … alive anyway.
Breath. Breath. At long last, I have breath to speak. Breath to tell my tale and utter the secrets my husband wished hidden. Breath to declare his shame and his blasphemy. Breath to warn the living of a horror that lurks among them unnoticed.
Wade was a petty man, a cowardly man. He concerned himself more with what strangers thought of his fortunes than what I, his own wife, did. When the mill began to fail, Wade grew frantic, fearful he’d be seen as a failure by the people of Holler Hollow. That is what doomed him … and me.
Something met with Wade in the old caves under our lands. A creature from another, older time. A thing that should have crawled, yet walked like a man. That creature promised Wade a fortune in return for unspeakable service. My craven husband agreed all too readily, sealing the fate of both his wife and unborn child. He murdered me at the behest of that creature and sealed my bones in the root cellar’s wall.
Soul Owl: These owls are soul fragments of Shange’s victims, trapped between life and death by the mixed power of the blooddrinker’s curse and the lingering magic of the spoil in area 1-9.
Zugun: Although triumphant, Boak paid a heavy toll for his victory. The mighty forces unleashed during the battle destroyed the site, foiling Boak’s transformation. Furious at being thwarted yet again (albeit indirectly) by Justicia, Boak enacted a horrific revenge on Zugun. Boak imprisoned the cleric in a coffin of orichalcum and bound the casket with chains of adamantine. The coffin, empowered by Chaos, preserved the dying cleric in a state that was not life, death or un-death, but a weird mixture of all three.
“Once a man, but now I do not know. I should have died long ago, but this coffin is now my prison and my preserver. I hope that I’m whatever goodness remains of a man, once his mortal clay is no more.”
Ox-Headed Barrow Bones: ?
Human/Serpent Hybrid Barrow Bones: ?
Squire Grady, Lingering Spirit: This cabin was the home of Squire Grady, a stubborn Shudfolk farmer who, despite the warnings of others, laid claim to a cursed plot of land in the Deep Hollows. Squire Grady, cantankerous and unyielding as the mountains themselves, refused to be driven off by the ghosts who haunt the land and even in death refuses to relinquish his claim.

Spoil Effect on Living Subjects
1d10 Spoil’s Effect
1 Imparts a random form of corruption. Roll 1d6: 1-3) use Table 5-3: Minor Corruption (DCC RPG p. 116) to determine effect; 4-5) use Table 5-4: Major Corruption (DCC RPG p. 118) to determine effect; 6) use Table 5-5: Greater Corruption (DCC RPG p. 119) to determine effect.
2 Causes a sorcerous wasting disease similar to mummy rot.
3 Imparts the ability to cast a random 1st-level spell once per day. Subject uses a d16 to determine the spellcheck of this incantation.
4 Drains magical power, turning enchanted objects mundane or stealing spells from a caster’s mind.
5 Permanently transforms the subject into a monster, either one chosen randomly from the DCC RPG rulebook or other source, or a unique creature of the judge’s creation.
6 Drives the subject insane, warping his mind with malicious thoughts to commit unspeakable crimes.
7 Creates a communication conduit between the subject and an entity outside the physical world. The party at the other end of this conduit may be pleased to speak with the subject, perhaps even agreeing to act as the affected soul’s patron or be angered by such brazen contact and seek the individual’s destruction.
8 Cloaks the subject in a permanent mystical field that amplifies his prowess or protects him from harm. Subject gains a +1 bonus to a randomly determined ability, spell, saving throw, natural armor class, or other characteristic of the judge’s choosing.
9 Slays the subject outright then revives him as an un-dead creature 1d4 days later unless the body is destroyed.
10 Sends the subject to another time and/or place. Possible destinations include the dim past during the height of either the Hsaal or serpent-men’s dominance, the Court of Chaos, the time pad in the Vault of Zepes Null-Eleven, or a certain purple planet…
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Dungeon Crawl Classics #85: The Making of the Ghost Ring
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Lifthrasir the Enchantress, Ghost: Lifthrasir the Enchantress, like most of her spellcasting
ilk, spent her life in the pursuit of power, pillaging forgotten ruins for ancient incantations and delving into forbidden vaults to pry grimoires from their previous owners’ long-dead hands. But unlike many of her brethren, Lifthrasir was driven by the urge to create rather than destroy, and pursued arcane lore so she might inscribe her legend in the annals of history. She dreamed of crafting an object of magical power that would persist after her death and carry her name down the long roads of history.
Unfortunately for Lifthrasir, dreams do not always come true and the required knowledge to create such an artifact long escaped her. As is wont to occur with wizards, her goal became a drive, and her drive became an obsession, leading her to take measures best avoided by rational beings.
Calling up a potent infernal power, Maalbrilmorg the Hell Smith, Lifthrasir bargained with the evil crafter to acquire the incantations she required. Lifthrasir was not completely overwhelmed by her obsession, however, and succeeded in inserting a loophole in her contract with the Hell Smith: If she accomplished her goal before a year and a day passed, Maalbrilmorg could lay no claim upon the sorceress. Unbeknownst to Lifthrasir—but known by the demon-smith who sensed the illness growing—Lifthrasir was dying, the victim of a subtle, but highly malignant magical cancer the sorceress had unwittingly acquired as spell corruption. Maalbrilmorg easily agreed to the condition, knowing the sickness would claim Lifthrasir before she could finish her task.
What Maalbrilmorg could not predict was Lifthrasir’s tenacity. The cancer killed the enchantress eleven months from the day of their agreement and the Hell Smith arrived to claim his due. The demon was nonplussed to discover Lifthrasir’s soul still determined to complete her work. Now lingering as a ghost, Lifthrasir cannot be reaped by Maalbrilmorg until the time limit of their bargain expires.
Lifthrasir’s dedication to the goal was so strong she persisted as a ghost after her death.
Bronze-Handed Pharaoh: The last scene shows the Pharaoh being mummified and interred. His bronze arms, serpent-headed staff, and the Eye of the Sun are all visible amongst the linen wrappings. The Pharaoh is placed in his sarcophagus and born away by a large congregation of weeping mourners.
The sarcophagus is closed and contains only a portion of the Pharaoh’s mummified remains, for the sorcerer-king’s power lingers beyond death, encased in his bronze limbs, enchanted staff, and the very treasure the party seeks: The Eye of the Sun.
The Pharaoh’s spirit occupies all four items equally.
Pharaoh's Skull: The sarcophagus is closed and contains only a portion of the Pharaoh’s mummified remains, for the sorcerer-king’s power lingers beyond death, encased in his bronze limbs, enchanted staff, and the very treasure the party seeks: The Eye of the Sun.
The Pharaoh’s spirit occupies all four items equally.
Bronzed Arm: The sarcophagus is closed and contains only a portion of the Pharaoh’s mummified remains, for the sorcerer-king’s power lingers beyond death, encased in his bronze limbs, enchanted staff, and the very treasure the party seeks: The Eye of the Sun.
The Pharaoh’s spirit occupies all four items equally.
Staff: The sarcophagus is closed and contains only a portion of the Pharaoh’s mummified remains, for the sorcerer-king’s power lingers beyond death, encased in his bronze limbs, enchanted staff, and the very treasure the party seeks: The Eye of the Sun.
The Pharaoh’s spirit occupies all four items equally.


Dungeon Crawl Classics #88.5: Curse of the Kingspire
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Zombie: In the course of his ritual sacrifices, Arkos sinks the corpses into the swamp. Some of the corpses, animated by the unholy power of the Kingspire, have awakened from the dead.
Ghost: If unconscious PCs are left behind, the ghosts converge on them. The PC must immediately begin to make a DC 10 Fort save each round. On a failed save, the PC perishes and rises in 1d4 rounds as a ghost.


DCC RPG Annual
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Un-Dead, Undead: Requiem of the Sundered Flesh spell.
Zombie: ?
Ghoul: ?
Mummy: ?
Ghost: ?
Phantasm: ?
Banshee: ?
Shadow: ?
Specter: ?
Vampire: ?
Crystalline Un-Dead: Crymstalla magic sword.

At level 5 the cleric gains access to a complex chant whereby her body is transformed, temporarily or permanently, into undead flesh. The thousand names of the Crow Mistress are sung, and runes, sigils, and inscriptions appear on the failing flesh of the caster. While hideous and terrifying to behold, the results of this canticle provide the cleric with damage resistance and protection against turning and/or purifying magics. At the highest result, this canticle allows followers of Malotoch to rise as un-dead creatures, if killed. The results of the spell makes the cleric unsuitable for the company of most normal beings, who will react with fear and, potentially, violent hostility to her changed form. On a successful casting, the cleric or worshiper may choose to take a lower but potentially more desirable result from the table.
Spell check Result
1 Failure and worse! A misstep in the ritual has caused it to backfire. Roll 1d4: (1) take CL damage which cannot be healed except by natural healing; (2) the cleric’s flesh is so weakened that the next successful attack counts as a critical hit on the appropriate table; (3) the cleric’s flesh begins to rot and she will take 1d8+CL damage per day until a lay on hands from another worshiper of Malotoch results in 3 or more dice of healing; (4) the cleric’s flesh withers as she ages 1d10 years per caster level, and permanently loses 1d3 points of Strength, Agility, or Stamina, plus 1 additional point per 10 years aged (spread evenly across the attributes).
2-19 Failure.
20-21 The cleric’s flesh withers to mummy-like consistency for 1d10+CL turns. She need not eat or drink, and non-magical weapons do half damage to her. She also receives +2 to any saving throw against magical effects, or reduces the damage dice for magical damage from spells one step on the die chain (d8 becomes d7, d6 becomes d5, etc.).
22-27 The cleric’s flesh begins to seethe with corruption. For the next CL hours, the cleric enjoys the following benefits: Any damaging attack only does half damage. She adds CL/2 (rounded down) additional HD beyond her own when determining results of turn unholy attempts made against her. Any normal human or demi-human attempting to approach her must make a DC 8+CL Fort save or be driven back retching with nausea from the reek of her rotting flesh.
28-29 The cleric’s flesh begins to weep blood and corruption and her eyes blaze with unholy fires. For the next CL+6 hours, she may ignore damage from any attacks made with mundane weapons, and the damage dice for magical weapons or spells are reduced two steps on the die chain (d8 becomes d6, d6 becomes d4, etc.). She also gains a ranged gaze attack against anyone at whom she looks directly (even if only in reflection). The target must make a DC 10+CL Willpower save or flee in unreasoning fear, until a successful Willpower save is made.
30+ The cleric’s body appears as normal except that it is covered in thousands of lines of tiny script, like a full-body tattoo the color of old blood. For the next CL+1 days, the cleric’s saving throws against magical attacks receive +CL bonus. Additionally, if she is slain, she will rise as an un-dead creature with a number hit points equal to normal, plus CL. The cleric acquires the normal un-dead traits (does not eat, drink, or breathe; is immune to critical hits, disease, and poison, as well as to the sleep, charm, and paralysis spells, other mental effects, and cold damage). The cleric also rolls critical hits on Crit Table U: Un-dead (see DCC RPG rulebook, p. 390).

This short sword is made of living vermillion crystal from deep beneath Áereth. It glows with an unquenchable sanguine light equal to torchlight – even fully sheathed or wrapped, it gives off radiance equal to a candle.
This sword has a brooding, alien intelligence which sprang into existence before the first fish crawled from the sea. A shard from a greater crystal-based mind, it was first fashioned into a weapon by ancient reptilian pre-humans, and has been a weapon in one form or another ever since.
The Crymstalla is a +3 short sword, which increases the critical range of its wielder by 1 (i.e., a level 5 warrior armed with the Crymstalla rolls a critical hit on any successful attack of 17-20.) It is neutral, not caring about the eternal conflict between Law and Chaos.
When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by the weapon, it becomes infected by minute shards left in the wounds (unless its body is completely destroyed by fire, acid, or magic). These shards grow at an astounding rate, converting the creature to crystalline un-dead over a period of 2d3 days. The creature then pursues its slayer with unceasing bloodlust. When the sword’s owner is killed, all existing crystalline un-dead are reduced into fine crimson powder within the next 1d5 rounds.
Crystalline un-dead use the same statistics as their base creature, with the following changes:
• AC is increased by +3.
• Hit Dice become d12s, with hit points rerolled.
• All physical damage (bite, claw, etc.) is increased by +1d on the dice chain.
• Gain un-dead immunities, but can be turned by lawful and neutral clerics.
• Cannot be harmed by the Crymstalla.
• Retain special abilities of the base creature on a case-by-case basis, as determined by the judge. Physical abilities are retained, while supernatural ones may or may not be.


Dungeon Crawl Classics Horror #1: They Served Brandolyn Red
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Gage Vintner, Spirit: About 150 years ago, the elven artisan Lotrin Whitegrass, despite being betrothed to elven nobility, fell in love with the young, beautiful, and also-married human Brandolyn Vintner. Brandolyn, wife of the successful vigneron and wine maker Gage Vintner, attempted to keep the affair a secret but was eventually discovered by her husband. Enraged at her deception—and appalled at the thought of his wife coupling with an elf—Gage overpowered Brandolyn, and crushed her to death in his wine press.
The decades passed and Gage Vintner eventually died with his murderous secret intact, but forbidden love, murder, and treachery have a strange way of resurfacing, demanding their malfeasance not be forgotten. Over a century after his death, Gage’s crypt was violated by Samhain the Corpse Harvester, a semi-sentient subterranean parasite that burrows into coffins and crypts and agglutinates limbs from corpses to form its own mass. Disturbing Gage’s evil bones ignited a spiritual conflagration, tearing the ethereal fabric that separates the living and the dead.
Brandolyn Vintner, Ghost: About 150 years ago, the elven artisan Lotrin Whitegrass, despite being betrothed to elven nobility, fell in love with the young, beautiful, and also-married human Brandolyn Vintner. Brandolyn, wife of the successful vigneron and wine maker Gage Vintner, attempted to keep the affair a secret but was eventually discovered by her husband. Enraged at her deception—and appalled at the thought of his wife coupling with an elf—Gage overpowered Brandolyn, and crushed her to death in his wine press.
The decades passed and Gage Vintner eventually died with his murderous secret intact, but forbidden love, murder, and treachery have a strange way of resurfacing, demanding their malfeasance not be forgotten. Over a century after his death, Gage’s crypt was violated by Samhain the Corpse Harvester, a semi-sentient subterranean parasite that burrows into coffins and crypts and agglutinates limbs from corpses to form its own mass. Disturbing Gage’s evil bones ignited a spiritual conflagration, tearing the ethereal fabric that separates the living and the dead. Gage’s spirit began manipulating Samhain to inflict more spiteful destruction, thereby awakening Brandolyn’s soul, somehow still trapped in the device where her life was snuffed out.
Zombigator: ?
Living Stain: However, searching this area puts the PCs in range of the Living Stain, a sentient mixture of wine sediment and malevolent spirit spawned from the recent hauntings.
Margrite Vintner, Gourd Puppet: ?
Gage Vintner, Gourd Puppet: To defend itself, Samhain will animate a gourd puppet out of the bones of Gage (and potentially others) using bodies harvested from the crypts above.
Gourd Puppet: To defend itself, Samhain will animate a gourd puppet out of the bones of Gage (and potentially others) using bodies harvested from the crypts above.


Demon Prince
I'm a huge fan of anything undead related. My character strives to create new forms, and i'm interested to see what this has to offer....


Are New undead types in this too?
I am documenting undead origin information from existing sources, including irregular things like Deathless and ambiguous things like Thouls, but generally not things that specifically say they are not undead. So most Dhampir and such that have some undead traits but are specifically called out as alive are not included and Shadows depend on the edition for whether they are undead or specifically not.

Many sources have unique and new undead, For example I do not believe I saw Gourd Puppets anywhere besides in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Horror #1 module I posted above this morning.

I'm a huge fan of anything undead related. My character strives to create new forms, and i'm interested to see what this has to offer....
As a player interested in having your character create undead I'd suggest going to page 75 and checking out the entries for your system of choice to see what I've got there for official methods of creation if there are any. Specific spell or magic item descriptions would be in the full source entry, though the cumulative entries will have a reference identifying the source parenthetically.


Goodman Games 2019 Yearbook: Riders on the Phlogiston
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Silver Ghoul: The third pool shimmers with a silver light. Any living creature touching the placid waters recovers 1d20 [10] hit points and gains +1 point of Luck. (This effect can take place but once per character.)
If a slain creature comes into contact with the waters, it immediately animates into a hellish, silvery ghoul that lunges to attack.
Worse, due to the spray of the cascading spoil, any creature slain in the chamber animates the following round and lunges to the attack.
Skin Horror Medium Skeleton: ?
Skin Horror Small Skeleton: ?
Large Skeleton: ?
Medium Skeleton: ?
Small Skeleton: ?
Ghost: ?
Shadder: The creatures are shadders: former men cursed to be deformed and changed into abominable grotesques that can only be seen as dark outlines among the narrow cracks and crevices of the tunnel.
Gribb-Kith Mummy: ?

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