
Tinker Gnome

Undead are one of my favorite monster types. I like to use them more than any other monster type. What are your favorite undead monsters? I am fond of the Son/Spawn of Kyuss (First appeared in the 1st ED. Fiend Folio but also appeared in the 3.0 MMII) and the Forsaken Shell from Libris Mortis. I like my undead monsters to be as disgusting as they can be. How do you like to utilize undead?

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The Shaman

First Post
Undead are one of my favorite monster types. I like to use them more than any other monster type.
Me too.
What are your favorite undead monsters?
Wights, ghouls and ghasts, mummies, wraiths, ghosts and spectres, banshees, all awesome.

But the lich rules them all.

Vampires? Eh, okay in very small doses, but only if they're feral rather than cool. Think 30 Days of Night vampires.


Ghouls---every edition.

As a Lovecraft fan, I tend to have my ghouls a bit smarter and more organized than Monster Manuals would suggest.

But I will always have a soft spot for hungry dead.

Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
I'm partial to ghouls and their kin, myself. They're versatile enough to interpret in many different ways, from crazed loner cannibals to civilized death-obsessed socialites.

I also like shadows and allips, though I prefer to run them as subtle, hidden lurking things or else insane but mostly impotent soul fragments rather than aggressive monsters.


Front Range Warlock
I, too, really like the Sons of Kyuss. I am also fond of the Yellow Musk Creeper/Yellow Musk Zombie, Crypt Thing, and the Eye of Fear and Flame (I have a Crypt Thing tattooed on my right forearm).

Those skeletons that explode into fireballs when killed have been hated by my gaming group all through three different editions of the game... You know, the kind of monster you love to hate...

I have always wanted to have a Lich as the Big Bad, but I have never had a party that reached the level where a Lich is a feasable opponent

Tinker Gnome

I, too, really like the Sons of Kyuss. I am also fond of the Yellow Musk Creeper/Yellow Musk Zombie, Crypt Thing, and the Eye of Fear and Flame (I have a Crypt Thing tattooed on my right forearm).

Ohh, the Yellow Musk Zombies are cool too! They are not technically undead, and so they are immune to turning, which I imagine would frustrate the party who tries to deal with them that way.:p

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