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Under A Darksun: PART I SEGMENTS 1-124

“Bruce the Druid”

The cave was cool and secure. Light came from three torches set onto the ground. A pool of water sat in the back. It was a greenish white in color. Bruce had referred to it was mineral water. Cosa slept beside Mania. The toxin the halflings used on her to “calm” her wore off but left her tired. Cosa was still convinced these halflings would eat her during the night. She had heard many a story of Cannibal halflings in the Ringing Forest and the halflings here originated from them.

Mania looked about and found Bruce was knowledgeable in herbs all right. He collected the kinds smoked by the rich or lost. Others included ones used by psions to reach deep into themselves for power. If taken to often, it stunted psionic growth or worse- stopped it entirely.

A colorful bird watched from a perch away from the torches. It cocked its head and blinked several times. “Brucie bad boy Errragh” It repeated this several times before deciding to watch him by hanging upside down. Mania looked at it and shook his head. Bruce has a talking bird for a pet he thought to himself. Getting bold now, Mania began to move around wood boards suspecting they hid things. He found a very familiar sight. Three emblems used by Nibenese templars to focus their powers. Bruce had secrets.

“Ah you’re awake young man. Good to see you are feeling better.” Bruce the druid was a short fat human whom stinked like he lived in a cave in the deep forest (which he does). “Come…sit, I have fruit for you and your misses when she comes around.” He motioned for Mania to sit on a large stone. He looked at the bowl. “Ahhgh- more purple berries”, he thought to himself. Aloud he thanked the druid. “These berries were a favorite of another forest protector we meant recently. “

mmmmmmmhurm? Yawned and stretched Cosa. She scratched her self and turned “Oh!” Embarrassed she sat beside Mania and reached for the bowl. “Oh- I am so hungry!” She looks at it. “Oh..purple berries. how ….nice.” Bruce understood the joke and chuckled. “Not much to choice from around here as of late. That berry picking beast has been stripping the area clean of other goods.”

“Other Beast?” asked Cosa

“Why not kill it or drive it away” asked Mania wincing from the sour taste of the berries.

“Klurs are no simple beast and they belong to the forest more than I do. No, he can continue. It is the way of the Forest. Obad-Hai would understand.”

“Oh bad whom?” exclaims Mania.

“Obad-Hai was / is the divine power that oversees nature. He once had a great deal of power here but left our world when so much of it was defiled to what we have now. Other gods left then also. Some to go to another world, others to return to the universal weave to be reincarnated later.”

Cosa was certain he had eaten too many of the purple berries. Mania figured it was the herbs.

“Where are you going? I can direct you better I believe than the spirit. I assume you were speaking of the spirit of the earth as a protector nearby.”

“Ah yes…the protector,” says Cosa wondering how long she was asleep. “We seek a beginning point to find Mania’s parents.”

“Here is as good a place to begin as anywhere. Beginning at the bottom of Grog’s pool was not a good place. Good thing Grog had already eaten.”


“An albino Alligator with psionic powers of hiding in plain sight.” Says the druid like it is an everyday occurrence. “Seeking one’s parents…. I must admit, it has been a while since I left the forest but the Silent One was helpful then.”

“Who and where is the Silent One?” asks Cosa secretly wondering if she was a mutant also.

“Very knowledgeable in secrets and myths. Last I knew she was moving to Salt View to settle down and out of sight of a certain King Kalak.” Bruce flips a berry towards the bird. The berry stops in midair and floats to the bird that greedily grabs it “Sour but tasty Erragh!”. The bird shuffles back and forth on it’s perch as if spasming out from the berry. “Brucie bad boy Brucie bad boy Arharharh Erragh!”

“You will have to excuse my friend. He gets that way with purple berries. He can be such a showoff with his Telekinetic.”

“To reach her is a test in and itself. She lives east across the salt fields, which are barren of life. Only those avoiding authorities or are undead dwell there.”

Cosa wonders which the Silent One is to her.

“It will take many days. There are undead, thieves, rowdies and others there.”

“Why go there at all?” asks Mania

“There is said to be a ruin with a great deal of wealth nearby that many look to plunder and it is far away from the Sorcerer- Kings and Queens.”

“Curious” says Cosa out loud.

“Awesome- lets go Cosa” exclaims Mania sarcastically.

“Then tomorrow you begin to a new beginning.”

“Brucie bad boy” thinks Mania as he takes in another purple berry.

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“Leaving The Civilized World”

They set off at daybreak and were out of the Windbreak Mountain Forest area within the hour. They were about an hour’s walk south of Nibenay so they quickly moved on to avoid templars or their spies. Moving quickly and along the forest’s edge, the two went south towards the City-state of Gulg. The land here was as different as the desert was to the forest. Thick grasses grew here in the damp rich earth. No wonder Gulg and Nibenay fought regularly over this land. A few square miles of it could feed the entire city for a year. If they stopped fighting and destroying crops in the process, both cities could possible prosper using the land. But that is the way of the city rulers.

Stonewalls marked property boundaries. These boundaries were often guarded. The farmers originally placed these walls to mark their lands and discourage thieves but now find the fences required due to live stock. Large beasts of burden covered in fur or scales (rare few in both!) walked guided by children with their father or master new by. Mania never knew how good it could be.

The Nibenese workers were lighter skinned than most of the Gulg civilians and workers. The Gulg folk had dark skin. Almost a light brown. They also dressed in simple but colorful strips of cloth that rarely covered essential parts of the body. Only the templars would dare to dress this way in Nibenay. Mania blushed more than once.

They went into the forest for the night and set up a camp without a fire. The night went by without incident. They went closer to Gulg that originally planned. Each was tired of purple berries. From venders, they bought smoked meats and a few exotic fruits. They were expensive but awesome compared to the sour berries. They followed the trade roads south to the Small Mekillot Mountains. Now they feared the nighttime the most. They were no longer “protected” by the sorcerer-king or queen of Nibenay or Gulg. They were entering the world of the bandit and the slavetribes.

They slept on a sandy rock laced dune within site of Fort Harbeth that night. Cosa told me what she knew of the fort. It was a stronghold used by House Inika. It aided in trade between Gulg and Ledopolus to the south. Many non-human races, including Thri-kreen come here to trade goods.

The next day they went now NE towards where Bruce said Salt View was. The content of the sand was becoming whiter and the wind had a biting salty taste to it. Each had to wrap loose cloth around their heads to shield it from the sun and wind now. Perhaps that is how the beast got so close.

The Giant sized Ant Lion was within fifty feet of them coming from the left out of the rocks at the base of the mountains. It clacked its mandibles in agitation and advanced towards them. “I fear we can’t outrun this critter Cosa. We may have to fight it here in the open.” Says Mania looking around for a defensive position and finding few of any quality. “If we must then so be it. At least it appears to be alone.” She says while pulling out a few material components for a spell she wants to use.

The beast closes the distance by half. It seems cautious and confused. (OCC neither realize that that Ant Lions are a trap creating creature and doesn’t like fighting like this) Mania begins to glow and draws his large club figuring it will crack the shell of this insect better than the smaller clubs will. Cosa castes a Magic Missile spell. Two streaks of energy strike the insect making it squeal and shudder for a moment. Angered, it rushes her and goes for a bite. It misses her. Mania doesn’t. He cracks the armor near the foremost shoulder getting it to squeal again. She tries to distance herself now placing cacti between her and the creature. It doesn’t really matter. This meal is too dangerous. It has cracked its armor in two places and caused a limb to go numb. It moves away. Wishing not to kill it if not required, Mania just readies himself in case of a charge.

“Well, welcome to Salt view.” quips Mania

“Let’s get going incase it has friends.”

“Salt View”

That night they sleep on top of a hard flat rock that seems defensible. They eat the last of the Spirit’s fruit and nuts. The purple berries were discarded long ago near Gulg. Lunch will be the last of the dried hard meat. Based on Bruce’s directions, they should reach Salt View today during the day light hours.

Wandering along the road to the village were small patches of flowers. Feeling no harm would be done; Cosa reaches down to pick a few. “OW!” The blasted plant shocked me!” She yelps. Mania moves over to inspect her hand and goes to stomp on the flower.

“Now it wouldn’t do to kick that little bud of a flower there.” comments a scarred human or ½ elf. Looking towards a cleft of rocks about thirty feet away Mania and Cosa see three people total. The scarred person whom spoke first and two others behind him dressed brightly and in flamboyant clothing watch them. “A touch can kill a bug small. To strike is something else.” Sings one of the colorful people.

“Who are you?” demands Mania pulling free his clubs from his hip strap. “Why would you spy on us like a few bandits in the desert?”

“Relax relax. I am Rio, this is my sister Gracia and her fellow artist Valin. We were here looking for inspiration. I believe we have found it.” Says Rio with a large warm smile. “As for those flowers, they are shocking violets. Bugs and insects are given a fatal shock that kills them. They are able to produce a much bigger shock if threatened…by say a boot?”

“How far until we reach Salt View?” asks Cosa envying the girl’s hairpiece.

“Just around the corner of course…” replies the third person named Valin.

“Thankyou. Have a good afternoon.” Says Mania nudging Cosa along. Mania can feel the three sets of eyes on them the entire time they move away around the corner of the rocks.

About twenty minutes later, they see it…. tents. Brightly colored, flagged tents…about a dozen total. They are clustered by the rocks where the path goes. Curious, Cosa and Mania shrug their shoulders to each other and go closer.

Several tents are homes to families. Some tents seem to be more of a multi-cell place to stay, a portable inn of sorts. A few mothers holding feeding newborn babies smile and wave as the two walk through the maze of tents. “I’m not sure Bruce sent us to the right place Mania.”

Then they see that the path leads into a large cavern. Inside the cavern come sounds of singing and music. Curious, they enter the cavern and are greeted by several children. “Guides to the best plays and shows?” ask the children with joyful smiles. Mania shrugs his shoulders again. He is perplexed by the uniqueness of the situation. This is not what he expected. He opens his small bag and thinks of a ceramic bit. He pulls out two blue bits and gives one to each child. “What shows will you be showing us?” asks Mania both in humor and a bit of disbelief. He honestly expects the children to run off with his money but they keep within twenty feet. They look very excited and impatient at the same time.

Inside the huge cavern are pillars of salt and torches. The torches lead to a large walled area. The music comes from within. “Welcome to Salt View mister” says one child. The other child comments that the pretty lady should look at some jewelry nearby. Just inside the walls is a series of adobe huts and plants that grow on low light conditions. Looking up, Mania sees there is a crack in the cavern ceiling that sheds light onto the center of the walled in town. The center seems to have a small gladiatorial pit. On closer inspection, they discover it is used to present something called plays.

The actor in Cosa is drawn like a sugar fly to a sweetened flower. “Com’on Mania. It looks like fun!”
To enter the walled in area costs another three ceramic bits apiece. They are surprised to see about thirty people watching a few people playact a battle. “This is possibly Kilay’s best work yet. It is called “The Last Slave of Yaramuke”. My father even cries at the ending. I hope to act one day.” The boy returns his attention to the play for a few moments before being asked kindly to move along or pay to watch.

Thirty minutes later the play ends. Cosa is crying. Mania has something in his eye, a bug his is quite sure of it. They look about and see a few common things. Most of the residents have noticeable scars and injuries common to veteran fighters. A few have tattoos that are tried to be covered up but Cosa spots them and recognizes them as slave brands. A smaller handful look much like them. Adventurers. Mania and Cosa avoid them and try to talk to the locals to find the Silent One.

They find most people will not speak about the Silent One but encourage them to stay a few days.

“Now what?” asks Mania

“Best to get a room. Looking at the homes here and the tents we walked through, housing is hard to get.”


First Post
Wow you realy are on a roll Megamania!!

Entish as in Ents ... from the books of JRR Tolkien.
The great treelike protectors/shepherds of the forests.

Therapy. Cheaper than a head shrinker.

Darksun's Spirit's of the Earth are massively powerful earth elementals that have taken to a specific spot. You could think of them as Elemental druids. They only reveal themselves under the most important conditions (like a known legendary figure in the making). His "brother" of course has revealed himself to Korgunard whom is a powerful force of good in Tyr Valley. Expect to hear of him again.

Just curious- If anyone has read The Nomad by Simon Hawke then read Slave Tribes and the Ivory Triangle....does it seem the descriptions of Salt View differ a bit. I've read Nomad three times and never got the impression that it was contained in a cavern.

I mixing the three sources by saying the cavern is open faced allowing some light in ( a spotlight if you would) that happens on centerstage of the main theatre.

Thoughts or comments by anyone? More persons are being introduced Under this Darksun. I have not forgotten Dirty Dog, Jocasta or Dutch either. Thoughts on Tangiers or other NPCs?


First Post
megamania said:
Just curious- If anyone has read The Nomad by Simon Hawke then read Slave Tribes and the Ivory Triangle....does it seem the descriptions of Salt View differ a bit. I've read Nomad three times and never got the impression that it was contained in a cavern.

yep and they are described quite differently, still reading and enjoying


First Post
megamania said:
Just curious- If anyone has read The Nomad by Simon Hawke then read Slave Tribes and the Ivory Triangle....does it seem the descriptions of Salt View differ a bit. I've read Nomad three times and never got the impression that it was contained in a cavern.

yep and they are described quite differently, still reading and enjoying


First Post
megamania said:
Just curious- If anyone has read The Nomad by Simon Hawke then read Slave Tribes and the Ivory Triangle....does it seem the descriptions of Salt View differ a bit. I've read Nomad three times and never got the impression that it was contained in a cavern.

yep and they are described quite differently, still reading and enjoying

“No Room Service”

“How much?!?!” Next place

“You’re Kidding!” Next Place

“Oh- You can take that price and…..”

After the fifth place to stay within Salt View proved too expensive, Mania and Cosa decided to tempt fate and check out the tent city outside the cavern. The prices here were 5 Ceramics apiece and a clear understanding there was no liability for stolen or broken goods. Sarcastically, Mania asked about room service. The owner produced possibly the ugliest human(ish) girl he had even seen. “For an extra ceramic, your woman can…” He is cut off as Cosa slams down the required coins and turns fuming. “Ahh com’on Cosa- lets at least hear this out.”

They sit in the hot and stuffy tent. There is little privacy within. The entire tent is 25x25 feet. Tied ropes act as hangers for thin blankets that act as the walls between the four “rooms” here. Cosa uncurls her sleeping roll and curses under her breath. “I hope they don’t snore.”

Darkness creeps along slowly. The noise slowly increases however. Mania looks under the tent flap and sees several other travelers walk by headed into the cavern. More concerned with his tent and Cosa he stays. About twenty minutes later music can be heard again. “Does this place ever sleep?” thinks Mania before resuming his watch.

An hour later, the worse happens. A fat large man in the next tent over begins snore. Cosa wakes up catching Mania dozing off. “I believe this is happening to us. I would rather be in Nibenay fighting the templars than this.” Cosa tries to cover her head with Mania’s sleeping covers. Mania hears a loud thump and the snoring ends. Looking out in curiosity, he just catches sight of a person’s small club. Either the man was robbed or he woke up the wrong person. After this, Mania remains awake easily even when it becomes his turn to sleep.

The next day comes and they are forced to seek out food. The food is over priced, over spiced and over cooked. “We need to find the Silent One and get out of here.”

“The silent One I hear?” comes a soft voice.

Mania turns and sees a ½ Elf maiden. More importantly, he sees she has a small club similar to the one used as a peacemaker. “I am Graze. I too am seeking the Silent One. I hear she knows where the Catacombs of Bellinda are located. I just would love to go there to see the place. You are…?” She asks.

“Ah…travels from the west” answers Cosa. Eyeing the girl with a great deal of suspicion.

“I also. By any chance are you Mania of the Gith Horde?” she asks Mania.

“The Gith Horde…?” he says looking at Cosa to get a reaction from her.

“No he is not. You must be mistaken.” She says with a tight frown.

“Oh…I was wondering if the lyrics were correct. “The Gith Horde is becoming quite popular in Nibenay any even in Gulg. I was hoping to introduce it here first.”

“The Gith Horde…. is a story or song about…Mania?” asks Mania with an obvious hint of ego.

Cosa knows where this is going and knows better than to try to stop it. “I am sure we will hear it sometime soon then. However, we must be going.”

They continue onward into the cavern once more. After a few misdirections and wrong turns they locate the place where the Silent One lives. Around noon, they find the herbal house where she is believed to live.
A small-framed man is sweeping sand and silt from the front entrance. He was obviously an elder man but showed a sparkle in his eyes that suggested his mind was as sharp as anyone Mania had meant before.

“Welcome and good day, what may I do for you today?” he asks.

“I am looking for The Silent One. A child suggested she lived here. Does she?” asks Cosa.

“Aye, she does. If you look for answers to Bodach she will not see you.” The old man stands upright trying to look defiant. His scraggly white beard hangs down to his stomach.

“Bodach…?” Says Mania. “I was sent here by a…. spirit…” He rolls his eyes knowing how absurd that just sounded.

Two gentle thumps sound from within. The old man seemly jumps at it. “Yes…Yes I will do so now. Please, she would like to see you afterall.”

The two step inside.

“Snapping of the Mind”

The store had a just moved in feel. Wrapped packages lay here and there. Some labeled some not. The Silent One was just moving to this residence from the appearance of things. Cosa felt homesick for the first time since leaving Nibenay.

The first floor was to be a store or display area. Behind a curtained area, were stairs leading up. The Silent One was up these stairs.

She was slender and had a pale complexion. She stared at a small mirror. A treasure in and of itself. The old man motions for the couple to sit down on a straw mat, which they do. He then seems distracted and leaves to the downstairs. It sounds like another person is at the entrance but outside. The Silent One turns gracefully and smoothly as if floating on air rather than walking. It unnerves Mania a bit. Then he looks closer at her features. He becomes very unnerved now. Not seeing this, Cosa begins once The Silent One has taken a seat across from them on the mat.

“We were sent here to-“

“Not by a Spirit, though he would have, but by a druid. Yes, I can see it in your mind.” Says the Silent One.

“She…Okay . You talk. That shouldn’t surprise me. This will be so much easier then. We came to you on the off chance you may be able my friend. His known name is Mania. It has come to our notice that his doesn’t know whom his father really was. It was suggested recently that his father was…well a force of great evil. A powerful man. Possibly even a Sorcerer-King. He…we seek advice on how to discover his true roots.”

The Silent One sits looking at the two. A moment goes by then she exhales sharply. “That which you seek will find you in his own due time. I sense that his father still lives. I sense…nothing of his mother.” A noticeable haunted look comes over her face. Mania has yet to take his eyes off of her.

Though spoken quietly, it shatters the silence. He speaks but one word…a name- “Kara.”

A pleased look crosses her face. “You remember me Mania. That is wonderful.” A genuine look of happiness and ease appears on Kara’s features now.

“You used to visit me…as a child. You…You’re pyreen.”

Cosa is stunned.

“Yes I am. I try to hide it these days. I had…bad business with a certain ruler in Tyr whom would prefer me dead….and you perhaps also.”

“I have done nothing to him. I never even been in Tyr…I think.” Says Mania in a subdued voice. Memories are crashing into his mind again. A tear wells in his right eye. “I…I…” He is unable to finish the thought. Panicked and uncertain of the unfolding events Cosa holds him and glares at the pyreen.

“What did you do to him?”

“I am sorry. In my first glance into his mind I seemed to have awoken memories. Memories that have been long hidden. Hidden by himself as a mere child.”

“I can help him no more. However, you, I can.”

“I asked for nothing of you and after seeing how the peacebringers do business I would never ask.” Hurt and concern in her voice for Mania.

A clay pot and a small bowl float to them. The bowl gently settles down and then water is poured from the pot into it. It gently rests next to it. “Water will help. Please drink and relax. I may not show it, but his appearance has unnerved me also. What he is remembering is the first time we met. He was but a new borne then. I smuggled him out of Tesh. It was…a tragic time for all three of us.”

“All three…?”

“His mother was killed by his father, Lord Bane of Tesh.”

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