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Under A Darksun: PART I SEGMENTS 1-124

“The Deserter”

Dessantee was very careful as he caste darkness onto the clasp of his cape. He moved slowly and carefully to get into the camp in secret at night. He then dispelled it and moved in silently on foot once past the town guards. He knew where the captain went and that Mania and Cosa were invited. He was not but that would not stop him.

He carefully moved a barrel and some wood closer to the captain’s shanty. Carefully hidden he looked and listened in through a few cracks of the building’s outer wall. He couldn’t see much but his keen elven ears heard much.

The captain was becoming very drunk on Kank Liquor. When Mania asked about his trip the captain always avoided a direct question. Cosa picked up on this and was much more diplomatic and subtle about the subject. The Captain’s family eyed her knowing what she was doing. They feared his answer. They to saw the strange foreign look on his face. He was a changed man.

“Yes, sometimes it takes longer to travel the silt. Occasional storms or creatures prevent us from using the best routes.” Answered the Captain to her last question.

“Must get boring on the stops or slow periods on the silt” she replied.

“Sometimes. We always have things to do on the ship though.” Captain Hazeburton answered looking at her. “And brings you to Samarah? Searching for Fame and Fortune in Bodach I suspect.”

“Indirectly. We were asked to go to Bodach but know not why.” She replies despite herself. Mania gives her a look. He has never known her to slip up like this.

“Who sent you?”

“A Pyreen” blurts Mania then turning away and covering his face. What the heck he thinks to himself.

“That explains much” mummers the wife.

Dessantee smirks and thinks of degrading thoughts of the peacebringers. He hopes his spells hold out in time to learn more.

Mania and Cosa look at each other uncertainly. They recognize an influence either arcane, psionic…or divine?

Before either can act on it the captain asks them all to leave, even his wife. Everyone looks at each other then proceeds to leave. Once alone, the captain turns to the wall. “Come out elf. I sense your meddling.”

Stunned, Dessantee stays there in hiding.

“Have it your way then. I know you seek the secrets of the silt and your tribe is nearby. The island I was at had ruins that when entered, blocked the silt storm. There are secrets there very old and precious I suspect. Go and get them if you can. Now Leave!”

Dessantee stumbles backward knocking over his shelter. Many turn his way and see him fleeing into the night.

“Great, he’s deserting us.” Says Mania

“We are better for it Mania. The people believe us and know some folks that might help us with Bodach. People that guard the city keeping the undead within its ruins. They are pyreen supporters and may help us and in fact be the reason for our being here. Kara did say go to Bodach- not plunder it.”

Mania looks at her in disbelief but knows that may be the truth. “Very well. And Dessantee?”

“Leave him to the silt he worships”

Inside the captain’s room falls an empty bottle. He appears more tired than drunken however. He looks to see if anyone is within the room. Seeing it empty, he unbuttons a few buttons on his shirt. A gem with a pulsing dim light is visible within his chest. “Maybe a second bottle is in order eh- Bratargur?” It pulses as if to answer him silently.

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“Rocky Badlands”

Mania and Cosa set out first thing in the morning. They felt that since they were past the salt flats it was not required to travel at night. “Six or half a dozen.” Korla said.

It would take a few days to reach the post of “Protectors of the Ancient”. According to the Samarah natives, this small group of druids, clerics and rangers watched over the Bodach Peninsula. They tried to deter people from interring the ruins but mainly tried to keep the existing undead within the ruins. The leader was a druid named Protoss. It was believed he had a hidden oasis within the badlands that were used for a base of operations for the protectors.

They soon entered the Rocky Badlands. These areas were walls of high often-jagged rock that created walls and canyons. These in turn created weaving paths that were maze like at times. If something wished to hide, it easily could within this area. To make matters worse, since it bordered with the sea of silt there was constant silt drifts within the canyons. A path that was good one day may be blocked the next. Mania and Cosa wished they had backup with them.

The two took a break in the shade of a tall stone. It had paintings of a large lizard chasing humanoids. It was crude but effective. They spent ten minutes discussing whether it was art or a warning of some sort. The wind was picking up as they picked up their gear and began to walk along. They missed the strange hiss of silt that curled and swirled after them.

“Silt is getting strong again.” Comments Mania as he pulls his face coverings on in an attempt to protect his eyes.

“I can’t imagine a storm when in here- you could be buried for years until the next storm removes the silt again.” She says with a flirtatious smile. Mania jumps as she moves up and pinches his backside.

“We don’t have time for that…not that that ever stopped us.” Mania stops and turns to give her a hug and kiss. He opens his eyes just in time to see a swirling freestanding serpentine form of silt rush in on them. "Attack!" is all he can yell as he moves back trying to reach his smaller clubs located on a hip holster given to him by a Samarah native for a handful of Purple Berries he found in his bag of holding.

A snake or serpent like creature made entirely of silt with glowing yellow eyes swirls around Cosa and wraps tight. “Ohhhhh!” is all she can say as the very moisture from her body is being drained from her.

Mania swings at the eyes. Silt bursts from the swings as his magical singing sticks strike and breakup the swirling silt. The serpent continues to move moisture from Cosa into itself making the eyes glow brighter.
Cosa tries to escape but is unable. Her lips begin to dry and her skin pales and grows taunt. Mania hits it twice more but it continues to drain her. She drops to her knees while still being sucked dry by the creature. Mania hits it once more but misses the next time as silt bursts and strikes his eyes. Cosa falls forward resting her face onto the silt. Now she is being drained of moisture and unable to breathe. Mania strikes the eyes again. It begins to unravel in an attempt to escape but Mania strikes it again and the silt falls onto the existing silt. The moisture stolen from her lands on the ground. It is soaked up quickly by the dry silt.

Mania fumbles with his pack getting out water. Cosa is pale and her skin is taunt and flaky. She coughs on the dirty water allowing most of it to dribble from the side of her mouth. Mania continues to nurse her with water but finds little helps.

He fails to see the yellow fibers growing out of the ground where the Silt Serpent was destroyed. A vine grows rapidly once fed by the water carried from Cosa’s body to it through the destruction of the elemental creature. A lone bud forms.

Cosa coughs two more times then feebly opens her eyes. “Attack?” she says weakly.

“North Ledopolus”

The mul was big, strong and skilled. Now she is knocked out.

Dutch was never one to make speeches or draw out a fight. This was especially true when an angry salesman sends his top dog after him within a crowded market. The mul never got in one shot.

Dutch was finishing up business in North Ledopolus for House of Blewes. His journey was now to take him to South Ledopolus by Silt Skimmer then to the south to a rarely used outpost near Walis. Dutch hoped this meant he was going into the Hinterlands to look for Greene’s “city of water”. Dutch preferred the open land versus the red tape of caravan and trade routes.

Dirty Dogg and Jocasta were within the city also. Dogg enjoyed the strong drinks the dwarves created to drink but didn’t care much for Ledopolus. Ledopolus was separated into two halves, North and South. A wide river of silt created the separation. Some felt it even had currents like a river found in the forests. The dwarves have been trying to create a rock and earth land bridge to once more connect the two halves. This would create unity of the last dwarven settlement and also create a new source of income for traders to use. Dogg appreciated their work but disliked the fact of the buildings were sized for dwarves, not humans. Dogg had regular bumps and bruises on his head from walking into door beams or ceiling supports. To sit was similar to hiding outside of a templar’s town house- cramp. But the drink was good.

He was having a “house special” called Moradin’s Mallet” at the Used Mallet brewery. It was a warmed up drink that used fermented cacti juice and a “secret” ingredient passed down from one dwarven generation to another. This meant the recipe could be a thousand years old.

Jocasta was at the map room looking up trade routes to the north. She was possibly going to Draj to get silk and wanted to know what to expect there. Her friend, Grammy was there. The old female dwarf ran an information network within the city of North Ledopolus. Some felt she had ties to the thieves’ guild also but Jocasta purposely avoided that question.

“Jocasta, child of Blewes, may I offer information of interest to you?” she asked. Her Platinum tooth sparkled and Jocasta knew it come at a monetary cost. Still, her information was always important to her and accurate.

She slides over a silver piece and awaits the information.

Grammy squeezed the coin and licked it. “Ummm…minted in 188KA….Tyr I think. Okay, I have information involving a friend of yours from Nibenay. I believe his name was Man or manna.”


“Oh yes! That is the name and you do know him.” She winks at her. “He was seen fighting the Templars in the defense of the Veiled Alliance then fled the city.”

“He’s alive then. Thank the luck crystals. Anything else? Where is he?”

“He is alive and the run. I know this since a bounty hunter has come here looking for him. A very good and expensive hunter.” She shuts her mouth and awaits more coins.

Hurriedly, Jocasta presents another silver. A squeeze and taste later Grammy continues. “Tangiers is the name. Very good hunter. Very strict when it comes to the contract and the bounty hunter’s code. He is wanted alive I believe. Tangiers was stocking up on undead defenses. Suggests he may be in Salt View. Many on the run go there and find the lure of treasure in Bodach too great to pass up.”

“How old is this information?” Her voice betrays her urgency.

“Two days ago. This boy- he is special to you?”

“That is none of your business Grammy. Thankyou” She puts down another silver and rushes off.

Grammy smiles watching the girl rush off. Then frowns as a curtain is pulled back behind her. A short female figure tattooed in green steps out but not into the light. “You didn’t tell her about Cosa. Good. She will run to find him now. My thanks Gramduran.”

The dwarf stares forward until she is certain Tangiers has left. “To be young and full of adventure…” lost in memories Grammy closes shop early and decides to drink…a lot. After all, it isn’t every day you stab a trusted friend in the back.


It took nearly twenty minutes to find a healing potion within her magical belt. After that he became very angry. He gave it to her and expected miracles. Instead she coughed half of it up. He knew she needed water but couldn’t get her to drink any. Frustrated and in the need of doing something he moved her further to the rocks to find shade.

She moaned some but was still very ill. He cursed himself for not knowing much about the healing arts or what to do about dehydration. He felt he should know more but didn’t. He relied on her too much. She could read and learned much about the world. He knew only how to destroy things through brute force.

Then something curious occurred. Where there were several cacti before a series of stones appeared a pathway. Curious, he crept forward to peer first at the cacti (remembering Dutch speaking of Spider Cacti once) then into the opening. A shallow pool of water covered by a high stone canopy was just beyond. Throwing caution to the wind, he picked up Cosa and went into the opening. Once inside he immediately realized he was uncertain how to get back out! “What kind of magic is this?!?” he said out loud. Not expecting an answer, he brought her limp body to the water. He checked it’s depth then waded in and allowed it’s cooler temperature to regulate her burning body temperature and tried to drip water into her mouth. She opened her eyes briefly then closed them.

It was then he sees them. About twenty colorful bugs buzzed here and there among the flowers. Flowers? Was he too ill? He looked about in awe. He hadn’t seen this type of oasis but in the book with the small creatures called fairies. The bugs were as beautiful as the flowers. He grew tired and moved to shore. There he passed out.

Cosa awoke first. She didn’t move, she just opened her eyes and looked about. There was a faint glow over shimmering water. The glow was caused by floating or hovering insects. In the pool was a woman bathing. A ½ elf she believed. The woman walked out of the stomach deep water and walked to a short tree where her robes were. She dressed slowly then paused and looked towards Cosa. After a thoughtful look, she moved into the bushes and rocks.

Cosa rolled over and awoke Mania. A smell in the air of a strong perfume was strong. She couldn’t place it and forgot about it as it was apparent he was not to awake. She went to the pool and cupped some water. It was surprisingly cool feeling. She splashed him on the face. He merely rolled over snorting.

“He will not awake within my grove unless I will it.” Came a soft female voice from the very air. “My flowers see to that. It is a means to protect the grove first and myself second.” The woman appeared then from an entirely different direction that she had gone into.

“Who are you and why to you come to the Silt Lands of Bodach?” She asked with a judging tone to her voice.

“I am Cosa of Nibenay and this is my life-mate Mania also of Nibenay. We were sent her by a Pyreen named Kara in Salt View.” Cosa answered truthfully unaware of a spell that compelled her to just the same. “May I ask who you are and where we are?”

“Yes you may. I am Kavarii. I am the protector of this hidden oasis. I am a druid. I am most impressed that Kara would speak with you much less have you enter these lands. Were you to meet the Sentinels of Bodach or seek something within the ruins of the once proud city of Bodach?”

“I know not. She only directed us to here to find clues to our destinies.” She answered peering at Mania once more.

“I will ask the pollens to relieve him of his sleep. I fear you no more.” Kavarii waves her thin arm and the scent goes away with a gentle breeze.

“What is this place?” Cosa asks further.

“It is my protected lands. It called to me long ago and I answered. I keep it alive even as it keeps me alive. We are one. It is larger than it appears but well hidden. One can only find it if I so wish it to be. I allowed the two of you in since he destroyed a creature that threatened the expansion of my home. He was unable and unskilled on the ways to save your life so that is how I have repaid you.”

“I see signs of a mage on you. Preserver or Defiler, I care little, if you caste so much as a cantrip I will unleash my lands onto you.” Cosa has little doubt she would.

Shortly Mania awakens but with a strong headache. He was victim to a Mansleeper flower. It’s potent pollens cause most male creatures to sleep onto death. Then within the dead body, seeds fall and grow strong. Most creatures can sense the danger and stay away from these flower patches but most humanoids lack the sense of smell to avoid it, thus the name of Mansleeper.

After a recap of the prior conversation given by Cosa to Mania, Mania asks the next obvious question that comes to his mind. “Who or what are the Sentinels of Bodach?”

“Let me begin with a tale of a great city filled with hope and awe and how it all came to an end marking the beginning of the great war.” Answers Kavarii.

“Bodach: The Height and Fall Of”

The history of Bodach I know of begins about 3800 years ago. It was a magical time of peace and prosperity shared by all within and between the races. It lay on an island within a deep bay near the sea then filled with cool water. Because of its location, it was a source of trade connecting the sea and it’s island communities with the rest of Tyr Valley.

Trade was done by all including the merfolk of the sea and the fairy-folk of the forest that covered the land around the bay. It was known for it’s pearls and the gems mined from under the sea. It was also a center of many of the clerics of the day. The elements, especially water, were worshipped along with the lost gods of the day. These clerics were different from those of today however. These clerics believed in aiding the races and maintaining harmony and balance. Today most are concerned only with the furthering of their chosen element only. One of the greatest clerics of the city and perhaps the whole of Tyr Valley was Neutralis Thel.

It was he and his brother; a powerful druid named Dorag Thel that first discovered what magic was doing to the world’s life force. Magic was new then. Rarely controlled to gain the results sought for by its casters. Early mages suggested that the brothers merely distrusted magic that they could not use themselves. At this time, there was no proof what the magic could and would eventually do to the world so rich in life then. The pyreen were very quiet on the subject of magic. Unknown to most, the creator of magic was in fact a power pyreen himself. Using his prestige as a pyreen he culled and lulled the growing concerns of magic and it’s possible misuse. Those that did not obey mysteriously changed their minds or disappeared.

Then the unthinkable occurred. In secret, Rajaat had been training his favorite and most gifted students of magic to use defiler magic. Dorag Thel confronted Rajaat directly and was never seen again. His brother formed an alliance to stop this new form of magic. His cries of warning were unheard as strange hate-crimes began to occur that pitted race vs. race, brother vs. brother, city vs. city. Rajaat and his Champions of Justice stepped forward to “settle” these crimes. Instead, his methods fanned the flames.

The next several decades involve Rajaat and his Champions of Justice trying to stop the races that were “creating” strife throughout the lands. What he did instead was kill off many of the more powerful races that had strong influences outside of the cities. Entire races once known as Pixies, Ogres and Centaurs were killed off. Their lands were said to have been cursed by the races to the south. This curse was why the water table was lowering. Bodach no longer was an island. It’s bay was now a shallow curled waterway. The Merfolk were driven away and never heard from again.

Several cities were involved in war. Tyr, Yondalla and Wavir were under new governments were resembled today’s city-state conditions. Kemlok became the new dwarven capital as Moradin was ravaged by flames. It was dark times but they would become darker yet.

The Magic wars began. Defiler vs. Preserver. Everyone lost in these battles of magic. The once proud city of Mechan was destroyed as an earthquake occurred. The Gnomes never knew what hit them, as they had become so reliant on their mechanical creations.

The pyreen tried to stop the war. They formed the Preserver Knights. These warriors fought to stop the war. Though they cared little for defilers, they fought against preservers sometimes in an effort to stop the war. In truth, it never really stopped. It only shifted directions and goals.

Once Rajaat had successfully fought back the pyreen and the Knights, he directed his Champions of Justice into a genocidal war. Races and cities already weak from the prior battles fell. Several events occurred to mark the beginning of the Cleansing Wars. The capture of Giustenal, and the total destruction of the two strongest cities remaining. Bodach and Utopia.

In each case, massive amounts of psionic, arcane and divine energies were unleashed at each other. Utopia perhaps was hit the worst. Thousands of miles of land was destroyed and cursed forever in an instant. It is covered by thick layers of obsidian both solid and liquid and now is known as the Dead Lands. Millions of undead are trapped within or under the glass shell. May the gods have mercy on us if they ever escape. Bodach was also cursed with undead. All died within the city and the thousands of soldiers that surrounded it. Irikos, Rajaat’s favored died within the psionic fireball that was once Jutter- Bodach’s greatest psion.

Now all that die within Bodach become undead and must protect Bodach from invaders and/or trespassers. Most of these undead are mindless but some have wills of their own. They are either trapped or feel compelled to stay within Bodach and it’s ruins. Those that do not stay, the Sentinels of Bodach stop.

It is believed that the undead seek to protect the cities vast riches of jewels, gems and pearls; all laced in gold, silver and platinum.

I fear it holds greater secrets than that even.

“The Queen to Be”

She spent the night (she guessed) in utter darkness and despair was creeping in. She had guessed that the Hej-kin had kidnapped her for her musical talent. What they intended to do with her once they grew bored of her scared her. She could not communicate with the race on even the lowest level. Only one of the creatures seemed even willing to try. “I” as she referred to him seemed to have more intelligence and wisdom than the king, cleric or the tribe.

It was he that led her to a smaller cave that was her current prison. It was he that tried to find food for her to eat. He was perplexed and possibly hurt by her unwillingness to eat the filthy roots and gray flesh provided.

She awoke with the sound of their nails on the bare stone. There were two of them. They held out a hand and led her through the stone wall into a series of tunnels. The tunnels were natural, not man-made. “I” was waiting for them at the beginning of a second tunnel. This one went straight down and looked to be created, not natural. She tried to look up to the ceiling but saw only blackness. So much for it being a well she thought.

The walls were incredibly smooth with slight lines of stress within them. They gave off only enough light to allow a sense of area, no details. The first two Hej-kin gave I a look of apprehension before crawling backwards down into the tube. I motioned for her to go next. She felt around for her components and caste a spell to give her light once more. The walls were an off-white and smooth. Its hardness reminded her of thick bones. The tube had an organic aura about it. Finishing her quick inspection of the passage, she went down it next. I gave her a few moments then followed.

The tube went down about 120ft. She was amazed how she never slides out of control going down. This obviously was found by these creatures, not created by them. The spell continued to light her way onto a bridge. Looking over the edge she was amazed by what she saw. She stopped and directed her globes of light to go to the objects below. Below where barrels made from the same material as the bridge and the tunnels. Also was a platform with railing on it big enough to hold six people. Pots and barrels of were stacked neatly. It another area was heaped canvas bags, weapons and shields. It was a strange contrast to the bone white objects that were so neatly spaced and stacked.

The globes of light flickered briefly whenever near the white chitin-like objects. Glaze sensed that the objects rejected magic somehow. She knew not how or why but was happy her spell held up.

She then was motioned to move alone so she recalled the light and came to an another tube. Again, she went down and came out near the pile of discarded foreign stuff. I motioned to her and to the pile. She guessed he wanted her to get something or do something with the pile. She looked through it and found a fine sword and a fine dagger. There were other things here of high quality that didn’t suit her. Glaze left these behind and continued on. Then she found something of use. A spellbook. I was pleased. He saw her expression and knew she found something she really wanted. Still, she was curious about the items towards the back. When she took a step in that direction the two Hej-kin stepped in her way. I said something beyond her understanding. His facial expression suggested a mixture of fear and respect for those items.

They went back to the tunnels and the two Hej-kin merely stood within the tunnel and they began to rise. She stood there and nothing. Then she wondered why she didn’t rise and she began to feel weightless. She thought about going up and found herself slowly rising. It was psionic in nature and reacted to her thoughts Glaze decided.

She was brought back to the small room and left to read her book. She found the spell she hoped for. Comprehend Languages. She studied it over and over for the next several hours. She then copied it into her small spellbook she kept hidden in her pack. The components were a bit tricky to find. She had salt mixed with sand within her boots. That was no problem but a bit of ash…that was something else. She was forced to sit and create a spark using her fire making kit and burn a page of paper. It was expensive but truly required. She had enough ash for two or three casting. Now to wait for the hej-kin to return and surprise them.

She awoke once more to the sound of scrapping talons on the stone. She went to prepare the spell but could not as the Hej-kin picked her up and moved her through the stone wall. This time there were several female hej-kin (equally unclothed and unkept appearance as the males) waiting outside. I arrived through the wall to her right and bowed. He spoke to his people and they formed a semi-circle around Glaze and led her to a section she had never been to before.

It was still dark and hard to see where she was going. She would have walked into several walls if not for her leaders before her. After fifteen minutes of walking they came to a cavern with a cloth doorway. Glaze was motioned to enter. No one followed her. Inside she caste her last spell of light and then prepared her newest spell. She still needed the touch of a hej-kin to understand the language.

A movement towards the back convinced Glaze she was not alone. Out came a female wearing a robe and a piece of incredibly large ruby on a rope about her stomach. She noted Glaze’s look and spoke with a large smile. Glaze held up a finger to suggest her to wait a moment. The female grew fearful once she realized what was happening. Glaze caste her spell and the salt and ash disappeared.

The female continued on. The sounds were rough and sounded hard to Glaze’s ears then they seemed to form a pattern. The jewel…it was a fertility item. How did she know that? Oh- the spell….

“….and the King wants no less than 12 sons! Does he know anything about children other than how to create them? I would say not. At least he will be sure to take care of me. That is the only reason to deal with his anger and unreasonable mood swings.” The female spots and then recognizes a change of expression on Glaze’s face.

“You understand me now Topworlder? Please tell me so! It would bring joy to the king to know it was I whom taught you the words of our people. I would become even more important and be treated even better by the family.”

Glaze tries to convey that her understanding is going only one way. She pantomimes and gestures for several moments. The talkative female hej-kin stops and stares. Her head turns to the side much like a dog does when trying to figure out something being said to it.

“You understand me but you will need to speak for me to understand you. You can speak can’t you?”

“No” says Glaze in common.
“Magic…you destroy the world and what does it get you? I am Gruedela…future queen. You are…?”


“Glase” The hej-kin tongue was not meant to pronounce a “z”.

Glaze spends much of the next 40 minutes listening to Gruedela talk about how she will gain status as the queen and other related things that do little for Glaze. Then she finds out why she was kidnapped. She is to sing at the wedding!

Wonderful thinks Glaze.

Sorry for the delay. Between getting a second job, summer ending and trying to go through 3.5 and doing new conversions I'm running behind.

I'll be updating shortly. Just wait until you see how Mania, the Sentinels, the Captain and Desantee all intermingle once again. And don't forget Tangiers and the wedding.

“The Sentinels of Bodach”

Mania and I spent the majority of three days recovering in the druid’s grove before heading out to the area where the Sentinels were believed to be. We suspected the Druid’s reach was further than the grove. There were no further encounters with dangerous creatures within the Rocks and twisting canyons. The closest to an incident was when Mania saw several Rock Wyverns high in the sky and away from them. It was a bitter reminder of the loss of our friend whom with his child-like innocence captured their interest in the few days he traveled with us. Mania and I glared at the creatures before moving into a less visible location.

We were about to head out into the salt and silt where Bodach was when we saw the first signs of the Sentinels. Their handiwork to be exact. Several dozen boned remains lay about being covered by the blowing silt and sand. They were recently active and mobile.

About twenty minutes after crossing the battle area, we saw the first member. He was easily the hairiest dwarf any of us had seen before. He fought large hulking skeletons using everything at his disposal. He swung a large heavy battle-axe of unique design and at times struck out with his wrist razors, which were mounted on each of his hands. He was not against biting or kicking his foes also. He howled, Cussed and thoroughly enjoyed himself throughout the battle. His name we would later learn was Logan.

On a dune nearby stood a cleric. He was driving the skeletons away with his great faith. I had identified him a follower of water. He was yelling something or someone’s name. Obviously he felt someone or something else was nearby. Perhaps the undead’s master.

I was startled when I saw that some skeletons were not being broken by magic or the powers of the mind. No, a well hidden from view combatant was striking down the skeletons. She wore a tight body suit similar to my once functional Psionic skin of Healing. This second skin blended in with the colors of the sand and rocks making her hard to see. The skeletons had no eyes; they sensed her life force and thus were not so easily fooled. Like Logan, she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Then it came.

Possibly the largest skeleton anyone had ever seen before. It must have been an enlarged skeleton of a big giant. It lacked legs but still crawled out of the silt and was awesome and fearful to behold. Logan leapt directly onto its head. He tried to hold it by its nasal area but the undead shook its head violently. Logan fell and it went to bite him! He braced himself for the attack and began to attack it from within its massive mouth and skull!

The Cleric tried to turn it with his will but his will but could not. He began to attack it more directly with conventional weapons used by clerics. The woman, later to known as Belinda, fended off the last of the skeletons. Mania, being what he is, joined the fray immediately. It was a sight! The dwarf within the mouth striking out at it. Mania grasping it’s ribs to climb onto it’s back and the cleric keeping busy with the giant clawed hands.

Then he came.

We have all come to know him as Earth Cleric Jenner. He is a powerful cleric and psion. He mentally attacked the undead construct weakening it considerably. Then he called onto his faith and the ground seemed to swell up and engulf the creature. Mania and Logan were left with sand on their backs as the bones melted or phased into the ground.

The sight amazed me. I had seen nothing as of yet.

Excerpt from journal written by Cosa in the future.

This is a picture I did of Logan battleing the skeleton from a few weeks ago.

And yes...he have been influenced by a certain Canadian superhero.:)


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“You two must be Mania and Cosa of Nibenay. Welcome to the lands of Silt.” Replied the tall noble-looking cleric. “I am Jenner. And these are the Sentinels of Bodach. Kavarii had let us know to expect you.” The cleric walked down to the two adventurers to properly shake their hands and make greetings.
The other Sentinels fell in behind him.

“I am Cosa and this is Mania. Kara sent us here in Salt View. We are uncertain why but trusted her due to her racial background.”

“…and if she were not a pyreen…you would not trust her? Be wary of making all judgements of people based on race or association only. I trust her because she has never done anything to allow me to distrust her.”

“Jenner- it would be poor to lecture these young people in the silt fields. Let us depart and return to our home.” Replies the younger cleric. Up close, it becomes apparent that they are related. They are either brothers or possibly father and son.

The five of them then leave and go through the silt together. Logan leads them. He is a barbarian with psychic abilities. He is also a strange creature to behold. As is the case for most dwarves, he has no facial hair. Not even eye brows. In his case however, from the neck down he is covered with course thick hair or bristles. Behind him walks the younger cleric of water. Chaffle is his name. He is a nephew to Jenner. His faith follows the path of water. He tries to be proper and polite. He acts much like a noble speaking to another noble. Cosa and Mania walk on either side of Jenner. Jenner has an air of wisdom that one expects from a greater cleric. He too comes across as being once of noble blood. Behind them walks Belinda. She studies the two new comers closely even while watching the rear of the party. She is the opposite of Jenner. She is neither reserved nor shy. She wears little over her ecto-skin leaving little to one’s imagination. She walks with a bounce in her step. She is a being of nervous energy and not one to stay still for long. It takes two hours to reach a group of rocks the Sentinels call home.

Tents, stacked boards and cleric shaped stone have created the base of operations. It resembles a shantytown similar to outside of Salt View than a military base. These Sentinels are here out of a sense of duty and purpose. They are not paid. It amazes Cosa that they could do this.

“This tent will be yours while you are here.” Jenner says before a patched canvas tent made from various animals hides and manufactured clothes. You will find water, fruit and a place to sit down and rest inside. Shortly we will have mealtime. You can meet the rest of my friends and comrades then.”

The two of them step into the tent. It is ten by fifteen feet and roughly eight feet tall in the center. There are stools with pillows on them around a small table. Another table has a bowl of water. The bowl is fanciful with etchings of people standing knee deep in water. They have nets and within the nets is a type of large eyed animal. The fruit is similar but with scenes of people picking fruit from trees. Cosa is impressed most by their less obvious quality. They are enchanted! The water is cool to the touch. It warms up as she thinks about bathing. She tries the fruit. The enchantment here keeps the fruit fresh and juicy. She is impressed already. Mania has made his way to the back of the tent. A cloth curtain separates the sleeping area from the rest of the room here. He has lain down and is snoring within two minutes. Walking over and untying her dress, Cosa stops and places her hands on her hips. “Men”

Later, Mania awakens to the smell of cooked meat. With a large smile he washes up…gives a startled look as the water cleans itself before him. He picks up his weapons then stops. He frowns to himself then places the three clubbing objects back and leaves the tent. He leaves the weapons not because he trusts them but because he is certain they would do him no good against these defenders.

Cosa is talking to two women at a table. They are snacking on strips of seasoned bread. Logan has his head almost within the stew pot smelling it. Kavarii is here. She is the cook. Her druid knowledge allows her complete mastery over spices and herbs. She is well skilled for cooking. Jenner and Chaffle are talking quietly under a lean-to cutting fruits and vegetables. Belinda (face now exposed to the air) is laughing and talking to several men. They look like fighters with their well-developed frames and scars. Mania gives Cosa a quick squeeze on her shoulders before asking Kavarii what he can to help. He can not help but to smile. Everyone here is…happy.

The meal consists of fresh and cooked fruits and vegetables, seasoned rock snake stew and strips of bread seasoned. There is fruity tasting water, plain water or near Logan, a large cask of strong drink. The cask is stamped as belonging to the House Wavir.

The meal begins with a moment of silence. Each cleric quietly gives their thanks, as do a few others. Then Jenner opens his eyes and nods. Logan nearly leaps out of his seat to reach the stew. The others take a serving of whatever is closest then pass it to their left until everyone has had a chance. Mania looks at Cosa whom sits across from him. Her eyes sparkle and her smile is enticing. Mania blushes briefly guessing what is on her mind. There is small talk. Much is centered on Cosa and Mania as some of the men are from the Mekillot Mountain region, which is near Nibenay. Everyone is impressed by the tale Cosa and Mania tells. They leave little out. They see no need to keep any secrets here. Mania even speaks of his possible father. This makes everyone pause for a moment. Mania allows Cosa to answer questions related to it. He is uncomfortable talking about it after the reaction he got.

The meal finishes and the women collect the dishes and extra food. The men prepare for the night. The few gates they have are locked and the fire checked on. Shortly they regroup before Jenner’s large sandstone structure. A few men place on armor and go onto guard duty while the rest enter his home. There are carpets and linens on the floor and walls. There is little doubt in Cosa and Mania’s mind that Jenner was once a noble or at least wishes to be thought of as once being a noble. Quietly everyone walks to a table. On the table are a cloth of Raamian make and a colorful rock collection. Using a stern voice, Jenner addresses Cosa and Mania.

“Based on your merits passed on by a Kara and by Kavarii, I feel it is safe to show you our true home and the greatest secret we have.” Logan drags the table away while one of the women pulls back the rug. Belinda grunts as she lifts a wooden trapdoor. An earth tunnel with a ladder is visible. The two women go first then Chaffle. Jenner motions for Cosa and Mania next. Jenner, Logan and Belinda follow.

Strangely, about five feet down, the earth becomes smooth and almost chitin like. It is a pale off white color. The lighting is weak and it becomes difficult to see. Mania calls on his mind and his eyes adjust to the low lighting. Cosa prepares to caste a bit of light onto her bracelet but Chaffle says not to. Respecting his wishes they go on. At the bottom, the women are handing out lit torches. The room is perfectly round but with a flat base to walk on. There are soft pillows and mats here. “This is where we discuss Minscar and other matters of importance.” Answers Chaffle as Cosa and Mania look about.

“Glaze would have written a poem or song about this place.” Mania says not realizing he is thinking out loud.

Each takes a seat forming a semi circle. Everyone remains quiet and attentive looking towards Jenner. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.

“Within this room all are free to talk openly. The nature of the very structure obscures magic, including scrying. My friend from Urik has warded the earth around this structure against psionic scrying. Though the powers of the mind work within these structures, arcane and elemental powers do not. Within this room we keep our greatest secrets and assets. I ask you not to wander beyond this room. It is unexplored and may be dangerous to explore. Ask anything you wish to Cosa and Mania. We will answer to the best of our ability.

“Why?” Asks Mania. Why guard here. It was suggested you are keeping Bodach contained. What is there to contain? Are not the undead within Bodach trapped there as part of their undead existence?”

Jenner nods softly. “The original undead are indeed trapped within the city limits. It is part of the curse they were entrapped within on the day of the great battle. However, since then, others have entered the ruins and passed away. Their spirits and remains become animated also but are not restricted to the city limits. Some of these undead are freewill and powerful. We are here to contain these restless spirits and divert as many possible new persons from entering the city to possible fuel their numbers and abilities.”

He takes a deep breath and nods to Chaffle. He picks up the explanation. “Some of these spirits are trying to use Bodach’s resources to further empower themselves. One of great note is the undead spirit known to us as only Minscar. Though dead, he has retained his clerical abilities over silt. His powers over undead have been amplified. Whether this is through his undead nature or through an infernal artifact is uncertain. It was one of his creations we battled this morning. He empowered that skeleton to a great level. We battered it down until Jenner could easily defeat it. He will try again.

“Why not hunt him down and destroy him?” asks Cosa.

“We have. His power is so great that we can not truly destroy him. His spirit is located somewhere else. We can destroy his body but the next day he merely reforms or possesses another.”

“Can he be contained?” asks Mania.

“We do as we can but I fear it is not enough. His attacks are becoming more daring and cunning. He is planning something. We are certain of that.” Replies Chaffle.

“And we’ll hack ‘em apart then as we did today!” yelps Logan with a great smile. Seeing his outburst was not needed he settles down with a quiet “sorry my bad.”

Our greatest fear is he may be reaching out to others beyond Bodach. There has been an elven tribe sniffing about regularly. They worship silt. This may be mere coincidence but we can not take that chance.

Mania and Cosa look at each and say together- “Dessantee.”


The captain looks back on his village as he leaves for the next trip to the islands. A tear runs down his left cheek. He wipes it away and turns to his crew. “The Hidden (pirates) have been busy near the shore to Balic. Let us set a course away from the shoreline.”

“Sir- that places us closer to the islands! Are you certain…?”

“That is final!” He barks out sharply. He waits a moment to be sure there will be no further questioning or hesitation before returning to his cabin.

He closes and locks the door. He sits down and looks at his two maps. He subconsciencely rubs his chest.

“How long?”

“Errrr…. I thought I told to keep out of sight?”

From within the closet of the captain’s quarters peers out Dessantee. “I dislike this game. How long until we reach the ruins?”

“Soon…very soon.” A soft light glows under his shirt and hand. “Very very soon”

Voidrunner's Codex

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