Unofficial 5E Conversion

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Have you found it easy or difficult to convert to 5e? I am thinking of starting a new campaign but it needs to be 5e. Any recommendations for doing the conversion?


formerly roadtoad
I'm toying with the idea of switching to 5e after the 9th adventure. seems to fit with the plot. I'll let y'all know if I do it and if it works.


I've been running Zeitgeist in 5e for around a year now, and the TL;DR: it's quite a bit of work to do all the conversions.

I think you could easily get away with more reskinning and less conversions than I do, but I like to stay authentic, and our game is already sometimes rather meta that I suspect in my group reskinning would turn into a constant background game of "guess which monster the DM reskinned today" to the mix.

I tend to base conversions on the Pathfinder edition, because they tend to reference common rule elements I don't need to convert (e.g. sneak attack) rather than having lots of unique powers I need to deal with. Also, pathfinder levels translate 1-to-1 which makes that easier. Sometimes patherfinder is just too different to make that work, and then I use the 4e edition since it appears more "explicit".

I think one of the most difficult things is judging difficulty. IMNSHO the 5e CR rules are overcomplicated, and they overstate the extra difficulty of monsters appearing in groups. However, a 5e CR is definitely not a pathfinder CR; I'd say that a 5e CR is at least one step lower than a pathfinder CR - that's generally my guideline to start with.

Oh, and the DM monster creation guidelines are to be taken with a grain of salt. By the book, they generate monsters with way too many hit points and too low AC (just compare a default DMG-created monster with pretty much any monster manual critter).

I also make ample use of for NPCs.

BTW, for the first few levels you can probably get away with running Pathfinder monsters pretty much as-is, and for a while thereafter by simply reducing AC+attack bonuses+DCs.

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