Level Up (A5E) Unofficial Poll on Combat Traditions and Maneuvers


With all the buzz about combat maneuvers recently, I wanted to make a quick, unofficial poll to gauge the feel of the room on the existing traditions and where/how/if they can be improved/expanded. The poll will not collect your information, but the results of the poll will be publicly available.

I have not added any questions regarding the traditions not available in the AG, for the sake of simplicity.

Click Here to Take the Poll

Click Here for Poll Results
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I completed it, although I'm not sure how excellent my answers are, going off of memory. I don't have my book nearby, and the tools website doesn't appear to have a list that just gives the descriptive flavor of each tradition.

Normally I'm pretty good about answering survey questions by their own rules and expectations, but I found I couldn't really work with this question:

"I am pleased with the existing maneuvers for the ________ Combat Tradition in the Adventurer's Guide, regardless of whether more options should be added."

I'm not sure how to answer it. I feel that every tradition needs to have a bread and butter 1st degree maneuver that can be used at basically any time to good effect (doesn't require any circumstances other than "in melee/ranged/mounted (as appropriate to theme) combat"), and only about half of them do. So traditions that lack that feature I feel are incomplete and I'm not pleased with. But it looks like maybe the intent of the question is to give an overall average level of satisfaction of the design of the set of maneuvers comprising each tradition? In the latter case, I don't really recall the actual quality of the individual maneuvers varying much by tradition, so that one is difficult to work with.

So I can give answers based on the first criterion, not sure I can give useful answers based on the second, and not sure which type of answers are the ones being asked for.


Normally I'm pretty good about answering survey questions by their own rules and expectations, but I found I couldn't really work with this question:

"I am pleased with the existing maneuvers for the ________ Combat Tradition in the Adventurer's Guide, regardless of whether more options should be added."

I'm not sure how to answer it. I feel that every tradition needs to have a bread and butter 1st degree maneuver that can be used at basically any time to good effect (doesn't require any circumstances other than "in melee/ranged/mounted (as appropriate to theme) combat"), and only about half of them do. So traditions that lack that feature I feel are incomplete and I'm not pleased with. But it looks like maybe the intent of the question is to give an overall average level of satisfaction of the design of the set of maneuvers comprising each tradition? In the latter case, I don't really recall the actual quality of the individual maneuvers varying much by tradition, so that one is difficult to work with.

So I can give answers based on the first criterion, not sure I can give useful answers based on the second, and not sure which type of answers are the ones being asked for.
Would it help if it said “I’m pleased with the design of the existing maneuvers?” The intent of the question is to gauge which traditions need to be executed better.

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