The Green Knight, an Arthurian-themed movie starring Dev Patel as Sir Gawain has been delayed because of the global pandemic. However, you can pre-order the official RPG which releases in August!
The game is called The Green Knight: A Quest for Honor. Characters come in the form of knights, nobles, hunters, sorcerers, and bards, and comes in a boxed set with a rulebook, a book of encounters, a d20, character sheets, and a map. The game costs $35 and ships on August 7th.
As for the movie itself, here's the description: "An epic fantasy adventure based on the timeless Arthurian legend, The Green Knight tells the story of Sir Gawain (Dev Patel), King Arthur's reckless and headstrong nephew, who embarks on a daring quest to confront the eponymous Green Knight, a gigantic emerald-skinned stranger and tester of men. Gawain contends with ghosts, giants, thieves, and schemers in what becomes a deeper journey to define his character and prove his worth in the eyes of his family and kingdom by facing the ultimate challenger. From visionary filmmaker David Lowery comes a fresh and bold spin on a classic tale from the knights of the round table."
Here's a quick look at the movie's teaser trailer.
The game is called The Green Knight: A Quest for Honor. Characters come in the form of knights, nobles, hunters, sorcerers, and bards, and comes in a boxed set with a rulebook, a book of encounters, a d20, character sheets, and a map. The game costs $35 and ships on August 7th.
As for the movie itself, here's the description: "An epic fantasy adventure based on the timeless Arthurian legend, The Green Knight tells the story of Sir Gawain (Dev Patel), King Arthur's reckless and headstrong nephew, who embarks on a daring quest to confront the eponymous Green Knight, a gigantic emerald-skinned stranger and tester of men. Gawain contends with ghosts, giants, thieves, and schemers in what becomes a deeper journey to define his character and prove his worth in the eyes of his family and kingdom by facing the ultimate challenger. From visionary filmmaker David Lowery comes a fresh and bold spin on a classic tale from the knights of the round table."
Here's a quick look at the movie's teaser trailer.