Upcoming Boardgames


Eternal Optimist
Post here any games that are coming out soon that you're interested in.

Talisman 4th Edition (revised)
Fantasy Flight Games presents their version of the classic, now that the rights have been given to them after GW wound up Black Industries' boardgame division. It will shortly be followed by the first 4th edition expansion: The Reaper. December 2008.

Battlestar Galactica
Another FFG game, there's been a lot of positive buzz about this game. It's sort of a co-operative game... except one or two of the players are Cylons working against the group and you don't know who they are! Due October, so should be pretty soon.

Valley Games' reprint of the classic AH boardgame. I have absolutely no idea when it will actually become available, as it keeps being delayed.

Cosmic Encounter
Another classic reprint, FFG at the helm this time. They're now posting previews on their website. With any luck, this will be one of the versions to own. (FFG do great, great games).

Starcraft: Brood War expansion
Another FFG production (they do a lot of good games); the Starcraft Boardgame is one of their best big box games. This should be fun. December.

Memoir '44: Mediterranean expansion
The British reach Memoir '44! This is Days of Wonder, not FFG. :) Has just started shipping, so it should reach stores fairly quickly. I delight in M44; it's a very fast-playing "light" wargame. The expansions pack a lot more than the BattleLore ones, IMO. (And BattleLore has wandered off to FFG... what a monster company they are!)

Those are the main ones I'm interested in at present; post any more that you know about. :)


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First Post
I haven't bought a new board game since Lord of the Rings (though I did just order Starcraft on a whim on Friday, so if it looks good I might be interested in Brood War). Right now the game I'm interested in is:

Legend of the Five Rings: Art of War
Legend of the Five Rings » Board Game
I used to play the CCG a lot, so this new adaptation of the L5R world has got me intrigued. As a non-BGG my knowledge of these things is pretty limited, but I'm guessing it's like a hybrid between Risk and a CCG. Or something. Whatever. All I know is I've got dibs on Crab. At least until they release an expansion with the Scorpion clan, that is.
The site says coming out in Late 2008, but...


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Le Havre.

I probably won't buy it, because I already have Agricola, an optimization game that appeals to casual gamers (theme ftw!), but I'll definitely play it at my gaming club.


First Post
Merric, you covered a lot of the new games I'm excited about (with the exception of Talisman which I find really boring). I'll toss in a few more:

Tales of the Arabian Nights (reprint) - never saw the base game before, but the concept sounds cool and if it's reprinted, it has to have a pretty good base. And it's Z-Man...

Living Labyrinth - I had it raved to me from a friend, so I'm going to have to see it in person.

And I got to second Art of War as well. I'm hoping it turns out good, but I will wait to see a few reviews before buying.


First Post
Valley Games' reprint of the classic AH boardgame. I have absolutely no idea when it will actually become available, as it keeps being delayed.

Man, I just don't understand the appeal of Titan. I got a copy used for like $10 (which was quite a score, from a collector's standpoint). The game itself is just so unbearably long and after fighting your first couple battles it's all basically the same.

I'm looking forward to the BSG game, though I doubt I'll ever get to play it. I particularly like the fact that some people can be Cylon sleeper agents and not realize it until halfway through the game. :D

Big fan of Starcraft, though I haven't gotten the chance to play it very much (I think I've played 3 real games?). Definitely want the expansion, without even knowing anything about it. ;)


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Age of Conan sounds like it might be fun, based on the demo review someone put up on BGG. I like how Conan is like a force unto himself, wandering around, doing his own little quests, and periodically getting involved as the players duke it out for board supremacy (or at least that's what it sounds like to me). Is this still supposed to be coming out in 2008?

I'll probably also pick up Brood War, having just received the original Starcraft game yesterday. Haven't had a chance to play it yet, but the rules seem to capture most of the core concepts of the computer game. Also, the plastic miniatures are very cool. I just wish they hadn't mounted the fliers on flimsy clear plastic stands, because 5 of mine came broken right out of the box. Hope this won't be an issue in the expansion.


First Post
I'll probably also pick up Brood War, having just received the original Starcraft game yesterday. Haven't had a chance to play it yet, but the rules seem to capture most of the core concepts of the computer game. Also, the plastic miniatures are very cool. I just wish they hadn't mounted the fliers on flimsy clear plastic stands, because 5 of mine came broken right out of the box. Hope this won't be an issue in the expansion.

That's exceedingly common, actually. I don't think I've heard of anyone who didn't have any broken fliers.

I've heard from others-- and can testify from my own experience as well-- that FFG is very good about replacing pieces that came broken. I got in contact with them via this form and they were quite quick to respond and send me replacements. Make sure you give your address and tell exactly which things are broken (name and color).


Some friends played BSG at a convention last month, I had a chance to to watch for a few minutes. They really liked it, it looks like a cool game.

I've been looking forward to Merchants & Marauders since it was called Age of Piracy. Here's hoping it lives up to the hype.

Simon Atavax

First Post
Post here any games that are coming out soon that you're interested in.

Talisman 4th Edition (revised)
Fantasy Flight Games presents their version of the classic, now that the rights have been given to them after GW wound up Black Industries' boardgame division. It will shortly be followed by the first 4th edition expansion: The Reaper. December 2008.

So Merric (or anyone else who knows), what's the latest on this one? Is it going to be out for Christmas? I'd love to pick it up along with the expansion, but FFG has a history of delaying release dates.

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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