[UPDATED] TABLETOP RPG Show Starts Filming And It's Starting To Look A Lot [Less] Like DRAGON AGE!

We've known that Tabletop, the web show hosted by Wil Wheaton, was planning an RPG spinoff show for quite a while now. Yesterday, some more information emerged as the show began production. The cast list was announced, and various set photos were tweeted. The cast includes Wil Wheaton, Hank Green (Vlogbrothers, SciShow), Alison Haislip (Team Unicorn, Attack of the Show), Yuri Lowenthal (Naruto, Dragon Age, Ben 10), and Laura Bailey (Soul Eater, Dragon Ball Z, Final Fantasy XIII).

We've known that Tabletop, the web show hosted by Wil Wheaton, was planning an RPG spinoff show for quite a while now. Yesterday, some more information emerged as the show began production. The cast list was announced, and various set photos were tweeted. The cast includes Wil Wheaton, Hank Green (Vlogbrothers, SciShow), Alison Haislip (Team Unicorn, Attack of the Show), Yuri Lowenthal (Naruto, Dragon Age, Ben 10), and Laura Bailey (Soul Eater, Dragon Ball Z, Final Fantasy XIII).

The show was one of the stretch goals in the Indiegogo crowdfunding camapign last year for Tabletop, which raised nearly $1.5 million. As yet there's no title, or no game yet confirmed (but see below for speculation on that).

UPDATE: Wil Wheaton has confirmed that it's NOT Dragon Age -- "It isn't Dragon Age. I brought my own GM screen from home because of reasons." Fantasy AGE still sounds possible, though.

So what's the game? It's been generally assumed that the game being played will be Green Ronin's Dragon Age (or its upcoming core version, Fantasy Age) and, indeed, that that's what Green Ronin's secret "biggest RPG news of the year" announcement they've been teasing will be. All guesswork so far, of course, but that's what most folk have been assuming. The game's been played before on Tabletop, and the episodes won an ENnie in 2013.

This guess has now been given something of a boost with the Dragon Age GM Screen clearly standing next to Wil Wheaton as he announced the cast list. Click on the image below for the actual video.


Of course that could always be a red herring planted to throw us off the scent. We'll see, I guess! In the last few days, I've seen a couple of people suggesting it might be Green Ronin's newly announced edition of their Blue Rose RPG instead. They've [meaning Wil Wheaton] said all along that a new world is being created for whatever game it is, so it's not set in the world of Dragon Age.

We know for sure it's not D&D. As Wheaton said, "we're not using D&D. I really like the people at Wizards, but dealing with Hasbro is a giant pain in the ass".

Here's the set:





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Scrivener of Doom

I will be really happy for Green Ronin if this does turn out to be Fantasy Age as expected. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people who have been producing great products for 15 years.


Wil's coffee mug is resting on what appears to be one of the Dragon Age Set 2 reference cards, which detailed all the actions and stunts in the game.
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Per his Twitter account, Pramas flew into Burbank on Sunday, and is retweeting Tabletop RPG-related stuff.

Although, relevant to both Burbank and the "big announcement", I note that DC Comics' new HQ is in Burbank, and Green Ronin did do the DC Adventures RPG. So there is more than one thing it could be.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Per his Twitter account, Pramas flew into Burbank on Sunday, and is retweeting Tabletop RPG-related stuff.

Although, relevant to both Burbank and the "big announcement", I note that DC Comics' new HQ is in Burbank, and Green Ronin did do the DC Adventures RPG. So there is more than one thing it could be.

Is that where they film Tabletop?

Though he's not in any of those shots - the impression being given is that Wheaton is running the campaign. At least that's the impression I've gotten.

I'm not sure a renewal of the DC license would be the "biggest RPG news of the year", any more than FFG's renewal of the Star Wars license was. Both important, of course, but not biggest of the year big.

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