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Urban Horror In A Corrupt City: A Setting & Adventure Path for 5E, Pathfinder, and S&W

Frog God Games has sent along an enormous ten-page preview of The Blight: Richard Pett's Crooked City. For D&D 5E, Pathfinder, and Swords & Wizardry, this book details a decadent and corrupt city. Richard Pett created Dungeon Magazine's The Styes, worked on Paizo's adventure paths, and originally created this city for Pathfinder. A Swords & Wizardry conversion followed, and now a 5E version is coming! This enormous 900-page book contains a poster map, a full guide to the city (with new classes, player options, races, and 13 city districts) plus an entire urban horror adventure path called Levee, "set within the rotten and degenerate urban confines of the city, where the PCs must scratch and claw their way to survival starting at 1st level and continuing through 9 adventures all the way to 10th level and above."

Frog God Games has sent along an enormous ten-page preview of The Blight: Richard Pett's Crooked City. For D&D 5E, Pathfinder, and Swords & Wizardry, this book details a decadent and corrupt city. Richard Pett created Dungeon Magazine's The Styes, worked on Paizo's adventure paths, and originally created this city for Pathfinder. A Swords & Wizardry conversion followed, and now a 5E version is coming! This enormous 900-page book contains a poster map, a full guide to the city (with new classes, player options, races, and 13 city districts) plus an entire urban horror adventure path called Levee, "set within the rotten and degenerate urban confines of the city, where the PCs must scratch and claw their way to survival starting at 1st level and continuing through 9 adventures all the way to 10th level and above."

Below is the D&D 5E version of the ten-page preview. When you've finished looking at that, head on over to the Kickstarter and back it! It has 13 days to go and is two-thirds funded. It's $50 for the PDF or $135 for the hardcover, but for that you get 900 pages of setting and adventure path, which is a big, big book - bigger than Monte Cook's Ptolus: City By The Spire, bigger than the War of the Burning Sky compiled adventure path, bigger than Hero System 5th Edition Revised, bigger than Tome of Horrors Complete and Rappan Athuk, bigger than Talislanta 4E, and nearly as big as The Slumbering Tsar (which edges it out at 937 pages).

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It hit the funding goal today, so Print and PDF copies are available for Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry, and the PDF for 5E. 24k and 5 days to go to unlock the 5E Print version
Oh, did I mention they have add on adventures, a cool deck of cards with monsters, NPCs, encounters, etc?
Also available: Players Guide, GM Guide, Poster Maps, you can even get the damn thing Steel-Clad if you want to.

Closing in on stretch goals containing: Pre-Gen Characters, Map Folio, A Players Handbook specifically for Pathfinder, and more adventures.

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...amp-W-Final-Week!-(Kickstarter)#ixzz3x4ieMdkP

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Latest update
Rich Pett said:
We did it...or rather I should you, YOU did it! The Blight KS funded earlier today, and with 5 days to go. We are now official, I can now take the step of officially adding the previously unofficial stretch goal that gets us to the hardcover of the 5e version. It was unofficially official, but now it's officially official. The 5e stretch goal has been added. We've previously committed to 5e's availability in pdf form, but if we hit 100k we can afford to make a third print run to join the initial Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry versions that the book was originally written for (the book was actually written before 5e had even been released and was added in 5e to this KS due to overwhelming customer demand!)

But now it's time 5e fans! We didn't want to fund the initial print runs for other versions off of your pledges, but now that we've funded the initial goal you can change your $1 pledges or pdf-only pledges to print-version pledges and help us make the run to $100,000. It's within reach if the multitude of 5e fans who have shown interest in this book get on board now. Help us make it to the print version and make Frog God Games a 5e company. We've always wanted to know the 5e fans' interest in big 3PP campaign books like we make. Now is you chance to show us! Spread the word, make Facetweeks and Instasnaps or whatever you favorite form of social media may be. Help us, 5e-fan Kenobi, you're our only hope.

Okay, it kind of started falling apart at the end there...but you get the idea.

And while we're on the subject, we went ahead and posted a new stretch goal for the $86,000 mark. You may or may not have known, but Richard is not only a game designer but a novelist, with his first novel Crooked published in 2013. Set in the pseudo-Blight city of Brine, Crooked reveals Rich's mind in all its twisted glory. If we hit the 86k stretch goal, we include Richard's official Blight novella Scoured to the Bone as a free pdf to all backers of this KS. See the Blight not just as Richard wrote it as a game but as he envisions it as a living, breathing place. Help us get to the stretch goal and get Scoured to the Bone for free! (It actually sounds kind of painful when you say it like that.

Greg V

First Post
Thanks Flashheart!

It was originally posted by me (Richard doesn't usually refer to himself in the third person...or at least I think he doesn't...) but thank you for posting nonetheless. I was just about to post a link here as well.

So we've made it to the initial goal, everyone! Now it's time to make a run for the 5e print version stretch goal less than $23,000 away. We need all the 5e fans who have been watching this to make sure it was going to fund before getting on board to come out and join in now. If the 5e masses do, we'll be able to pay for a 5e print run no problem, but we've only got 4 days to do it. So if you've been on the fence, we need you now so we can hit that goal and get this into the hands of 5e gamers who want a fully detailed city for their game plus an adveture path that goes along with it!

Go here and check it out.

Oh, did I mention folio of poster maps stretch goal less than 1k away? I'm not sure I did, but, yeah, that's a thing too.

The Blight has also been named a "Project We Love" by Kickstarter. So there's that if you, ya know, love awesomeness. :)

Frog God Games

Thanks Flashheart!

It was originally posted by me (Richard doesn't usually refer to himself in the third person...or at least I think he doesn't...) but thank you for posting nonetheless. I was just about to post a link here as well.
Frog God Games
Haha yeah he always speaks in this manner 'One must... one does.. one thinks' posh northerner that he is! ;)

Yup wasn't thinking when I posted the quote :D

EDIT: added $ for the map, keep it coming!

Greg V

First Post
We've powered past the $80,000 stretch goal unlocking new maps, adventures, and other goodies. We're less than $20,000 from the 5e-in-print stretch goal, and we've made $15,000 just in the last 3 days alone. We can totally get there in the final 4 days!

We need you 5e fans! If you've been sitting on the fence on this but think it looks good or really want to see FGG make 5e a part of their regular product line, now is the time to stand up and let us know by backing this project. If you're a 5e fan but weren't aware that the many add-ons we have include 5e versions, now's the time to add those 5e add-ons to your pledge and give us that 5e boost.

There are nearly 3000 people following this thread. The Blight has gotten over $80k in backing with only 608 backers. We need only a fraction of those following this thread to get on board and back to make 5e in print a reality. This is in your hands my fine 5e friends. You clamored for FGG in 5e and we are only too happy to oblige, but we've got to have the actual backers to make it work financially. So please back, or tell people you know about the KS to so they can back, or one uber-rich philanthropist can just send us the fill amount in a lump sum. We're not picky...we'll take your money anyway we can get it. ;-) But seriously, I really, really want to print this book in 5e and enter that market much like Necromancer Games did with the 3e market back in 2000. If you like our stuff, you can help us. We hope you will.

You can go to The Blight Kickstarter here.




We've powered past the $80,000 stretch goal unlocking new maps, adventures, and other goodies. We're less than $20,000 from the 5e-in-print stretch goal, and we've made $15,000 just in the last 3 days alone. We can totally get there in the final 4 days!

We need you 5e fans! If you've been sitting on the fence on this but think it looks good or really want to see FGG make 5e a part of their regular product line, now is the time to stand up and let us know by backing this project. If you're a 5e fan but weren't aware that the many add-ons we have include 5e versions, now's the time to add those 5e add-ons to your pledge and give us that 5e boost.

There are nearly 3000 people following this thread. The Blight has gotten over $80k in backing with only 608 backers. We need only a fraction of those following this thread to get on board and back to make 5e in print a reality. This is in your hands my fine 5e friends. You clamored for FGG in 5e and we are only too happy to oblige, but we've got to have the actual backers to make it work financially. So please back, or tell people you know about the KS to so they can back, or one uber-rich philanthropist can just send us the fill amount in a lump sum. We're not picky...we'll take your money anyway we can get it. ;-) But seriously, I really, really want to print this book in 5e and enter that market much like Necromancer Games did with the 3e market back in 2000. If you like our stuff, you can help us. We hope you will.

You can go to The Blight Kickstarter here.



I backed earlier for a physical copy so I can't raise that, but can you clarify what add ons are being made in 5e?


First Post
I backed earlier for a physical copy so I can't raise that, but can you clarify what add ons are being made in 5e?

All the adventures definitely are. I believe it's everything except the players handbook as that is a collection of all the new player pathfinder rules crunch and there won't be enough of that in 5e to require the book.

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