I had some players doing "Caravan Duty" and ended up in a wagon chase. Two players fighting from cart to cart to the front and two others trying to catch up on another wagon.
The players on the carts working their way up were fine with combat as is. Just using Powers and a LOT of skill checks to keep advancing and keep from falling.
The players playing catch up were a Cleric and Warlock (Fey Pact), both 4th level. They caught up and were doing some side by side shootouts (both had some good ranged attacks) and then there were no targets left visible. They had hidden and dropped the reigns. The warlock used her encounter (it was a teleport on a hit) to teleport over. It wasn't a combat action as she didn't have anyone to attack. I just had her make an Arcana check DC 20/10 in leu of an attack roll - 20+ perfect, 10+ would be passable with complications.
Are there even rules for using "Powers" out of combat in 4e? How do you guys handle this?
Way outside of combat I would consider an "encounter" to be a scene and probobly require some skill checks instead of attack rolls.
I really miss how previous editions (and various other games) had magic that was very useful outside of combat and even many combat spells that could help you out if you were crafty. I know the Arcane book is out now, that might have some ideas. Just seems like they exchanged everyone being more useful in combat for not being terribly useful out of combat.
The players on the carts working their way up were fine with combat as is. Just using Powers and a LOT of skill checks to keep advancing and keep from falling.
The players playing catch up were a Cleric and Warlock (Fey Pact), both 4th level. They caught up and were doing some side by side shootouts (both had some good ranged attacks) and then there were no targets left visible. They had hidden and dropped the reigns. The warlock used her encounter (it was a teleport on a hit) to teleport over. It wasn't a combat action as she didn't have anyone to attack. I just had her make an Arcana check DC 20/10 in leu of an attack roll - 20+ perfect, 10+ would be passable with complications.
Are there even rules for using "Powers" out of combat in 4e? How do you guys handle this?
Way outside of combat I would consider an "encounter" to be a scene and probobly require some skill checks instead of attack rolls.
I really miss how previous editions (and various other games) had magic that was very useful outside of combat and even many combat spells that could help you out if you were crafty. I know the Arcane book is out now, that might have some ideas. Just seems like they exchanged everyone being more useful in combat for not being terribly useful out of combat.