[v.3.5] PC Origins of Kulanspace


World of Kulan DM
PC Origins of Kulanspace

Official D&D Origins
  • Azer †
  • Dwarf
  • Elf
  • Genasi (all) †
  • Giff †
  • Githzerai †
  • Gnoll (Insectile) †
  • Gnome
  • Gnome (Fire) †
  • Gulgar †
  • Hadozee
  • Half-Elf
  • Half-Orc
  • Halfling
  • Hobgoblin
  • Human
  • Illumian †
  • Khaasta †
  • Kobold
  • Lumi †
  • Mercane †
  • Ogre
  • Orc
  • Shade †
  • Thri-Kreen
  • Warforged
  • Xixchil †
  • Zenythri
3E Templates
To be added.

Other Classic Spelljammer Origins (not commonly found in Kulanspace) †
  • Dracon
  • Gnome (Tinker)
  • Gromman
  • L Dray
  • Rastipede
  • Scro
  • Wiggle
D20 System/OGL Origins
  • Asaatth
  • Highborn of V'sal
  • Giant (Hu-Charad)
  • Lizardkin of Trel
  • Moon Man
  • Sibeccai
  • Squamous Lir
  • Vallorian
  • Zetetic
Homebrewed Origins
  • Dragonborn
  • Elf (Envoy) †
  • Gnome (Star) †
  • Human (Cirrian)
  • Human (Jov)
  • Human (Trelian)
  • Kitt
  • Raia †
  • Rakasta
† Race is restricted for a standard Kulan campaign not connected to Kulanspace.
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