WotC Vecna Eve of Ruin: Everything You Need To Know

WotC has posted a video telling you 'everything you need to know' about Vecna: Eve Of Ruin.

WotC has posted a 19-minute video telling you 'everything you need to know' about Vecna: Eve Of Ruin.
  • Starts at 10th level, goes to 20th.
  • Classic villains and setting, famous characters, D&D's legacy.
  • Vecna wants to become the supreme being of the multiverse.
  • Vecna is a god of secrets and secrets and the power of secrets are a theme throughout the book.
  • A mechanical subsystem for using the power of secrets during combat.
  • Going back to Ravenloft, the Nine Hells, places where 5th Edition has been in the last 10 years.
  • It would be a fun 'meta experience' for players to visit locations they remember lore about.
  • Finding pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts, pieces throughout the multiverse.
  • Each piece in one of seven distinct planes or settings.
  • Allustriel Silverhand has noticed something is wrong, puts call out to Tasha and Mordenkainen, who come to her sanctum in Sigil.
  • The (10th level) PCs are fated to confront Vecna.
  • Lord Soth and Strahd show up. Tiamat is mentioned but doesn't appear 'on screen'.
  • Twists, turns, spoilers.
  • It's a 'love letter to D&D'.

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No problem! The prior two Advebtures that hinted at Vecna's plans and this video are dancing around some hidden secrets to the plot, no doubt, but it seems that he is pulling a Groundhog Day on the cosmos to "get it right," which provides a handy tool for the DM to use or handwave away "canon" at discretion (which obviously we can always do, it's just smart to canonize the wobbliness of canon for an RPG universe).
Canony whamony mischief, indeed.

I think it depends on the finesse of how it’s handled, also. The current situation with the Realms not reset but the other settings reset (or at least “best-of” mixes) is kind of clumsy. They should have just reset the Realms, too, and have done with it. I wonder what Vecna’s intentions are to reset all the settings except the Forgotten Realms? Hopefully there will be more answers in Eve of Ruin.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Canony whamony mischief, indeed.

I think it depends on the finesse of how it’s handled, also. The current situation with the Realms not reset but the other settings reset (or at least “best-of” mixes) is kind of clumsy. They should have just reset the Realms, too, and have done with it. I wonder what Vecna’s intentions are to reset all the settings except the Forgotten Realms? Hopefully there will be more answers in Eve of Ruin.
Who said the Realms wasn't reset? The landmass changed size twice and nobody noticed: sounds like someone manipulating the timeline multiple times to me.

Canony whamony mischief, indeed.

I think it depends on the finesse of how it’s handled, also. The current situation with the Realms not reset but the other settings reset (or at least “best-of” mixes) is kind of clumsy. They should have just reset the Realms, too, and have done with it. I wonder what Vecna’s intentions are to reset all the settings except the Forgotten Realms? Hopefully there will be more answers in Eve of Ruin.

Except they can't just reset FR, they can't decanonized the FR novels because of the OG deal with Ed Greenwood.

Its not an accident that FR is the odd man out in terms of reset.

Who said the Realms wasn't reset? The landmass changed size twice and nobody noticed: sounds like someone manipulating the timeline multiple times to me.
I mean, they noticed (at least in the most recent incident); it was more that no one seemed to care. It was basically, "Huh, it seems like distances have gotten significantly longer. Oh well. Anyway...."


Book-Friend, he/him
Except they can't just reset FR, they can't decanonized the FR novels because of the OG deal with Ed Greenwood.

Its not an accident that FR is the odd man out in terms of reset.
But what about alternate timelines...? Don't have to decanonize the novels per se to move the game prese Tatiana over a timelinenor two.


Book-Friend, he/him
I mean, they noticed (at least in the most recent incident); it was more that no one seemed to care. It was basically, "Huh, it seems like distances have gotten significantly longer. Oh well. Anyway...."
It honestly makes more sense if there is some sort of MIB memory magic at work that makes people elite over it, lol.


Who said the Realms wasn't reset? The landmass changed size twice and nobody noticed: sounds like someone manipulating the timeline multiple times to me.
When did that happen? I remember there was some issue with the size of Kara-Tur and they fixed it. Are you talking about just a designer's mistake as opposed to a conscious effort to remake the world?


Book-Friend, he/him
When did that happen? I remember there was some issue with the size of Kara-Tur and they fixed it. Are you talking about just a designer's mistake as opposed to a conscious effort to remake the world?
No, for 3E WptC changed the map scale and made Faerun smaller. Then for 5E they restored the map scale to the original map dimensions.

So the Sword Coast in 5E is literally a larger geographic area than it was in the 3E FRCS.

Dire Bare

No, for 3E WptC changed the map scale and made Faerun smaller. Then for 5E they restored the map scale to the original map dimensions.

So the Sword Coast in 5E is literally a larger geographic area than it was in the 3E FRCS.
Is that changing canon or just fixing an error?


No, for 3E WptC changed the map scale and made Faerun smaller. Then for 5E they restored the map scale to the original map dimensions.

So the Sword Coast in 5E is literally a larger geographic area than it was in the 3E FRCS.
Oh, OK. I wouldn’t consider that a change on a story level. That’s just game designers indecisive about what scale to use.

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