D&D 5E Here's All The Loot In B&G's Vecna: Eve of Ruin Platinum Edition

Boxed set includes miniatures, handouts, cards, coins, maps, and even a temporary tattoo!

Announced in February, the Platinum Edition of Vecna: Eve of Ruin is coming from Beadle & Grimm this summer. As usual, it is packed with goodies-miniatures, handouts, maps, props, and more. These boxed sets are gorgeous--and very expensive, with this one coming in at about $500.


This Limited Edition set contains everything you need to create the most immersive role-playing experience for D&D's newest epic adventure. Contents include:
  • The full module of Vecna: Eve of Ruin broken out into five booklets
  • D&D Beyond code for the full digital version of the module
  • 3 original Beadle & Grimm's Bonus Encounters
  • 48 half-page art pieces pulled from the book to share with your players
  • Additional DM and player aids, including 17 Secret cards
  • All in a faux-leather, foil-stamped, foam-lined storage box to display on your game room shelf
  • 18 WizKidsminis, many uniquely painted just for this Platinum Edition. Set includes:
    • Vecna*
    • Tasha*
    • Alustriel*
    • Bearded Devil*
    • Black Rose Bearer*
    • Blazebear (large)
    • Drider (large)
    • Eldritch Knight*
    • Horned Devil (large)*
    • Moonlight Guardian
    • Necromancer Wizard
    • Red Abishai*
    • Spyder-Fiend (x2)*
    • Vrock (large)
    • Warforged Blade (x2)*
    • ???Spoiler???*
  • Unique aluminum-plated magic item cards that combine to create a 33.5" Rod Of Seven Parts
  • 16 Battle Maps gridded for minis and rolled up in a newly designed map box
  • Poster map of The Sanctum, 4 area maps to give to players, and 8 annotated dungeon maps for the DM
  • 10 in-world handouts and bonus art pieces to immerse your players in the world of the adventure
  • Custom DM Screen with art by Sidharth Chaturved.
  • 4 coins
  • A temporary Vecna tattoo
  • 43 standard size Encounter Cards and 11 oversized cards for the epic NPCs in this adventure (11 oversized encounter cards to fully deliver both the epic art and the epic stat block)


43 standard size Encounter Cards


11 oversized encounter cards to fully deliver both the epic art and the epic stat block


Celebrate victory (Vecna's or the players') with this commemorative coin


18 WizKids minis, many uniquely painted just for this Platinum Edition

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 10.49.16.png

Unique aluminum-plated magic item cards that combine to create a 33.5" Rod Of Seven Parts
Temporary Tattoo
Made to venerate Vecna, sized to fit on the back of your hand

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Thommy H-H

The Citadel Spider...having to squint a bit (so I might be missing something), but its Challenge Rating 18 (I think) yet deals a MEASLY 22 + 22 with its standard multi-attack!? Surely it should be doing at least triple that!?

Had another look its actually 26 + 26 damage...so we are in big trouble now! :ROFLMAO:
Its Web Bomb does more damage, altogether - 24 basic, plus 10 to the target and 10 to anyone close by. So 44, for the purposes of CR calculation, meaning a total of 70. Also, it restrains anyone it hits.

So I make its offensive CR 14, while its defensive CR is 21 (AC 18, 310 hit points, 3 x legendary resistance, +1 effective AC for restraining, plus its damage absorption reaction is the equivalent of regeneration 10). That makes its final CR 18!

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So I make its offensive CR 14, while its defensive CR is 21 (AC 18, 310 hit points, 3 x legendary resistance, +1 effective AC for restraining, plus its damage absorption reaction is the equivalent of regeneration 10). That makes its final CR 18!
Yeah by the book its "correct".

Its the just the core math of averaging offense and defensive CR breaks down more and more at higher levels. Monsters have to deliver enough damage or control to "trip up" the players in some way shape or form. If players are just allowed to do their thing, they will destroy these kinds of monsters. You need to do enough damage for them to go "ok I might need to pull back or help heal my buddy, or xyz".

Having a little trouble hitting a monster just isn't a problem at that point, as there are so many ways to bypass various resistances.

Another way to think of it is this. Ok if a standard monster lasts for up to 3 rounds in a dnd combat, and should do 113 damage per round at CR 18....then they do 339 damage over the course of a fight.

This monster does 70 damage for Cr calculations, meaning it would need to last for 4.84 =~ 5 rounds (I think rounding up is fine here because damage spaced out is going to be weaker anyway) in order to deliver the same amount of damage threat. And this creature....is NOT lasting 5 rounds against a CR 18 party, no way jose. I might give you 4....probably not, but maybe.

Defense without enough offense is simply not effective against high level groups.
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Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Power to the folk that buy this themselves or split the cost among their table(s). If the Rod was an actual Rod I might be tempted- or at least tempted to snag it by itself off eBay. From the original announcement I was wondering how aluminum cards could come together to create a rod- but it looks like they're cards that come together to create an IMAGE of the rod. That makes a lot more sense 😆


I hope the rich gamers with money to burn enjoy this premium product.
Sorry, this isn't an adventure I'm interested in.

I've bought a couple of B&G sets now (Spelljammer, Planescape, Eberron, Curse of Strahd). The only one I was disappointed with was the Spelljammer one, and that was, frankly because of WotC's treatment of the setting itself. My favorite has been the Eberron set, as I've always been disappointed that TSR/WotC didn't put one out back in the day. As for it being worth it, that's on the individual, but I really find they're worth the price to me. If you don't want all the fancy handouts and extras getting from a FLGS or off Amazon is the way to go. No need in shaming any of the versions.

Also - why did they choose Alustriel instead of Elminster? That just seems odd.

Also - why did they choose Alustriel instead of Elminster? That just seems odd.

Elminster got some big exposure recently in BG3. It's nice for them to spread the love a bit and introduce other storied FR characters to a new generation. There are seven sisters after all and I think only one other has made any appearance in 5e.

Its Web Bomb does more damage, altogether - 24 basic, plus 10 to the target and 10 to anyone close by. So 44, for the purposes of CR calculation, meaning a total of 70. Also, it restrains anyone it hits.

Web Bomb is a recharge. But even assuming a damage of 70 that's lower than a Storm Giant and its standard multiattack is lower than a CR 9 Fire Giant.

So I make its offensive CR 14, while its defensive CR is 21 (AC 18, 310 hit points, 3 x legendary resistance, +1 effective AC for restraining, plus its damage absorption reaction is the equivalent of regeneration 10). That makes its final CR 18!

I presume you mean "CR 18" by the 2014 DMG rules which people have been telling WotC don't make sense at high level for the past 9+ years and they themselves acknowledge need fixing...but for some reason they seemingly can't fix them until 2025...because reasons.

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