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Pathfinder 1E Version 11.5 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available!

Aaron Beal

First Post
Cohorts and Companions, the new Andoran book, and the latter half of the Iron Gods adventure path are our release this month! We have also continued releasing new subsystems from Pathfinder unchained, so enjoy!

Enhancements & Changes

  • Content from Cohorts and Companions is now available as part of Pathfinder Player Companion #19. (Please note that we don’t currently support cohorts in Hero Lab – to use them, you’ll need to add a hireling to your character with Adjustments to apply any modifications.)
  • Content from Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom is now available as the final book in Campaign Setting #13.
  • All users now have access to player content from Pathfinder #93, "Forge of the Giant God". To see this content, check the "Giantslayer" setting under "Pathfinder Adventure Paths" on the Configure Hero form.
  • The Innate Item Bonuses rule from Pathinder Unchained has been added as a free update for those with the Pathfinder Unchained package!
  • Dynamic magic items from Pathfinder Unchained are now implemented.
  • Equipment Sets can now select weapon like special abilities.
  • The Gozreh's Trident spell adjustment has been donated, thanks to Richard Simões!
  • Added several new "other adjustments" needed for characters in Iron Gods, including ones to adjust the value of existing damage reduction, overwrite the contents of an abText field, and hide spell like abilities which have been traded out for other spell like abilities when customizing a monster.
  • You can now create and edit custom monster races on the iPad, and customize existing monster races!
  • Elven Chain can now be customized with enhancement bonuses and armor powers. Customization options for other armors and weapons will be added in a future update.

Kobold Press Bug Fixes

  • The White Necromancer class abilities 'Evil Necromancy Spells' and 'White Necromancy' now work properly with spells that create undead.

Bug Fixes

  • Defensive Combat Training wasn't being applied to individual maneuvers.
  • Deific Obedience wasn't offering its boon choices.
  • An Unchained Rogue with the Minor Magic talent wasn't qualifying for the Bookish Rogue feat.
  • Many classes weren't getting class skills under the consolidated skills rule.
  • Unchained eidolons were showing an error about unspent racial special abilities.
  • Polymorph effects with a animal form of certain sizes were applying the effects of the small animal ability even when not polymorphed into that form.
  • Turning on the Consolidated skills source when lacking certain packages would throw a list of errors.
  • The Warpriest's Sacred Weapon ability was showing charges on the In-Play tab before it has a limited duration at 4th level.
  • The Bloodsong item power was requiring a weapon be both piercing and slashing, instead of one or the other.
  • Certain abilities which were adding to rage rounds/day were not affecting the unchained barbarian's rage (Berserker of the Society, Rage Domain, Totem Spirit - Shadde-Quah, Ulfen Guard PrC, Combat Training, Infuriating Spirit, Orc/Strix/Taurian Barbarian favored class bonus).
  • The Poultergeist race was missing it's Ability Focus feat.
  • The Winter Wight race had the incorrect number of starting HP.
  • The various skinwalker heritages were not removing one of the options (+1 natural AC) for the base skinwalker's bestial traits.
  • The Bat shape feat was not adding attribute modifications when polymorphing into a bat.
  • The Eldritch Guardian fighter archetype's Share Training ability had no way to add the shared combat feats to the familiar. There is now a tab for adding the shared feats on the companion.
  • The Mauler familiar archetype's Battle Form and Increased Strength specials had the incorrect descriptions.
  • The Heavy Weapon Harness was applying an untyped bonus to heavy weapons rather than a circumstance modifier.
  • Various Technological items (such as grenades) were not showing up as combat gear in the statblock and needed to perform a comma switch.
  • Situational effects applied to the All CMD and All CMB helpers were not being inherited and shown in various places where the calculation breakdowns were.
  • The Upstanding and Whistleblower traits had the incorrect source, so they were showing as invalid for PFS Core campaign characters.
  • The Hawks of Vengeance Inquisitor archetype was missing its source.
  • The title bar when adding new class levels displayed an incorrect number of levels to be added.
  • The Knife Master archetype's Sneak Stab ability was not changing the name and description of the unchained sneak attack of the unchained rogue.
  • When fused with thier bipedal eidolon, medium sized synthesist summoners were gaining bonuses to base speed.
  • 0th level spells which had Metamagic effects applied to them were showing as infinite casting on the Spells tab, rather than having an incrementer to track their casting.
  • The Field Repair feat was not detecting ranks in craft skills granted by a race or item.
  • The Ensemble feat was not detecting ranks in perform skills granted by a race or item.
  • The Reliquary item power was throwing an error about needing domain text specified.
  • An unchained rogue's sneak attack wasn't meeting feat pre-requisites.
  • Failed Winter Witch Apprentice was applying its bonus to Knowledge (arcana) incorrectly.
  • Skill specializations for grouped skills weren't being counted correctly.
  • The damage for Storm of Souls was incorrect.
  • Swashbucklers with the Picaroon archetype were unable to legally buy firearms and firearm ammunition.
  • The Warpriest's Sacred Weapon ability was not applying to the off hand head of double weapons.
  • The Spark Staff item was missing it's source, meaning it was showing as valid for PFS Core Campaign characters.
  • The Witch's Cackle hex had an incorrect description (it was specifying Ward as a valid target for extension).
  • Several feats which required a bloodline were not detecting bloodlines gained from other classes (such as a Blood Arcanist).
  • The Bloodline Familiar archetype was not functioning when selecting classes with bloodlines that were not Sorcerers or Bloodragers.
  • Heroes who reached 20th level were seeing 0 xp needed to reach the next level, and could continue adding levels indefinitely.
  • The Title of the "add new class levels" window was incorrect in displaying how many levels needed to be added.
  • Weapons that were attached to armor or shields (like armor spikes or a shield bash), were not applying appropriate two weapon fighting penalties when equipped in the main hand with an off hand weapon.
  • The Raging Blood feat had an incorrect description once actually added to a character.
  • The Monk's Robe was increasing unarmed strike damage 3 steps when equipped by an unchained monk, rather than adding 5 levels to the class ability.
  • The Emissary Familiar Archetype could not be added to the familiar even when the master had taken the equivalent, resulting in an unresolvable validation error.
  • In certain cases, archetypes which must choose which class to modify could not affect changes to animal companion/familiar eligability.
  • The unchained eidolon was getting Devotion at summoner level 4th, instead of 6th.
  • The witch and shaman now have separate versions of the Evil Eye hex.
  • Manuals of bodily health, manuals of gainful exercise, manuals of quickness of action, tomes of clear thought, tomes of leadership and influence, and somes of understanding were showing incorrect crafting costs.
  • Voice of the Sibyl wasn't adding the correct bonus if you had more than 10 ranks in the affected skills.
  • A monk's robe wasn't working correctly for unchained monks. Unarmed damage for some other classes/archetypes wearing it was too high.
  • The rake evolution was counting as two natural attacks.
  • Mauler's Endurance wasn't adding its HP correctly.
  • The Class Skill adjustment was making all knowledge skills class skills if set to a knowledge skill.
  • Ranger archetypes that replaced or modified favored enemies or favored terrains weren't reporting an error when combined.
  • A Slayer with the Vaguard archetype was showing an error after taking their tactician feats.
  • Damage for close weapons for the Brawler and Sacred Weapons for the Warpriest would sometimes display incorrectly on the iPad.
  • When creating custom armor or weapons, if the item did not have an enhancement bonus and was not masterwork, the item's name would not be displayed in sentance case, which is the proper way to list item names.
  • Warpriest Channel Energy was not fulfilling the pre-requisites of some feats requiring a channel.

Data File Authoring

  • The new NumSnkDice procedure returns the character's total number of sneak attack dice from either the core rogue's sneak attack ability, the unchained rogue's sneak attack ability, or the racial sneak attack ability.
  • Added the SitSklBon procedure, used for "Situational X Bonus" racial abilities, which allows them to respond to changes to their abValue field.
  • Tags have been added to the AbModify and AbReplace groups for Favored Enemies and Favored Terrains. This lets archetypes that modify or replace these abiliites interact correctly.
  • The customizable elven chain is not intended to be used as a template for making other customizable items. There are settings required to make all of the customization options work that are not available in the editor. Once weapon and armor customization is universally applied, a lot of the details of how those items work will differ from the way Elven chain was made customizable. For example, the Id of the gizmo will likely be different (hopefully, the existing gizmos for pre-made items can be re-used, but made customizable). Also note that as currently written, there is no provision for handling items with pre-set enhancement bonuses - the pre-set enhancement bonus would not be set as a minimum, and the cost of the minimum enhancement bonus will not be subtracted from the cost of the final enhancement bonus.

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