Vestiges and Binders


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Again, not official but I posted this on Paizo boards last year during my AoW campaign:


Katashka: Chupoclops, Harbinger of the Apocalypse as a base. I like soulsense and aura of despair. The spider-esque pounce, ethereal watcher and ghost touch abilities don't fit in though. I'm thinking of replacing these with an Undead Servant that scales similar to the Agares Elemental Companion. 1st-10th Zombie, 11th-14th Spawn of Kyuss, 15th-18th Ulgurstasta, 19th or higher Sword of Kyuss. Poison bite will work, but for flavor it would be better to have Kyuss Gift: bite of supernatural disease, fort DC 12 deals 1d6 con and 1d4 wis damage. Instead of a fang as your sign you have a worm-like tongue. I also dig the special requirement: you need to make a seal around a dead body every day.

Wind Dukes of Aqaa: Start with Agares as a base. Instead of Earth and Air Mastery, you would have Air and Earth Mastery (+1 attack+damage if foe is not touching the ground, creatures on the ground get -1 attack+damage against binder), Earthshaking Step becomes Whirlwind Trip (enemies within 10 feet must make reflex save or fall prone) and Elemental companion becomes air elemental instead of earth. Swap out Fear Immunity and True Speech for Smite Chaos ability (similar to the Andras Smite Good or Evil ability).

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Pure Puppet

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There's a pretty good thread of new vestiges on the WOTC message boards. Last I checked, it was thirty-three pages long, and the text download of the thread was about one and a half megabytes. In something that large, there's bound to be something good.

Some of them are entirely original, but about half of them are based on video games and popular culture.


First Post
kenmarable said:
Add two more in the Cityscape web ehancement:
Astaroth, Unjustly Fallen (4th level) and Desharis, the Sprawling Soul (6th level).

Oh, and it is me, Clueless. Sorry, I figured I would definitely blather on about it at Planewalker when it is released in June. :)

Thanks for the heads up, it's good to spread the Binder love. :)

I think this class definately needs a motto like "Be Whatever You Want To Be" :)


Creature Cataloguer
somebody on the Paizo boards posted the inspired idea of making a rogue modron binder of Primus. ;)

Dungeon 148 and Dragon 357 also had some new vestiges that are trapped in the Wells of Darkness within the Abyss, so they definitely have an Abyssal feel. So, just to perform some thread necromancy and keep this list up to date, here (I believe) is the complete list of Paizo and WotC vestiges other than the original ones in Tome of Magic:

Dragon Magic
- Ashardalon (8th) online articles
Designing Your Own Vestige online article
- Vanus (6th)
Mind's Eye: Three Psionic Vestiges
- Arete, the First Elan (4th)
- The Triad (6th)
- Abysm, the Schismed (8th)
Cityscape web ehancement
- Astaroth, Unjustly Fallen (4th level)
- Desharis, the Sprawling Soul (6th level)

Dragon Magazine
- Primus (3rd)
- Kas (4th)
- Ansitif (7th)
- Astaroth (4th)
- Cabiri (4th) - Yes, a different Astaroth vestige. Forgot to check if the legend refers to same being or not, but different abilities

Dungeon Magazine
- Ahazu (3rd) - However, the Special Requirement of having to draw the seal only within a Well of Darkness in the Abyss seems a tad too restricted messageboards
- Green Lady by James Jacobs.

And as mentioned above, some fan-made ones:
- Katashka and Wind Dukes of Aqaa
- Too many to list

lukelightning said:
Damn that Astaroth is way powerful. Sure, for a Binder it's ok, but my Anima Mage will love it... any item creation feat I need!
Yeah, our party's mage (with a couple of crafting feats) was pretty annoyed at that one. Hates it even more than binding with Karsus (detect magic at will and use spell trigger items as if you were a wizard, but add +2 to the save DC).

Fortunately its all in character, and the players are having great fun with it.

With another bunch of players, I can see it possibly leading to acrimony.


kenmarable said:
Dungeon 148 and Dragon 357 also had some new vestiges that are trapped in the Wells of Darkness within the Abyss, so they definitely have an Abyssal feel.
- Ansitif (7th)
- Astaroth (4th) - Yes, a different Astaroth vestige. Forgot to check if the legend refers to same being or not, but different abilities

It's a different Astaroth vestige. This is a demon lord vestige, not a fallen angel. The article notes the existence of three beings known as Astaroth in the multiverse, two of whom are currently vestiges and one of whom is an alias for an archdevil who became a deity. (My motivation for including another Astaroth is that there was preexisting lore about the Gargauth/Astaroth the demon lord relationship that didn't fit with the Cityscape WE vestige of the same name. We already know from "way back" [old Ed Greenwood articles on the Nine Hells] that outsiders with the same name are not uncommon and the confusion is often done deliberately, so this was in keeping with that tradition.)

Dungeon Magazine
- Ahazu (3rd) - However, the Special Requirement of having to draw the seal only within a Well of Darkness in the Abyss seems a tad too restricted

I think this could reasonably be relaxed in a non-Savage Tide campaign. Perhaps you could require it to be drawn at the bottom of a deep shaft (deep enough so the sun does not currently hit the bottom).



First Post
kenmarable said:
Dungeon Magazine
- Ahazu (3rd) - However, the Special Requirement of having to draw the seal only within a Well of Darkness in the Abyss seems a tad too restricted

Thanks for the Threadromancy. :)

And I dig Ahazu...A LOT.

And that's why my Binder has the Ignore Special Requirement feat. :]

Voidrunner's Codex

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