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Video Game Graphics that made you catch your breath


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Wow. Just played a mission last night in Assassin's Creed 3 that made me stop just to stare awestruck at the graphics. I was scaling the outer wall of a Seaside Fort, with the sun setting behind me over the sea. It was visually stunning. A real graphic highlight of my Looooooonng time gaming life.

What graphic scenes do you remember from video games over the years that stand out?

Some of mine:

- the one I mentioned above
- On TV Sports Football (Atari ST), when it switched to the "behind the kicker" view
- My first time I scaled a fair sized mountain in Skyrim and looked around at a nearby river and waterfall
- Gran Tourismo 4 photo mode (the first time I did it)

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Relique du Madde

Pong. The abstract minimalism was astounding and made me think of all the impossible things that was suddently possible.

To be honest most video graphics do not stun me since visually its been done before. I remember how Myst impressed me, but to be honest I think it was FF7 that was the game that truly wowed me with it's cut scenes. Since then every game had been a slight if not marginal increase in graphics from the previous with few games making substantial leaps and bounds in between.

-Sent via a cybernetic device.


A Wicked Kendragon
Another World. The teaser they had on the Amiga Action coverdisk was amazing.

Tomb Raider once you got to the really big rooms.

Final Fantasy VII intro.

Shadow of the Colossus. Shame about the smog.

Battlefield 3. When that came out I remember thinking it would be cool if someone made an adventure game with those graphics. One can only hope..


Okami - Beautiful brush-style painting work.

I've been quite impressed with some of the art in World of Warcraft, particularly sunsets and night scenes.


I remember being quite surprised by some of the cut scenes in Planescape: Torment.

And not so much video graphics as graphics with a shout-out to a video game: the scene in Doom when Karl Urban goes into rage mode had me smiling.


First Post
Few games in recent times. Thinking back, the following impressed me:
- Zaxxon on the Colecovision console
- Dungeon Master on the Amiga
- Ultima Underworld 2 on the PC


The launch of the mothership in Homeworld. Between the music, the voices, and the graphics I nearly cried of joy in front of the computer :)


The 3D environments of the first Crash Bandicoot game.

The intro to Final Fantasy VII.

The cel-shading in Jet Grind Radio.

The snow and rain in Shenmue.

Exploring Halo after crash landing on the planet (in the first game, before the the Halo games became rail-shooters with no time for wandering around).

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