Vigwyn's The Transmuter's Last Touch [IC]

Vigwyn the Unruly

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The party prepares for anything from the statue at the end of the hall. The bronze statue stops and stares at you stupidly from senseless eyes for a moment or two, swaying back and forth ever so slightly.

Then it turns on its heels and begins to walk casually back down the hall whence it came.

Ka-thump... ka-thump... ka-thump...

[sblock=OOC]Norbrit: Coup de grace. Tazex dies.
Zazz: Total defense.
Cyrus: Readies cast acid splash.
Lazarius: Moves.
Idruma: Readies atk.
Statue: Moves.[/sblock]

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Zazz clears his throat loudly. "Well, that was most unexpected." The elf shrugs and smiles. "I was expecting to see the dwarf get pounded into the floor."

Turning, the elf moves to investigate the pile of treasure in the northern portion of the room, a greedy gleam in his dark eyes.


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Cyrus, HP 19 (max)

"Yes, this is a strange place. I won't miss it," Cyrus says to Zazz.

Cyrus continues, to nobody in particular, "So what now?"

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
"No, thank god, I expect he won't," says a relieved Idruma in response to Norbrit's comment. "May it do more good in your hands than in his. Can I trust that it will not be used to kill kobolds without cause?" she asks. But her question feels less like a real question about your future intentions, and more like a probe into your current intentions. With Tazex out of the way, she must feel some trepidation as to whether you will now turn your attention to her, or whether you will be good to your word and let her return to her clan.

Zazz searches the sloppy pile behind the the dais. With the dwarf's help, he estimates that the hoard contains around 1,000 gold pieces, 10,000-12,000 silver pieces, a silver pearl (100 gp), a star rose quartz (50 gp), a silver chalice (105 gp), a masterwork short sword, a masterwork guisarme, 2 flasks of alchemist's fire, a gilded hourglass (80 gp), a gem-encrusted music box (2,500 gp), and a scroll with containing an unknown spell. Tazex's weapon is a +1 shock battleaxe.


"'Tis a fine lot he's got here. I reckon I'll be takin' me share out with this." Norbrit holds up the axe for a brief second before claiming it as his own.

"I always said there weren't never a kobold alive that didn't need to be otherwise," he says to Idruma as he approaches her, the axe still held firmly in his hand. "It burns me to say I was wrong, but you done right by me on this day. Yer word was good, an' mine will be too."


First Post
Cyrus, HP 19 (max)

"I agree Idruma," Cyrus says in agreement with Norbrit, "you have shown me not to pre-judge kobolds. I will not make that mistake again."
He thinks a few seconds and continues, "actually .. I'll probably make the same mistake again .. but next time I'll feel very bad about it."


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"Not a bad haul," says Zazz, smiling at the treasures. "Of course, now we have to get it all back to town."

The elf turns to Idruma and offers her a bow. "Thank you for your help, my dear. It has been a pleasure meeting you. And I hope for your part, you'll work to keep your tribe from warring upon our peoples without just cause..."


ic - Transmuters

Lazarius watches the bronze statue go. He, Lazarius, is not surprised by its about face.

"What sane creature would choose to face Lararius Jones, Mightest Mage of the Ages?"

Lazaruis lets the image of his spell slip from his mind once the bronze statue is well out of sight.

Cyrus said:
Cyrus continues, to nobody in particular, "So what now?"

"Now we load up with loot and get back to civilisation, where we should be greatly feted. Assuming any justice in the world.

Cyrus said:
"actually .. I'll probably make the same mistake again .. but next time I'll feel very bad about it."

Lazarius snorts. The mage suspects that he will be guilty of the same himself.

Zazz said:
"Thank you for your help, my dear. It has been a pleasure meeting you. And I hope for your part, you'll work to keep your tribe from warring upon our peoples without just cause..."

"And don't forget to wash behind your ears, and say Please and Thank You.

"By the way, was someone supposed to be paying us for this little effort? Norbrit is going to need something to help him make up the difference to us I suspect, judging what I saw of that that axe."

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
After listening to the party's replies, Idruma guesses that those are the best assurances that she is likely to get. She takes her leave to return to her clan as the party stays behind to pack up the loot.

After loading up as much as you can carry, you exit the catacombs to return to Eldold. The statue stands silently in its former place, the whole dungeon taking on an eerie calm now that the kobold menace has been dispatched.

The elders and people of Eldold offer you their most sincere thanks and praise, throwing you a party the likes of which the small town has seldom seen. Each of the local merchants gifts you from amongst the best of their wares, knowing that their caravans no longer have to worry about being overrun by the kobold bandits. Several of the local young ladies swoon at your stories of bravery. Their fathers and brothers pretend not to notice, no doubt hopeful that one of you will be enticed to marry into their families.

The next day, you rent a cart and pony to return to the catacombs and carry off anything that was too cumbersome to carry when you first left. Though the corpses of the kobolds have begun to rot and stink, no more threats present themselves.

With more experience under your belts, you make your way back onto the road, and set off to find out what further adventures might await you in Aggewore... or in the wide world beyond!

Voidrunner's Codex

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