Vigwyn's The Transmuter's Last Touch [IC]

Vigwyn the Unruly

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OOC thread
Rogues Gallery

From the OOC thread...

The group has been adventuring together for about a year in their home country of Aggewore, gaining in confidence and skill. One day, you come to the small town of Eldold for some well-earned rest and relaxation. After a night in the local inn, you are approached by the town elders. It seems the townsfolk have recognized you as a bold adventuring group, and the elders have come to ask for your help with a serious problem.

Caravans traveling to and from the town have recently been assaulted by kobold bandits in a series of ambushes; in fact the kobolds have gone so far as to raid several outlying farms. You agree to help the townsfolk, and after making appropriate preparations you set out to find the source of the kobold problem--and destroy it.

Knowing the countryside well, you quickly track the kobold raiders to the vicinity of an old, almost-forgotten catacombs. The cleric Aust has some vague memories of learning about these catacombs in some dusty old tome early in his religious training. The tombs were prepared by the followers of Soleth, an ancient god of peaceful death. Soleth's followers believed that death should be a quiet, dignified event, and they had a particular hatred of undeath. In their time, the priests of Soleth brewed a special draught that they administered to the corpses of the faithful; the drink was designed to prevent them from ever being raised as undead, thereby ensuring their peaceful rest.

The wizard Lazarius is familiar with the catacombs for an entirely different reason. During his training he heard many tales of a famed wizard that once used the abandoned catacombs as an underground laboratory for his experiments in transmutation magic. The transmuter Verdivis performed many mysterious experiments here, slowly increasing his power and fame. Once he had outgrown the catacombs, Verdivis moved on to bigger and better things. But it is said that some of his magic lingers there yet.

Convinced that the kobolds may be using the ancient catacombs as a home base for their raids, the party redoubles its efforts to find the entrance, carefully searching through the thickly overgrown forest...

The Transmuter's Last Touch​


After searching for several hours, you see a steep, rocky wall rising up out of the tangled forest before you. You spot a small, broken belt pouch lying on the forest floor, looking as if it was dropped there and forgotten. Just beyond it, a briar-filled thicket stands at the base of the rocky wall. Upon closer inspection of the thicket, you note that there is a patch of shade in the brambles which might be a gap in the thick foliage.
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First Post
Zazz holds up his hand, motioning for his companions to hold their positions and be quiet. He cocks his head as if listening, his eyes roaming over the scene. Sensing no danger, he moves to retrieve the belt pouch lying upon the ground.

[sblock=For Vigwyn]
Spot +4, Listen +4


Norbrit Nogginsplitter, dwarven fighter

"Blasted elf," Norbrit says to himself. "Ever ponderin' over sumptin'."

With an eye that is more curious than he will admit, he cranes his neck to see exactly what it is that Zazz finds so interesting. Losing interest quickly, he smacks his ax against his shield bearing the standard of his clan--a large ax embedded into a humanoid skull. "Get on with it, Elf," he says gruffly. "Me daughter's beard'll be gray 'afore we're done waitin' on you. And I ain't even got a daughter yet!"
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Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Zazz does not see or hear anything that would make him think something was amiss. He moves forward and grabs the belt pouch. Doing so, he gets a clearer view of the shadowy area in the thicket, which now definitely appears to be a break in the foliage.

It looks like the loop used for holding the pouch to a belt simply broke, allowing the pouch to fall to the ground, apparently unnoticed by whoever was wearing it at the time. Inside the pouch is a red and black polished Jasper. Norbrit, with a dwarf's sense of these things, notes that the jasper is probably worth about 50 gold pieces.


Norbrit Nogginsplitter, dwarven fighter

"'At's a nice rock," says Norbrit. "Someone'll be missin' that'n. Can we be movin' on now, or ye got more sittin' t'do?"


First Post
Zazz shakes his head and smiles at Norbit. "Your haste is bound to get the best of you one of these days, you stubborn dwarf!" He begins to walk away, moving toward the break in the foliage. He turns back to wink and add "Let me know when you do have that daughter, though. I'll shave her beard proper and make a wife out of her. Ha!"


Norbrit Nogginsplitter, dwarven fighter

Rhun said:
Zazz shakes his head and smiles at Norbit. "Your haste is bound to get the best of you one of these days, you stubborn dwarf!" He begins to walk away, moving toward the break in the foliage. He turns back to wink and add "Let me know when you do have that daughter, though. I'll shave her beard proper and make a wife out of her. Ha!"

"Bah!" Norbrit spits. "Ain't no daughter o'mine be marryin' no blasted elf! An' don't you be touchin' her beard ye durned theif!" Norbrit follows after Zazz, still swearing under his breath. He may never outwardly admit it, but he always appreciates the lighthearted banter and the friendship behind it.


First Post
" you both need to cool the talking.. there's no telling what may be out here..." Laz would utter very softly as he pulld his crossbow level and loaded a bolt into it's place... he would try to stick near the middle of the party if possible and would look about the area with sharpened senses for anything out of the ordinary...

[sblock=OOC to Vigwyn] I'll also have you roll me a spot,listen, and possibly a search if there's need of it....[/sblock]


Rathan said:
" you both need to cool the talking.. there's no telling what may be out here..." Laz would utter very softly as he pulld his crossbow level and loaded a bolt into it's place... he would try to stick near the middle of the party if possible and would look about the area with sharpened senses for anything out of the ordinary...

"Good!" Norbrit says, probably more loudly than most would like. He continues to walk as he talks, not bothering to turn around to face whoever is behind him.

"If they be hearin' us, then they can come to us, save us the trouble o' findin' them. Be more energy fer fightin' thataway."


First Post
"Shhhhhhh!!!!" hisses Avaxasir loudly, from somewhere in the foliage ahead. A loud coarse laugh, nothing like the laughter of most elves, follows his hiss. Despite his noisy demeaner, the elf's footsteps are completely quiet as he crosses through the breach in the thicket.

Voidrunner's Codex

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