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[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Accalon notes the smile with a small well-hidden one of his own as the two whores approach. It amused him as much as it annoyed him but he didn’t deny that, at least to himself, something about the younger one struck a cord with him. As he listened intently to her he tried to place it but like most thing he quickly grew tired of contemplating it when there was work to be done.

Nodding his head slightly in greeting he speaks quietly from deep with his hood, “Loni, that’s pretty, and extra coins are fine,” He chuckles lightly amused at the double meaning of the dark joke that neither will get, “I of course have more than coins to give to you milady.”

His head turns briefly to the commotion but seeing only Madame Brie he quickly takes an each whore by the hand showing his desire to precede upstairs, “My ladies shall we start to negotiate then?”

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First Post
“Burglary” Madame Brie says. “Definitely burglary”. Her beady eyes scan the party. “You’re quite an attractive group, aren’t you. Well, most of you” She looks a bit disappointed at Sunedilar… and looks especially pleased with Aeweth. “If you’re more pretty than you are strong, I have better ways for you to make money. But then again, if Dooley hasn’t slit your throats yet, you must be capable.”

“What’s been stolen from me are three of my best girls, over the last 30 days or so. First thing I… heh heh, convince them about when they start working here, is that they aren’t going to leave. But 30 days ago, the first girl ups and tells me she’s quitting. After I tried to beat some sense in her, I realized she was under a spell. I know a charm when I see one… hell, I’ve laid enough of them on people myself. So I quit focusing on her and tried to track down who had done it. Her last client was someone new, someone who’d never been here before. I never did track him down. But while I was searching, the stupid whore ran away.”

Two weeks later, another girl runs away. Now I’ve been watching the clients, just in case he came back, and her last client didn’t look the same at all, although he was new too, so I thought maybe the first girl’s departure was just inspiring some rebellion. Well, a day spent downstairs…” when she says downstairs, the girls from the waiting room and Valasia noticeably flinch, “a day downstairs convinced them to mind.”

“Then, 3 days ago, another girl… this one I know didn’t run on her own. This one’s been here since she was 12, and wouldn’t know where to run to. And again… the last guy she was seen talking to was someone totally new. Either the guy responsible has a lot of people working for him, or he’s a doppleganger, or he’s an illusionist.”

“They only clue I have is, yesterday one of our regular clients, a merchant, said he’d seen the first missing girl working the street over on Gorgon’s Way. This client always had a thing for her, I’m not sure he told me everything. Planned on having Alicia” she motions to the half-ogre “have a chat with him next time he’s due in, which is 2 days from now.”

“So… think you can get my girls back? And the head of this ass who’s sneaking around my place of business, stealing my hard-earned property… yeah, I want his head.”

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Gwyn ap Fomor, Half-fiend Ranger

"We should be able to do this for you, though there will need to be a discussion of remuneration. The lady (indicating T'aria) and I can go to this Gorgon's Way, and find this missing girl of yours, see what she can tell us. If you are willing to wait two days to speak to this client, we can wait that long as well; if not, we can have a chat with him. In the meantime, we will need to watch your establishment for signs of this "burglar;" Lydia can perhaps look for signs of magics being worked. On the other hand, you can't afford to take another loss, so we should bait the trap as well; perhaps dearest Aeweth would be so kind?"

*Gwyn's cruel smile reaches his eyes this time; it is not a pleasant sight to behold.*

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Aeweth stops looking disconcertedly at T'aria (are those fangs, or am I imagining things? she thinks, and Rhesa thinks the same thing) to sputter in indignation. "Certainly not!" she says, perhaps a little too loudly, and glances at Lydia for backup. "However much it may amuse you to think of me debasing myself just hoping the person we're looking for comes along and encorcles me into doing the exact same thing somewhere else for the rest of my life, it hardly seems like the most efficient way to go about things." She sniffs distainfully. "No, certainly not."

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
All right, ditz, thinks Rhesa, thinking at a rapid pace, make yourself useful or they might just leave you to Gwyn's tender mercies.

"For starters, don't call me little," she hisses. And Rhesa thinks, And don't piss him off so much he eats us, either. Aeweth regains some composure. "Before you suggested the less tasteful part of your scheme, you covered most of what should be done. Track down the leads and question them. Although I might suggest that anyone you question won't be in any condition to answer any more, later, if we care to. Additionally... there are some magical means of tracking stolen items. If something... if something could be irreversably placed on someone's person, they could be tracked that way. Oh! Also, it might be wise to regularly check the, um, employees for magic. Every morning, say. There should be signs of any lingering charms, if that's how it's being done." Aeweth comes to a stop and smiles, quite pleased with herself. And Rhesa hopes that she's pulled off the difficult balancing act of appearing to useful to discard but not be so smart it's out of character for the airhead.
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Gwyn ap Fomor, Half-Fiend Ranger

"You can think after all. How marvelous." Despite his words, Gwyn looks slightly disappointed. "The question is, not-so-little Aeweth, can you work any of those magics? Can you track an item planted on one of these whores? If so, your scheme has merit; if not, well, we shall call it a valiant attempt, no?"

T'aria: female half-fiend rogue2

Before Accalon can leave for upstairs, T'aria places a hand on his arm. "Accalon, dear fellow - we are dicussing employment; perhaps you would wait to see what is offered, hmm?" She lowers her voice. "Perhaps you could negotiate with the Madam for discounted use of the... facilities?"

She turns back to the room. T'aria nods when Gwyn indicates her. Yes... checking out this runaway property should be along our lines...

She grins at the interaction between Gwyn and the blonde. What did Gwyn call her? Ah yes, Aeweth.

Paxus Asclepius said:
"You can think after all. How marvelous." Despite his words, Gwyn looks slightly disappointed. "The question is, not-so-little Aeweth, can you work any of those magics? Can you track an item planted on one of these whores? If so, your scheme has merit; if not, well, we shall call it a valiant attempt, no?"
"Not a bad idea, Aeweth. Although is there not a way to locate people magically as well? Not that I have any such magics, but," T'aria looks at Gwyn, "if she cannot," gesturing at Aeweth, "perhaps one of your other companions can magically locate people or objects? And check for magic being worked?"
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Accalon with whores in hand turns to T'aria at the mention at the discount. In the dark folds of his cloak his green eyes light up as he address her with a slightly wheezy voice, something that T'aria had long since came to realize was a sign of his excitement, “T'aria, my dear, that is wonderful news but I’m afraid that on a busy night such as this that I would lose my entertainment for the evening if I don’t take advantage of it now.” The cloak nods slightly in the direction of the others, “I mean one of them already tried to still my dear Loni here.”

He seems to unconsciously draw the whores closer to his side at the thought of it happening again, “I would indeed be interested, if you would put as so kind as to put a good word in for me?" It’s a question he doesn't really expect an answer to as he continues, "I would very much like to leave in your capable hands while I handle these ladies with mine.”
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
"Or perhaps," Alev offers, finally, "we can dispense with the smoke and mirrors and take a more direct approach. I think it's fair to assume he means to use these girls for business, not pleasure... and I'm also guessing he's pretty small-time, if he has your girl working the street. From that... well, there are just dozens of ways to induce a confrontation."

The pale elf leans back, seeming displeased at being a contributor to this conversation.

"Tell me, Madame Brie, which is more important to you: Recovery of property, or punishment for its theft? There are far more ways to accomplish one than both."

Voidrunner's Codex

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