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[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Aligor Thunderaxe Male Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian

Having been served another bottle of wine from Rusty, Aligor begins his usual nights activities.

"Git over here Rusty! A dwarf shuld never drink alone." He extends the bottle of wine to Rusty, gesturing for him to have a seat at the table.

He starts his usual rants and Rusty sits there and listens. Well, he pretends to listen, but all of this has been heard many times before. Rusty pretends to take drinks, but only sips a few here and there, as not to get Aligor angry. He has seen Aligor angry one too many times and feels sorry for the times that many drunkards have been on the dwarf's bad side. It was not too long ago that the city watch had to be called in to deal with Aligor, who had bet a few strangers that he could out-fight them bare handed. Again, he was drunk, but those strangers still had no chance. He almost beat one to death, before the guards separated the group and threw him in a cell for the night.

"Rusty! Wher the hell is yer head? Are ya even listenin to me? It seems to me that ya got something on yer mind. If'n sumthin's botherin ya, I can take care of it!"

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Paxus Asclepius said:
"I think, then, that we have a fair division of labor. T'aria and I shall go to Gorgon's Way, and see if we can locate these missing girls; if we find them, we will see if they can talk. Sunedilar and Alev, if you will be so kind, can locate this Hectaras and see if he is involved. Lydia and Aeweth can stay here, blend in without getting their hands dirty, and watch any new customers for signs of sorceries; if you see anything suspicious, it should be a simple matter for- Alicia, was it?-to restrain them. Is this acceptable to all." Gwyn's naturally imperious tone makes the last sound like a statement, rather than a question. "Madame, if you could describe the missing girls?"
"That should be simple enough, Bright Star. And I rather think I would be able to persuade those that dare enter with too much magic on them to seek their prey elsewere... perhaps in your clutches," Lydia says with a faint smile.


First Post
Loni seems relaxed beside Accalon, much more so than when they first met. “I’m afraid my skills couldn’t begin to make up for 3 missing girls, but I thank you for the compliment. All three were… touched in the head or something. I heard the first say that she had found a better calling, whatever that meant. Brie couldn’t find out what she meant either, even after some terrible persuasion. And then she ran off… Madame Brie is sure that a john cast a spell on her. Then another girl ran off. And a few days ago, Missandra ran away. She’s been here longer than just about anyone. And I didn’t tell Madame Brie this, but before she left, Missy, I mean, Missandra, told me that she was 'going to be richer than anyone she's ever known', those were her exact words. I haven’t told Madame Brie… if she found out I knew Missy was acting funny and didn’t tell before she left…” She shudders, leaving the sentence unfinished.

Downstairs, the aging goblin tells Gwyn, “There isn’t much of anything they have in common. The first girl, Miri, is short, about twice my height [putting her about 5 foot tall], with short black hair, 18 years old. The second was Jeleneth, tall, wavy dark hair with light streaks, 24 or so. And last was dear Missandra, she’s…”, after some calculation in her head, “29, that’s right. Somewhat tall, very long blond hair, down to her ass. Dumb as an illithid victim, but that’s a quality a lot of clients look for.” She adds, “If these 2 are staying here,” referring to Lydia and Aeweth, “ I’ll try and find something upstairs they can wear that will let them blend in better.”

And at the Rusty Guts, Rusty looks conflicted on what he should tell the dwarf. “Aligor, even if I had a problem, not all’o’us need things solved with a bloody axe.” Suddenly, the door bursts open, and two young men come in, both brown haired and close enough in appearance to be brothers. But one is a bit taller than the other, and he does the speaking. “Rusty, whatcha doing open? We came to deliver this message; if we knew you’d be here, we wouldn’t have had to get our hands bloody.” The other brother opens a sack, and dumps what appears to be a dead, black cat on one of the other tables. He then pulls out a long thin dagger with some kind of symbol on it, and pins the cat to the table with one downward jab. “If you had seen this in the morning, you would have known what it meant, right? Get rid of the dwarf and we can talk about what you owe Hex.”

Rusty gets up, apparently very upset “You tell yer boss what I owe ‘im is a fat lip!” He rolls up his sleeve. “If ya need me to show ya what one looks like so you can tell ‘im, then lets get to it”. But the two young men draw short swords, and Rusty’s usual weapon, a hefty crowbar, is 10 feet away at the bar.

[Combat will more than likely begin next post, unless Aligor just leaves or talks them out of it :) .
Aligor 16
Thugs 14
Rusty 8]

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Accalon nods his head as the young girl’s worried words, “You took a risk in trusting me and I shall do the same to you…” He smiles reassuringly into her blue eyes, “Your safe Loni, I have no desire to see you harmed.” He looks distant as he continues, “Indeed, I would agree that they where complied to do something they didn’t plan on…”

Thinking upon the situation Accalon stands up gathering his last few items in the process. He seems to hesitate between leaving and asking another question, finally he settles on asking them and he quickly turns back to young whore, “Loni? Did any of them share the same clients? Did they share anything in common besides working here? Has anyone approached you or have you felt weird or noticed anything weird?”

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
"Very well, then. Where is Gorgon's Way?" Once he receives this information, and barring any complications, he will go to Gorgon's Way and begin looking for Miri and the other girls, taking T'aria along if she is willing.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Telsar said:
She adds, “If these 2 are staying here,” referring to Lydia and Aeweth, “ I’ll try and find something upstairs they can wear that will let them blend in better.”

"Um, couldn't we blend in as guards? Like, uh, Alicia here?" Rhesa knows the answer, but Aeweth would ask, so she asks. I mean, for Gods sake, Aeweth couldn't guard her way out of a burlap sack and looks about as dangerous as a stuffed rabbit. Which, incidentally, is how Gwyn seems to view her. In stark contrast, you have "Alicia," who is nine feet and several hundred odd pounds of I-don't-know-and-I-don't-want-to-know.
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First Post
Telsar said:
To Alicia she says, “Loyal as always.”, giving her a smile she hardly ever gives any of the girls. “You help these people find this guy, and I’m sure they won’t mind if you play with him a bit before he dies. And you can keep an eye on them too… friends of Dooley’s should be trustworthy, but you never know.” Madame Brie clearly doesn’t seem to mind if the party knows this mountainous half-ogre could be a threat to them if they betray her.

Alicia smiles in anticipation and looks around at the small-folk, appraising and dismissing them as a threat.

Paxus Asclepius said:
"Lydia and Aeweth can stay here, blend in without getting their hands dirty, and watch any new customers for signs of sorceries; if you see anything suspicious, it should be a simple matter for- Alicia, was it?-to restrain them. Is this acceptable to all."

She frowns in momentary confusion. How was she to keep an eye on them all if they split up? Were they already trying to betray her, get the girls for themselves while she was stuck in the house? She looks at the two women named Lydia and Aeweth, cracking her knuckles loudly. At least she would have someone left to punish if their friends proved treacherous...

T'aria: female half-fiend rogue2

T'aria watches as the others make plans and ask questions, content for the moment to let Gwyn handle matters. As he is about to leave, however, she places a hand on his arm. "Gwyn, dearheart," she says quietly, "should we not negotiate payment first? Much like Madam's girls, we have a service to perform, and it may be slightly difficult to negotiate payment afterward - unless you have true confidence in our employer. If so, I will be happy to attend the task with you."

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Aligor Thunderaxe Male Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian

Telsar said:
Rusty gets up, apparently very upset “You tell yer boss what I owe ‘im is a fat lip!” He rolls up his sleeve. “If ya need me to show ya what one looks like so you can tell ‘im, then lets get to it”. But the two young men draw short swords, and Rusty’s usual weapon, a hefty crowbar, is 10 feet away at the bar.

[Combat will more than likely begin next post, unless Aligor just leaves or talks them out of it :) .
Aligor 16
Thugs 14
Rusty 8]

"Rusty. Looks like you forgot sumthin'. My table looks a little too clean, and these boys came just in time!"

"This'll teach ya fer messin wit my drinkin!" (Intimidate +6)
He will grab his waraxe, and charge at the first human, leaving his shield at the table, trying to put himself between the two humans and Rusty, so that if they do try and charge Rusty, he can get an AAO on one.

Att+6 (No Charge - as the table was in the way and taking -1 AttBonus for extra damage for Power Attack) Wielded 2Hands (+1 Dmg), Dmg1d10+5

OOC - I never updated my character sheet, so my loss....I was going to purchase a guard dog or riding dog, a very viscious beast that also likes 'fresh meat'. He would have been waiting outside, chewing an a piece of the Ettercap that Aligor had slain earlier, but that's cool, I will just purchase him afterwards and say he was sleeping...

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Goddess FallenAngel said:
T'aria watches as the others make plans and ask questions, content for the moment to let Gwyn handle matters. As he is about to leave, however, she places a hand on his arm. "Gwyn, dearheart," she says quietly, "should we not negotiate payment first? Much like Madam's girls, we have a service to perform, and it may be slightly difficult to negotiate payment afterward - unless you have true confidence in our employer. If so, I will be happy to attend the task with you."

A bolt of chagrin runs through Gwyn. Forgetfulness is weakness, Gwyn. YOU ARE NOT WEAK. "My confidence in our employer is not so great, but in you, yes. I believe you can negotiate a proper fee without my assistance. If you would like me to remain while you discuss, I am happy to do so." Decent cover, but don't let it happen again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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