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[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work


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T’aria slips in just as the doorman closes the door. He looks at her like he might intend to lay his hands on her, but her quick nod and her approach to the party convinces him that she’s with this group [OOC Bluff rolled 12+6=18]

Meanwhile, in an even seedier place just a few blocks away, Aligor Thunderaxe is enjoying a drink at one of his favorite taverns, the Rusty Guts. It’s owner and bartender, a short balding human that everyone calls Rusty, decides it’s time to close the place for the night. He sees only 3 patrons remaining, but one is Aligor. He hopes this isn’t one of those nights that Aligor has had either too little, or too much, to drink.
“Alright everyone, time to go home to whoever loves ya, ‘cause it sure as hell ain’t me”

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T'aria: half-fiend rogue2

T'aria slips up behind the party into the 'showroom'.

"Gwyn, my old friend... surprising to see you here." She grins at him when he turns to look at her, then glides past the group to Accalon. "Are you not finished yet? By the nine hells, you spend more time in whorehouses than the Lord of Shadows does in darkness!"

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Gwyn ap Fomor, Half-Fiend Ranger

Gwyn smiles (coldly, but that's the best grin he's got) when he sees T'aria. Life is many things around her, but poor and boring are none of them. "A little out of your usual clime, aren't you? And who's your friend?"

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Aligor Thunderaxe Male Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian

Telsar said:
Meanwhile, in an even seedier place just a few blocks away, Aligor Thunderaxe is enjoying a drink at one of his favorite taverns, the Rusty Guts. It’s owner and bartender, a short balding human that everyone calls Rusty, decides it’s time to close the place for the night. He sees only 3 patrons remaining, but one is Aligor. He hopes this isn’t one of those nights that Aligor has had either too little, or too much, to drink.
“Alright everyone, time to go home to whoever loves ya, ‘cause it sure as hell ain’t me”

"Wha? Ye know I just arrived, and there sure as hell ain't enuff drink in me to see me off. Anuther mug of ale, and be quick about it!"

With that, Aligor slaps the nearest wench on her backside, trying to quicken her step to the bar. He had just arrived at the bar from a recent 'job' and needed to unwind a bit. He is busily working on his new adornment; the fresh claw of an ettercap that he recently acquired. A grin spreads on his face, as he remembers the ettercap charging at the dwarf in the darkness, not knowing what exactly its webbing had caught. Unluckily for it, Aligor was ready and to his delight, the ettercap put up a good battle. But Aligor is no stranger to the darkness, and its inhabitants.

The table he sits at has stains of blood, as this is his favorite table that he has frequented in the past. Many patrons have made the mistake to have been sitting in his chair when he arrived, but it was only a mistake they made once. His recent jobs have had a lacking of substance, and he was looking for something else to do for the time being. These simple repossessions for various people were becoming daunting to him.

What I wuldn't do for a true battle! It seems as though my recent employers have not had much to offer me lately. Where the hell is my ale?
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T'aria: half-fiend rogue2

Gwyn said:
"A little out of your usual clime, aren't you? And who's your friend?"
"Oh, just a little disagreement about a small job I was contracted to complete. Had to take a vacation for a while." She shrugged and leaned insolently against a nearby wall, smoothing out her full, floor-length skirt. "That's Accalon - my traveling companion for the time being. He worked freelance for the guild for a time." She smiled, showing slight fangs - although she hadn't mentioned what guild, she was sure that Gwyn would know she wasn't referring to any merchant or craftsman's guild.

T'aria looks about the lush interior of the brothel and lets her lip curl up in a sneer. "Not your usual... hobby, is it Gwyn?" She glances at the group and lets her eyes linger on Lydia and Aeweth. "Or is it?..."

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Nodding his head slightly in forgiveness at the young whore Accalon turns to his odd companion while is hood hides the annoyance that crosses his face but it does little to hide it from his tone, “Don't speech such falsehoods and I find that rather hard to believe, T'aria, but even if it’s true I’m not finished yet…” He pauses almost like he tastes something of utter delicacy, “This town has much to savor and your keeping me from it.”

Seeing the approach of someone else to T’aria’s side he hopes for a distraction that will free him of her. He barely notes their friendly conversation, or there discussion of him, as he turns back hoping to find the whore is some semblance of being undressed.

He frowns deep within the hood as he discovers that in the distraction,, and her shyness, that she stands still fully clothed. He speaks tenderly and reaches out equally so, “Here milady, let me help you with that.”

OOC: Detect Good, and Detect Disease, still waiting for results on this
Diplomacy /9 on the whore.
Bluff /7 also if she believes T’aria’s story

Paxus Asclepius

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Goddess FallenAngel said:
T'aria looks about the lush interior of the brothel and lets her lip curl up in a sneer. "Not your usual... hobby, is it Gwyn?" She glances at the group and lets her eyes linger on Lydia and Aeweth. "Or is it?..."

"Actually, I'm here on business. Dulanse here [Gwyn gestures to him] thought we could find well-paying work. I'm not here to play. If I wanted that, I'd not be after paying for it."

Thomas Hobbes

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Aeweth regards the brothel with undisguised revulsion... and a little bit of curisosity. This is, after all, her first exposure to the seedy side of life, and she's always been inquisitive. Her detached academic gaze lingers on some of the girls sitting on the couches before moving on the the decor.

To Rhesa, though, it's all old hat. She's almost too busy sticking close to Lydia, being terrified of Gwyn, and being a combination of curious and replused by the half-ogre guard to see the fresh-faced young boy fumbling at a prostitute and recall her Priest of a long, long time ago (or at least, so it seems).

It was perhaps the closest she ever came to letting her double lives collide, and (in retrospect) she has to admit that there was a certain perverse manipulation about it. Thinking about it now, she realizes that she was more like those around her then than she'd ever cared to be. She shudders a little, internally.

Her Priest (being a good little servant of Heironius) was a fervent prothletyzer, paticularly amongst the poor, the dissolute, and the morally deficient. His young, eager face showed up in brothels at a rate that would be disturbing to any potential companion of his if he hadn't been there to preach and convert. Rhesa had occasionally wondered if there was something behind his choice of venue, but had reluctantly concluded that he simply felt he was needed most where virtue was farthest.

In any case, she had decided to test her young Priest. Her ability to change her appearance was considerable, and so the Priest had no idea that the pretty young whore that was attempting to seduce him and the chaste young girl he was to eat dinner with later that evening were one and the same. In the end it turned out it was over before it began; the young Priest's virtue held firm, and Rhesa was reduced to imagining (and darkly chuckling at the thought of) her own tearful confrontation with the philanderer. She had considered, briefly, re-trying the experiment as a boy, and then realized what precisely she was considering and left for saner waters.

She is bumped out of her reverie by the appearance of T'aria, which causes her a brief start of panic, followed by several calmer emotions. She was, to her knowledge, not being hunted by the guild- she been part of a botched scheme, but she hadn't snitched, and the organization wasn't nearly draconian enough to kill everyone involved in a failure. The question is, why was she here? And does she recognize me? What if she does? Bugger, this could get messy. She considers using her magic to make her appearance a bit more convincing, but there's no way she could slip away to use it.

Rhesa's current disguise check is +5 (ranks) +3 (charisma) +2 (synergy from bluff, since I am acting "in character") and possibly, with DM discretion, +5 (minor details only- the only notable thing is her arms and legs, which are concealed from sight anyway). T'aria might get a +4 (recognizes on sight) or +6 (friends or associates) to see through it. Rhesa will have taken 10.

Guilt Puppy

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Alev surveys the room, taking time at the first mirror to be sure his eyes are still appropriately pink. When he's comfortable with his surroundings he dumps himself into a comfortable chair, yawning with wile.

He raises his hand, points upward as he lays his elbow on the armrest. "Won't someone curl her hair around my finger as my companion works up a contract?" he says, firmly.

His gaze, however, stays ever toward Dulanse and Sunedilar.


First Post
Valasia quickly disappears through the curtained passageway, or as quickly as she can with a dress that’s nearly cutting off her ability to breathe.

Accalon observes everyone carefully, and after a few seconds [it takes 3 rounds to get specifics on Detect Good and Disease], realizes everyone but himself is sadly disease-free, and the lone island of goodness is the prostitute he’s trying to talk with. As he negotioates with her [Diplomacy rolled 5+9=14], he realizes her shyness might be attributable to a little bit of fear over someone not willing to show their face. But before Accalon can continue persuading her, one of the other prostitutes, a bit older and perhaps more weathered, gets up and slides herself between them, her hands roaming over him. As her hands reach Accalon’s waist, she says “Ah, that’s quite a nice bulge, you obviously need someone a little more experienced. Shall we go upstairs?” Accalon realizes the bulge she has her hand on is his money pouch.

The shy girl looks a bit relieved, backs up a bit, and looks over the party, perhaps hoping for someone less intimidating. As Alev sits down, the girl seems much more attracted to the well-groomed man than she did the man covering his features. She smiles as she sits beside him on his chair’s armrest. “My hair’s available, kind sir. Should I know you? By your bearing you must be a nobleman, or at least related to one”

T’aria, bantering with Gwyn, happens to notice Aeweth. She seems a little familiar, but it’s hard to place from where. By Aeweth’s apparent innocence, the revulsion over a simple brothel, perhaps she’s someone she stole from once. A theory which is supported when Aeweth notices T’aria; it’s clear to the half-demon that this girl recognizes her from somewhere.

[T’aria fails to recognize Rhesa. Spot rolled 11+6+4(bonus)=21 vs DC 25. T’aria realizes Aeweth’s recognition: Sense Motive rolled 12+10=22 vs. Bluff rolled 5+6+5(bonus for just momentary recognition)=16]

At the Rusty Guts, one of Aligor’s fellow patrons, an aging and obviously drunk human, responds to Aligor’s orders “Thash tellin’ him. Thish damn bartender is stingy on the drinks. Gimme another too! My new dwarf friend is buyin’” The barmaid rushes Aligor his ale with a scowl on her face, obviously dismayed at having to work past closing time. The third patron, a halfling, apparently worried how things might progress, puts a few coins on his table and quickly heads for the door, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

The bartender yells at Aligor. “Alright, ya got your ale. Drink it fast and get outta here... if you wanna buy a bottle to take home with ya, that’s fine. If ya don’t watch it, I’ll let the barmaid wash off all that blood from yer table ya like so much.” The barmaid actually turns a bit green at the thought.

Voidrunner's Codex

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