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[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work

T'aria, half-fiend rogue2

T'aria ignors Accalon's reply, sole reason for verbally prodding him in the first place being forgotten as Gwyn mentions that there was a possible job in the offering.

"Work? Might you need one with my skills, dear old friend? I find myself... currently unemployed, and working with you again would always be welcome." She smiles again.

She looks again at the eyeglass-wearing blonde that is hovering close to the other female in Gwyn's party. She looks so familiar... but from where? And I could have sworn I saw some recognition there... Some fear, too... hmm... probably someone I stole from once. She gives off an aura of victum. The thought causes T'aria to grin at the blonde, her small fangs obvious even in the dim light of the room.

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Fangor the Fierce

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Telsar said:
At the Rusty Guts, one of Aligor’s fellow patrons, an aging and obviously drunk human, responds to Aligor’s orders “Thash tellin’ him. Thish damn bartender is stingy on the drinks. Gimme another too! My new dwarf friend is buyin’” The barmaid rushes Aligor his ale with a scowl on her face, obviously dismayed at having to work past closing time. The third patron, a halfling, apparently worried how things might progress, puts a few coins on his table and quickly heads for the door, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

The bartender yells at Aligor. “Alright, ya got your ale. Drink it fast and get outta here... if you wanna buy a bottle to take home with ya, that’s fine. If ya don’t watch it, I’ll let the barmaid wash off all that blood from yer table ya like so much.” The barmaid actually turns a bit green at the thought.

Aligor glances over at the Human in disbelief as he sits at his table. With a quick reaction, Aligor's eyes gleam and he pushes the human with a sudden force of the chair and send him sprawling onto the floor.

"Whattaya think yer doin? Get yer own ale!" Watching the halfling walk out in a hurry, he yells after him, "And take this no good fer nuthin human with ya!" He immediately kicks the human towards the door, to help him on his way...

At the mention of the barmaid cleaning off his table, Aligor simply glares at Rusty for a few seconds. He has only begun to drink and the effects are not sitting in yet. He then grins at Rusty and begins a loud hearty laugh.

"Ya almost has me there Rusty! I never figured ya fer a jokster!" Then giving a serious look at Rusty, "If'n ya were serious, then I guess I would have to stain the table again. But where would I git the blood?" Eying Rusty while his hands grip at his axe, making sure that Rusty knew what he was getting himself into. He suddenly breaks into another series of hearty laughs. "I would like to take yer offer and git me a bottle of yer finest dwarven ale. I was only kiddin with ya Rusty. It's been a long day, I need to unwind and you do have my favorite table in this town! It's too early to close up!"

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Accalon fills the slight urge to slide the hood down but it disappears quickly as the older women steps in. He studies her quickly and concludes that her better days of whoring are over and that the younger shy lady would be having far more customers while his gifted corrupted her body and there’s likewise.

His hand firmly, obviously in the intent that it should not come back, guides the woman’s hand away from his coin purse while his voice carries a witty and charmed quality he doesn’t really fill at the moment, “A nice enough bulge for two, and if it’s experience she needs than what better way?

From deep within the cloak his green eyes trail the young whore with a predator like intensity. He leans in and whispers into the whore’s ear, “Double your rate if you can convince her to join us.”

OOC: Diplomacy /9
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Lydia Shardweaver, female human cleric 3 of Wee Jas

*Lydia steps into the room, and regards the artwork with an appraising eye.*

"Fairly pleasent decor, if a bit too vulgar for my tastes," she comments softly.

*She eyes the hooded man and the woman with the spiked crown, then glances back over at Sunedilar and Dulanse.*

"Pretty Bird, do I have to go find the Madame myself or do we have to wait until our Peacock has found a girl to match his eyes?" she says to Dulanse, gesturing over at Alev.


First Post
Alicia the Half-Ogre

Alicia studies each of the new arrivals in turn with narrow eyes. She was well aware that too many people at once were a threat... Much better to be all alone with a pretty young man, oh yes indeed. She smiles at the young priest of whatshisnameius, and makes an obscene gesture with her tongue.
A sudden spasm rushes trough her arms and her fists clench like claws. Pearls of sweat form on her face, and her gaze is suddenly very far away.


First Post
Dulanse responds “Although the thought of what you might find, Lydia, while roaming through the halls of this place is amusing to no end, especially if dear Aeweth accompanies you,” to whom he gives a charming smile, “it shouldn’t take Madame Brie long, I’d imagine.”

Accalon’s would-be companion eyes light up at the prospect of more money [Diplomacy rolled 11+9=20], and she quickly goes over to her younger coworker and whispers in her ear, while squeezing her arm in a manner that looks rather painful. The younger girl fidgets, then starts to rise from Alev’s side, while giving him a hopeful, almost pleading look.

At the tavern, the human, sprawled on the floor, starts to protest, but the halfling seems particularly concerned for his well-being and places a hand over his mouth to shut him up. The halfling says “Don’t worry friend, we’ll find somewhere else and I’ll buy you that free drink”, still making a point of not looking at the bartender or Aligor. The human seems much happier now, at the prospect of free liquor, and the halfling helps the elderly human to his feet, and they both head for the exit. The bartender looks a little shaken by Aligor’s “joking” threat [Intimidate rolled 11+6=17], but recovers enough to say “Alright, since ya are such an old customer, I kin make an exception this once and stay open.” Of course, it isn’t just this once, he’s had to stay open for the rowdy dwarf before… and his sigh indicates he knows he’ll probably do it again.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Accalon hooded and cloaked figure turned as watched the occupants of the room and their movements with a little less indifference than normal. His thoughts ranged from the sudden number of people here. This was far busier than he imagined this place normal was and he silently wondered why but he didn’t lingered on it for long as his goat legged companion seemed rather interested in some of the new arrivals. Again neither his eyes nor his thoughts linger on that for long and they quickly turned to the only mattered that did. A frown of distain spread across his face as he watched the old whore dig her nails into the young ladies arm as he didn’t very much like her form of convincing.

He cloak swayed at the half step he took towards them but he quickly stops deciding that it would be best to not make a scene. Besides he thought wryly, I can make the old whore pay in ways she never imagined…

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Telsar said:
The shy girl looks a bit relieved, backs up a bit, and looks over the party, perhaps hoping for someone less intimidating. As Alev sits down, the girl seems much more attracted to the well-groomed man than she did the man covering his features. She smiles as she sits beside him on his chair’s armrest. “My hair’s available, kind sir. Should I know you? By your bearing you must be a nobleman, or at least related to one”

Alev stares back, a bit aghast.

"No, child, I'm not. And you don't need to call me sir, either -- I have a name, you know. Not that I'm going to tell it to you, but you could at least make one up."

"Ask her if you need help." He gestures toward Lydia with a graceless swipe through the air. "She's good at it."


First Post
The young whore looks disappointed at Alev’s response to her, but then resigns to her fate as both girls walk back to Accalon. The young girl smiles, perhaps only partially forced, and says “Jovana tells me you’re man enough for two of us”, referring to her older co-worker. “My name is Loni, and Madame Brie insists we charge extra for that, but if you have the coin, we’ll negotiate upstairs”.

Suddenly, a voice is heard: “Which one of you wants to feel this wand first!” a strange, straggly voice that comes from the curtained doorway. Everyone who turns to look sees the odd image of a two and half foot tall creature, apparently female by its clothing and make up, apparently a goblin by her pointed ears and broad, flat nose. And apparently hostile by the wand in her hand, pointed at the party. Valasia the elf stands behind her.

But as the goblin sees Dulanse, her attitude suddenly shifts, and the middle-aged goblin smiles. “Dooley! And here I thought it was someone dangerous!” They both laugh at this, and the newcomers realize what Alicia and Accalon already know, that this is Madame Brie. She asks “Well, what are you doing here? If you came alone, I might think you’re looking for some fun… “ she winks at Dulanse, suggesting she knows what he likes, whatever that might be, “…but as I’ve tried to smack into Valasia, a large group of well-armed travelers is almost always looking for trouble, not entertainment.” Valasia looks down at the floor at the chastisement.

Dulanse explains to his old friend that he heard on the grapevine that she’d been having trouble with some sort of harassment, and his friends are quite adept at… harassing back. She says “No, no, your source got it wrong. It’s more theft than harassment. But I’m surprised you’re even in town, Dooley, with the wedding and all.” Dulanse doesn’t know what she’s talking about, and she explains that, by what she’s heard, Lord Delryn is engaged to be married in Keldenar, a city some 50 miles north. “Was it not just 8 months past that the lord lost another beloved fiancée? Perhaps this time he’ll find happiness.” She smirks with that last comment

Those here who know Dulanse know his background with Lord Delryn, and know that the idea of the man having any happiness, especially through marriage, is enough to force Dulanse into action. Dulanse, face beet red, says simply “I must go. And I must go alone.” Turning to Madame Brie “My apologies, but my allies here can help you.” He somehow manages a small smile “Well, if you pay them their worth.”

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