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Virtual Happy Hour (Brews & Spirits, Pics & Reviews)


Krombacher Dark 4.7%


Thought this was a stout it porter but not sure. Anyway very delicious a lot smoother than a few stouts I have tried. Normally I prefer my dark beers 50-100% stronger.

Krombacher Dark | Krombacher Brauerei

Beer advocate has it as an 8. I'm gonna go with that rating very nice and it's a macro dark beer as well.

Krombacher nearvthevtoo of my list of favorite beers as all 3 of their range have been very good.

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Last night I had a couple Avant by local microbrew Insight here in the twin cities. It's a pilsner that was dry hopped with NZ hops. Tasty, light, and just the right time of year for it.

Did it have that hoppy/fruity flavour? You don't really get that in Euro pilsners but here it's "add more hops".

Some variety was apparently rare as it fell out of favor decades ago. Then they found it growing like a weed on the west coaß (rain forest 2000mm+ rain per year) and old D&D mate started growing some.

It's possible a pilsner, APA and lighter IPA all taste similar here. Pilsner might be a bit more crisp the IPA slightly bitter but otherwise.....

One of the hoppy pilsners it's not to bad.

Hops and wine have taken off here. Kinda helps the South Island has 4 climate types and several microclimates.

Of course I chose the cold wet option but the other options are alpine, rainforest and to bloody hot.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
Did it have that hoppy/fruity flavour? You don't really get that in Euro pilsners but here it's "add more hops".

Some variety was apparently rare as it fell out of favor decades ago. Then they found it growing like a weed on the west coaß (rain forest 2000mm+ rain per year) and old D&D mate started growing some.

It's possible a pilsner, APA and lighter IPA all taste similar here. Pilsner might be a bit more crisp the IPA slightly bitter but otherwise.....

One of the hoppy pilsners it's not to bad.

Hops and wine have taken off here. Kinda helps the South Island has 4 climate types and several microclimates.

Of course I chose the cold wet option but the other options are alpine, rainforest and to bloody hot.
It did have a fruity hoppy profile. I like NZ hops because they have that grapefruit flavor without being too acidic.


It did have a fruity hoppy profile. I like NZ hops because they have that grapefruit flavor without being too acidic.

Not such a fan because it's in everything. I swear the craft beers are 80% IPA varieties.

Beer scene now is so much better than just 25 years ago.

Our normal beer is fairly bad even Samoan beer is better. Aussie beer may actually be worse.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
Not such a fan because it's in everything. I swear the craft beers are 80% IPA varieties.

Beer scene now is so much better than just 25 years ago.

Our normal beer is fairly bad even Samoan beer is better. Aussie beer may actually be worse.
I enjoy it a lot because its an interesting variety that is rarer here in the U.S. We have hop country out west where like 50% of the worlds hops come from. So, I am definitely used to those.


Six of the best for the weekend. Local company brewed in my city although it got bought out a few years back. The guy who founded it is still in the picture (Nick Emerson) and by all accounts the attached restaurant is good.



In the wilderness think I've covered 5/6.

Gonna go with


Decided to try this Underground lager 4.5% first. Emersons usually makes premium beers and this is their generic lager option.

Didn't have a strong aroma faint hops smell. Used to NZ lager having a stronger hop taste than my imported Eurolagers I like sampling.

No strong taste of grain, hops or malt. Has a subtle taste of something I can't put my finger on. Very easy to drink smooth and crisp. No skunk flavour or harsh grain taste.

Nice easy drinking session lager. Easy in the palate nice flavour. Nothing to remarkable. Similar in price to imported larger Eurolagers nicer than a few though.

Very smooth throughly enjoyed and the can was demolished very quickly. It's twice the price of cheap lager ( approx $14 usd 6 pack vs same price for dozen lagers on sale). Still cheaper than actual craft beer.

Gonna go with an 8 maybe 8.5 being generous. Hmmm break my rating rules 8.25 very good generic lager beaten by 8.6 gold and that Lithuanian beer whose name I forget.



Bird Dog IPA 7%.

Think I've reviewed this one before. Not to hoppy or bitter so easy drinking IPA that hitshard at 7%. Bit of a winner I don't dislike IPAs just prefer APAs.

I like this one better than some more expensive IPAs I've tried. 8/10.

Generally like ersons range never had a bar one yet some are just better than others. Made locally as well.


Hazed and confused cloudy IPA.

Think I've done this one before. Got inhaled anyway 3 left out of the 6 pack.

My beer glasses are sized for the larger European cans and bottles.

Voidrunner's Codex

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