A sometimes painful committee (the work, not the people) had its hopefully last meeting of the year today. Anyway...
Untitled Art Chocolate Malt Amore Pastry Stout. With midnight wheat, caramel, and chocolate malts. 10% ABV.
Untitled art is hit or miss, sometimes having strange textures or going way too far with a flavor. This is a really nice chocolate dessert stout that would be good to split with a few people or served in snifters. I wish they had half size cans, a full one is a bit too much.

Untitled Art Chocolate Malt Amore Pastry Stout. With midnight wheat, caramel, and chocolate malts. 10% ABV.
Untitled art is hit or miss, sometimes having strange textures or going way too far with a flavor. This is a really nice chocolate dessert stout that would be good to split with a few people or served in snifters. I wish they had half size cans, a full one is a bit too much.