D&D 5E Vrax the Rock Thrower


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Vrax wanted to throw a rock as far as possible. Vrax did everything she could think of: became a Rogue to learn Expertise, gained levels for Proficiency bonus of +6, increased STR to 20, found a book which enabled STR 22, and got friends to help with Guidance and Bardic Inspiration. Vrax tried again and again, rolling many STR (Athletics) checks. One day, Vrax got a super-lucky throw: 20 on the d20, 4 on the Guidance d4, 12 on the Inspiration d12. Vrax added +6 for her STR, and +12 for Expertise in Athletics, for total of 54.

Is that the farthest that any non-polymorphed PC will ever throw a rock? Or is it possible, in 5E, to get an ability check outcome greater than 54?

Can a PC be polymorphed into a creature with STR 30, for a maxed outcome of 58? Is that the outer bound of 5E?

How high can an Attack Roll go? As above, but 6 lower without Expertise?
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Vrax wanted to throw a rock as far as possible. Vrax did everything she could think of: became a Rogue to learn Expertise, gained levels for Proficiency bonus of +6, increased STR to 20, found a book which enabled STR 22, and got friends to help with Guidance and Bardic Inspiration. Vrax tried again and again, rolling many STR (Athletics) checks. One day, Vrax got a super-lucky throw: 20 on the d20, 4 on the Guidance d4, 12 on the Inspiration d12. Vrax added +6 for her STR, and +12 for Expertise in Athletics, for total of 54.

Is that the farthest that any non-polymorphed PC will ever throw a rock? Or is it possible, in 5E, to get an ability check outcome greater than 54?
Your Strength can go up to 29 with a belt of storm giant strength.


First Post
What did that poor, innocent rock ever do to Vrax?

It was here, and it wanted to be over there; she was helping it realize its dreams. Repeatedly.

Your Strength can go up to 29 with a belt of storm giant strength.

Ah, then that's 57 total without polymorph, thanks Dausuul.

If throwing at a target, rather than for distance, a level 20 PC with the Belt of Storm Giant Strength and d12 Inspiration can make a ranged (thrown) attack of 47; with a +3 rock (or +3 dagger etc.), then 50. They'd have about a 50% chance of hitting AC 37, if AC 37 existed. Their worst non-fumble thrown attack roll (2 on d20, 1 on d12, +14 STR, +6 Proficiency, +3 magic rock) hits AC 26.

The enchantment on the +3 rock adds to its accuracy on an Attack Roll, but I don't think the enchantment adds to a Strength (Athletics) check for throwing distance.
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First Post
Why do you want to throw a rock anyway? Why wouldn't a bow suffice? Why does it use athletics instead of normal attack roll?

Are you unfamiliar with the idea of seeing how far you can throw something?
People have held competitions to see who can throw something the farthest; they still do.
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Are you unfamiliar with the idea of seeing how far you can throw something?
People have held competitions to see who can throw something the farthest; they still do, at least every 4 years.
I am familiar. I was asking if there exists some munchkin behind this. If someone was to do this in combat, what would be the benefits.


First Post
I am familiar. I was asking if there exists some munchkin behind this. If someone was to do this in combat, what would be the benefits.

If they did the long-distance rock-throw... maybe they'd impress the opponents? Attacks against them would have Advantage, since they're putting all their attention/effort into the athletic task.

Throwing a rock, or a dagger or spear, *at a target* is often more useful in combat. Guidance does not apply in that case, nor Expertise, but the ability to hit AC 26 (or less) on anything other than a fumble (natural 1) is useful. On a successful hit, the damage modifiers are +14 from Strength and +3 from the enchanted weapon, totalling +17.

Anyone who's level 20 and has a Belt of Storm Giant Strength and d12 Bardic Inspiration is likely to have better options in combat than throwing rocks. YMMV.

So, do you have any helpful suggestions for how Vrax can throw a rock even farther? *What did I miss?*

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