D&D 5E Vs Vecna battle simulations.

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The High Aldwin
The new battle map is ready. I'll be running the fight through powerpoint and posting the images as usual, but I'll still uses Roll20 for the dice rolling.

If I can figure out how to do it in Roll20, I will run it there again, but I really have only used it for these fights.

The map won't be revealed until the fight begins. ;)

And I am totally up for running it as a new thread once we have players ready.


The new battle map is ready. I'll be running the fight through powerpoint and posting the images as usual, but I'll still uses Roll20 for the dice rolling.

If I can figure out how to do it in Roll20, I will run it there again, but I really have only used it for these fights.

The map won't be revealed until the fight begins. ;)

And I am totally up for running it as a new thread once we have players ready.
What do you need help doing with Roll20? I DM two long term games in it a week and run workshops on it


The High Aldwin
Well, it has been almost 24 hours (or more probably) and there doesn't seem much interest for anyone else wanting to run a PC... :(

So, @FitzTheRuke and @Stalker0 do you both want to play two PCs? I know Fitz mentioned playing Malek or some version of rogue again and Stalker has a fighter. If either of you want cleric or wizard chime in.

I have the lair ready at this point and Vecna with substituted (equal level) spells and the Book of Vile Darkness. Since this is his "lair" he has lair actions as well. I'll post info once everyone is ready.

If anyone else would like to play a PC, please let us know! :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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