W3: The Eidolon (Bront Judging)

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A pudgy half-elven woman from the back pulls her nose out of a book look enough to respond, "Eidolon has several meanings, varying from an otherworldly double spiritual or magical in nature, to a simulacrum. It also happens to be a classification of fruit bats that reside in the Reaches."

"Sorry I'm late, I'm Lori. Graff, I got your letter. Yer looking real swell."

"You said ya could think of at least 10 people who could want it. Ya think ya could name some a them so we can see what we can find on any of 'em?"

[sblock=Wik]OOC: I might suggest paying 600 now and 600 later, just because it's easier to devide by 6. And anything Lor might know about the situation in general given all her knowledge skills?[/sblock]

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Guardian stands and puts a steadying hand on Tondrek's shoulder. "Your enthusiasm does you credit, and it will be my honor to protect you, as well as the rest of our group." He looks over their motley crew and says, "I must admit, I have never been tasked with the protection of so many at once, but I will do my best to see that as little harm as possible comes to you."

He nods to Lori, "Greetings, good woman."

He prepares himself to leave with the others and moves over to Shadow and Haltash, "Perhaps the rest of us can assist in the interrogation of the prisoner? The threat of immediate physical violence could be used, and would be made more effective by the presence a half-orc, warforged, and ..." Guardian gestures at T'Ranis mutely for a moment before saying, "... the presence of several able combatants, or those who appear so would be sufficient, would it not?"

He looks Tondrek over before saying, "Tondrek, can you appear violent?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
IcyCool said:
He looks Tondrek over before saying, "Tondrek, can you appear violent?"
Tondrek beams at the 'forged's complement, then hunches down in shame at the request. "I'm not so scary. Grr!" The attempt is poor, and lacks real menace, though he is... enthusiastic.

OOC: Tondrek has a Cha bonus, but intimidation is not really his bag.


"I do, or I do not. It is not my way to threaten. I shall stand by you, and this bandit can draw what conclusion he may from that. Perhaps, should it seem prudent, I will shoot him in the leg. Pain has a certain... educational quality."


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"Why not? I welcome assistance in interrogation."

Shadow turns to Lori. "Greetings. What do you do?"

OOC: Ready to go whenever.


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Lori smiles from behind her glasses, "I use power from the astral plane to make real or perceived changes in the world and attempt to push those boundaries. Occasionally I study other things as well. However, most people just like to call me a wizard don't cha know."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Solange said:
Lori smiles from behind her glasses, "I use power from the astral plane to make real or perceived changes in the world and attempt to push those boundaries. Occasionally I study other things as well. However, most people just like to call me a wizard don't cha know."
"Neat! I knew a wizmard once! Strange Eyes Elf made also sorts of missiles! Do you shoot silver magic?" Tondrek cocks his head to the side at the quesiton.


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stonegod said:
"Neat! I knew a wizmard once! Strange Eyes Elf made also sorts of missiles! Do you shoot silver magic?" Tondrek cocks his head to the side at the quesiton.
Lori shrugs, "Depends on my mood. Green or Red are more fun colors."


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Graff claps his hands, and then adjusts a simple silver earring at one lobe. "Excellent! The rest of the crew will be waiting for you. And it is good to see you, Lori. I wish we had time to catch up, but as you know - we're in a bit of a hurry."

Graff leaves you each a pouch containing the promised moneys, as well as the previously-mentioned potion of cure moderate wounds.

OOC: Solange - it's 1000 gold each, not total. Meaning, everyone received 500 GP just now.


A skycab is awaiting you. Piloted by a a young half-elven woman with short-cut hair and a scar that runs down her neck, the cab lifts gently into the air.

"The man told me to take you to a tower, unless there was any stop you would like to make. He wants you there in an hour, but if you want to make a few side trips before we get there, I can move this cab quickly."

She seems to be telling the truth - none of you have been in a quicker skycab, or one that moves quite as smoothly. Catching Tondrek's look of interest, the woman smiles.

"Graff made a few alterations to my cab. Increased my profits by 35%. He's a genius, he is..."

OOC: This is where we make any purchases with your 500 GP before things start up. You want that healing wand, this is your chance.


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OOC: If we want a want, it would be 125 gp each. Our only wand user is Tondrek, which means he will probably waste some charges. But I think it would be a good thing. For me, I'll buy two Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

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