W3: The Eidolon (Bront Judging)

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OOC: If we stop to do some shopping, Guardian will pick up two oils of Repair Light Damage.

Guardian stores his purchases away and says quietly to himself, "Hopefully these will not be defective like the last batch..."

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ooc: I don't think failing a UMD check wastes a charge, the wand just fails to activate.

T'Ranis believes it would be wise to have some significant healing available, and will contribute to the cost of the wand.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Velmont said:
OOC: If we want a want, it would be 125 gp each. Our only wand user is Tondrek, which means he will probably waste some charges. But I think it would be a good thing. For me, I'll buy two Potion of Cure Light Wounds.
OOC: Wands are not wasted if you fail a UMD check, they just fail to work. Tondrek has some healing/repair scrolls, but a wand could be peach.

Tondrek happily spends time examining the skycouch, muttering about "enhanced tubes" and "soarwood streamlining" and such the entire time. When his attention is diverted long enough to make some purchases, Tondrek happily donates to get a healing wand, and plays with it in his hand if it is actually agreed upon. He also gets a few things relating to constructs.

OOC: Scroll of elemental prod (MoE96), and another scroll of repair moderate damage.


(T'Ranis sees the wand as crucial. If someone [and I see this as unlikely] refuses to contribute, he'll throw in the difference. He'll make no purchases on his own, and is ready to go.)


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OOC: Oooh, I missed the each part. (Actualy, it just says the amount). Were you going to answer her question and list a few names? And yes, the healing wand sounds like a good idea. Any scrolls or spells anyone thinks Lori should pick up? Her current selection is in the status of my sig.


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Solange said:
Were you going to answer her question and list a few names?

Nah, I don't think Graff wants to do that. He more or less just shrugged and said "more than you can count, Lor".
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OOC: That's fine, better than being ignored. Also, for what it's worth, Lor has the following Knowledge skills: KN: Arcane +10, KN: Architecture +6, KN: Dungeoneering +6, KN: Geography +6, KN: History +10, KN: Local +6, KN: Nature +6, KN: Nobility +10, KN: Religion +6, KN: The Planes +8, and she's looking for info that might help from anything she knows. I figure I'll post them here so you can note them all somewhere :)

"Indeed, Graff is one sharp cookie. What other projects do you know that he's worked on of later?" Lori inquires of the cab driver.


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The cab driver shrugs. "He's mostly a Lyrandar developer, best I know. A pretty good one, too. Did a lot of stuff for them during the Last War; what it was, I don't know."

One fun little fact Lor knows about Graff is that his family has been fairly active within the Lyrandar hierarchy throughout the last two hundred years. And for the last seventy years, have been working on building a variety of prototype airships. In fact, one of his ancestors played a part in the development of the original airship.

She also knows that a good number of Lyrandar developers aren't a big fan of Graff, but won't say why.

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