Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory Vanishes From DTRPG; Now With Studio 2?

A couple of weeks ago, we noticed that Warhammer 40,000 Wrath & Glory was no longer listed on publisher Ulisses North America's website. At that time, it was still available on DriveThruRPG, but it seems that that is no longer the case. Not only that, but the game has now appeared on Studio 2 Publishing's website!

A couple of weeks ago, we noticed that Warhammer 40,000 Wrath & Glory was no longer listed on publisher Ulisses North America's website. At that time, it was still available on DriveThruRPG, but it seems that that is no longer the case. Not only that, but the game has now appeared on Studio 2 Publishing's website!


The last update we had was that Ulisses was "just negotiating with Games Workshop how exactly it proceeds". However, now a search on TRPG for the game turns up no titles and the books no longer appear on Ulisses' DTRPG page (although the category is there -- it's just empty). Direct links to product pages result in "We're sorry... This title is not available. Here are some other titles you might like."

Screenshot 2019-05-16 at 11.54.16.png

The game has been out for less than a year. It's a licensed game, licensed from Games Workshop by Ulisses. At present, Ulisses isn't saying anything.

UPDATE -- as pointed out by eyeheartawk in the comments, Studio 2 Publishing now has a storefront for WH40K Wrath & Glory. Retailer Miniature Market said that "We are now stocking the game through Studio 2 Publishing. Please direct all questions to them."

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I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but the PDFs for FFGs line of 40K RPGs aren't available on Drivethru either, which were licensed to Ulisses for sale.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but the PDFs for FFGs line of 40K RPGs aren't available on Drivethru either, which were licensed to Ulisses for sale.

It's interesting how that license seems to work and how GW seems able to take books published by one company and give them to another to publish.

Reaper Steve

DISREGARD: Evidently I needed to be more specific in my search than I initially was. The files are all still in My Library. Move along, nothing to see here...

(So how do I get the W&G pdfs that I did have in My Library on DTRPG? Now I'm showing nada, zilch, nuthin'...)
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#1 Enworld Jerk™
DISREGARD: Evidently I needed to be more specific in my search than I initially was. The files are all still in My Library. Move along, nothing to see here...

(So how do I get the W&G pdfs that I did have in My Library on DTRPG? Now I'm showing nada, zilch, nuthin'...)

My understanding was that PDFs you bought would remain in your library regardless if they got pulled from the marketplace or not. If that's not the case I would contact DTRPG support.


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Cubicle 7 has the license and will be revising and reprinting the W&G core book.

Can't say I'm super excited about a revised core book when the previous one barely shipped to begin with.

Also wouldn't be surprised if Cubicle 7 fulfills existing commitments to this line and then in a year or two we see a percentile based 40K RPG, given what they're using in WFRP 4E and the previous Black Library/FFG versions used.

Paragon Lost

Terminally Lost
Studio2 also does Traveller? (When I was looking at their website) Honestly I can't keep track of how many versions of that rpg are currently being produced right now.

Studio2 also does Traveller? (When I was looking at their website) Honestly I can't keep track of how many versions of that rpg are currently being produced right now.

That's the Mongoose edition of Traveller. On their front page Studio2 has a "client list" (presumably companies whose games they carry / print) and it's pretty extensive. Mongoose is on it.

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