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D&D 5E Warlock: Great Old One Patron Familiar

This thread brings to mind vivid images of the 'keeper' from Babylon 5. Attached at the shoulder-- that creepy one eye.

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The warlock's sentient shadow.

Welp, this is my new character. Now I need to stat it up.

EDIT: Actually, perusing my Monster Manual, realize that the Shadow already has stats, and its within the CR range (lower than the quasit or imp, actually). Not so sure how I feel about it having strength drain, but since you'd have to give up your action, anyway, its not bad.
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My first idea for a warlock was a GOO patron...and a little cat that looks this:



Nothing Says Great Old One like Versimilitude Breaking, Cross-Genre terribleness.


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In the process of sketching out a Great Old One Warlock idea and my friend threw out something like Pattern (Shallan Davar's spren companion) from The Stormlight ARchive which I really like. Something inscrutable and odd seems like the common idea here.


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On one hand, these are all valid GOO familiars.

My favorite so far is the warlock's own shadow. When she sends it to scout ahead (a common use of familiars), and the other PCs watch the shadow detach itself and slide across the floor... that's gonna be an awesome moment. See also, the Judy Garland and Frank Sinatra versions of "Me And My Shadow".

"Check, please! - No, I mean a SANITY check!"

On another hand, Lovecraft's writings include many GOOs (and outer gods and elder gods) who are neither Cthulthu nor Azathoth. If Randolph Carter were a Warlock, then the most appropriate form for his familiar, would be a cat from Ulthar. (With more abilities than a standard housecat. Ultharian cats kick ass. They'd kick ass and take names, but they don't have the attention span for that.)

A sea-pirate warlock with Nodens as patron might have a familiar in dolphin form:
"And upon dolphins' backs was balanced a vast crenelate shell wherein rode the grey and awful form of primal Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss…"

Night-gaunts serve Nodens as well, and night-gaunts are more in the middle of the Stereotype Zone.

I'm just saying, the middle of the Stereotype Zone is sometimes the most fun, but not always the most fun.
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