Warlord is a stupid name. Call them Captains.

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Really? Captain? The whole field of warfare-themed leader titles and you go with Captain?

Party of four to six -- sounds more like a Corporal or Sergeant to me. ;)

Or a Centurion. Or Lance. Or Strategos. Polemarchos. Lochagos. Princeps. Lord. Officer. Subaltern. Hauptmann. Oberst. Knight. Knight Commander. Ser...

DM Howard




Vanguard? (If he's in the front)

Or, I dunno, don't make a class based around being a lazy bum and making everyone else do stuff. Let that be some sort of option anyone can take to complement their class powers.

Swing a sword and stab stuff.
Cast spells and alter reality.
Heal and protect with the power of god.
Sneak and ambush with deft precision.
"You do it."

One of these things is not like the other.

This was my problem with the Warlord. I loved the IDEA of the Warlord to pieces as it was a martial leader, but playing one was just super boring for me. I'll stick with my Paladin thank you.


Level - Title
1 - Private
2 - Corporal
3 - Sergeant
4 - Lieutenant
5 - Major
6 - Commander
7 - General
8 - Major General
9 - Warlord

And if you play in a sea-based game, start as an ensign.

In all seriousness, how about calling them Cheerleaders? :devil:


In defense of "captain", you have such use of it as Whitman's "O Captain, my Captain" ode to Lincoln, as well as Tolkien's use of it to describe hardy leaders of men. E.g., Aragorn, Eomer, et. al. being referred to as "the Captains of the West", and I believe at one point Aragorn is described as "a great captain of men".

Incidentally, I thought 2e's biggest misstep was to abandon the "magic-user" class name. "Magic-user", like "Fighting Man/Fighter" was generic enough that it covered a wide variety of concepts. It could cover the bog-standard fantasy wizard, but also shamans, witches, medicine men, wild talents, and whatever else you could dream up. In fairness, of course, Gygax started the game down that path when he broke the Illusionist out of the Magic-user class.
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Captain sounds good to me. Remember the word isn't just used By the military. Captains of industry. Mine captains. I'm sure there are others.

However, I'd prefer it to be rolled back into a fighter.

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First Post
Level - Title
1 - Private
2 - Corporal
3 - Sergeant
4 - Lieutenant
5 - Major
6 - Commander
7 - General
8 - Major General
9 - Warlord

And if you play in a sea-based game, start as an ensign.
So, sometime between levels 3 and 4, this character gets a field commission and becomes an officer? Not bad. I guess you could take "Background - Academy Training" and start right at level 4.

I feel sorry for the naval version, though. He starts as an officer, then gets demoted to enlisted of another branch before becoming an officer again. He must have slept with an admiral's daughter or something, because someone high up has an axe to grind.

Oh! Oh! Let me whip out this old argument, for old time's sake:


"Captain?! Hell no! We don't need any more MMO influence on D&D! It's bad enough already!"


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