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Warrior Monks of Eberron - Longtooth Adept and Sword Saint

Below are a pair of prestige classes designed for monks who want to use spears or swords rather than unarmed strikes. They're fit to Eberron, but can be adapted to most other settings. Specific flavor text for each of the classes is omitted, but will be added eventually. Note that what follows mentions three feats in the Eberron Campaign Setting (Action Surge, Serpent Strike, and Whirling Steel Strike) and one from the Expanded Psionics Handbook (Stand Still).

While most of the members of monastic orders in Khorvaire lead a cloistered life, quietly seeking spiritual perfection and studying the martial arts only as a means of protecting and preserving their ways, some see the essence of self-perfection as inextricably linked with mastery of physical combat. A few take this principle to an extreme, going so far as rejecting the traditional study of mysticism and unarmed combat and instead applying their ascetic dedication to the traditional weapons of war.

Although such monks give up the self-sufficiency and supernatural power that most of their kind strive for, they do not compromise their fierce self-discipline, and, they reason, their pursuit of enlightenment. In addition, the masters of such militaristic paths are among the most feared warriors in Khorvaire. Some survivors of the Last War tell stories of master swordsmen who strode onto the battlefield unarmored and unafraid, wielding their blades with impossible speed, and of daring commandos who moved like fleeting shadows through enemy lines, using intricate and confounding techniques with their spears to overcome the few adversaries whom they failed to surprise.

The prestige classes below (longtooth adept and sword saint) correspond to the longspear and the longsword, respectively, and each requires the special feat (Serpent Strike and Whirling Steel Strike) associated with the weapon as a signature prerequisite. However, this is not necessarily an exhaustive list. The sword saint could probably be easily expanded to fit double-sword-wielding monks: it’s not, here, only because I’ve tended to find the concept of the double sword a little perverse. A more interesting prestige class might be built around twin kamas and debilitative abilities similar to Flensing Strike (a prerequisite feat), though the longtooth adept already provides an interestingly subtle and slightly sinister approach to combat.​

[h1]Longtooth Adept[/h1]
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a longtooth adept, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
  • Base Attack Bonus: +4.
  • Skills: Bluff 2 ranks, Hide 4 ranks, Tumble 4 ranks.
  • Feats: Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Stand Still, Serpent Strike, Weapon Focus (longspear).
  • Special: Flurry of blows class ability. In addition, the prospective longtooth adept must have defeated an opponent of at least five hit dice in single combat using only a longspear, without the opponent hitting the prospective master even once.
Class Skills
The longtooth adept’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table 1: The Longtooth Adept
       Base Attack  Fort  Reflex  Will  
Level     Bonus     Save   Save   Save   Special
  1        +0        +0     +2     +2    Monk abilities, agile lancer, improved flurry (-1)
  2        +1        +0     +3     +3    Transfix
  3        +2        +1     +3     +3    Sudden strike +1d6
  4        +3        +1     +4     +4    Serpentine swfitness
  5        +3        +1     +4     +4    Weaving defense, improved flurry (no penalty)
  6        +4        +2     +5     +5    Sudden strike +2d6
  7        +5        +2     +5     +5    Greater flurry
  8        +6        +2     +6     +6    Darting assault
  9        +6        +3     +6     +6    Sudden strike +3d6 
 10        +7        +3     +7     +7    Mortal fang
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the longtooth adept prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A longtooth adept gains no proficiency with any weapons or armor. When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a longtooth adept loses his improved flurry of blows abilities, as well as his transfix, serpentine swiftness, weaving defense, darting assault, and mortal fang abilities.

Monk Abilities
A longtooth adept’s class levels stack with her monk levels for the purpose of determining her bonuses to Armor Class and unarmored speed. His class levels do not apply to other monk abilities such as unarmed damage, flurry of blows (but see below), slow fall, and so on.

Agile Lancer (Ex)
A longtooth adept can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier to attack rolls with a longspear sized for him, even though it isn’t a light weapon for him.

Improved Flurry (Ex)
When using his flurry of blows ability with a longspear, a longtooth adept suffers only a –1 penalty to his attack roll. At 5th level, his attack penalty for using a flurry of blows disappears altogether.

Transfix (Ex)
By using a technique resembling a serpent’s ability to immobilize its victims before striking, a longtooth adept of at least 2nd level can use the Stand Still feat while wielding a longspear to stun their opponents as well as stop them in their tracks. If the opponent fails his Reflex save against Stand Still, the foe must make an additional Will save at a DC equal to 10 + the adept’s class level + his Wisdom modifier; if the opponent fails the saving throw, he’s immediately stunned for one full round. A longtooth adept may use this ability once per day per class level.

Serpentine Swiftness (Ex)
Starting at 4th level, a longtooth adept gains the ability to spring to action with the surprising quickness of a viper. He may add his Wisdom modifier to his Initiative checks.

Sudden Strike (Ex)
At 3rd level, a longtooth adept gains the ability to strike precisely when an enemy’s guard is down. Whenever he uses a longspear to attack an opponent who is denied his Dexterity bonus to his AC, the adept deals an additional 1d6 points of damage.

Except for the fact that the longtooth adept can only use his sudden strike with a longspear, and may not deal his additional damage when flanking an opponent, the ability resembles a rogue’s ability of the same name in all respects, and stacks with any other sneak attack ability the longtooth might have.

At 6th and 9th level, the longtooth adept deals an additional 1d6 points of damage with his sudden strike.

Weaving Defense (Ex)
A longtooth adept at 5th level can shift and weave like a coiled snake in combat, confounding his opponents. If the opponent that the adept designated with the Dodge feat attacks and misses the longtooth adept, the adept may perform a feint against that opponent as a free action. The longtooth adept gains a circumstance bonus on his Bluff check equal to the amount that the opponent missed him by. (For example, if an orc warrior rolls a 21 when attempting to hit a longtooth adept with an AC of 26, the adept gains a +5 bonus on his check when performing the resulting feint.)

Greater Flurry (Ex)
A longtooth adept’s flurry of blows ability improves at 7th level. When performing a flurry of blows with a longspear, he gets a second extra attack at his full base attack bonus, in addition to the single extra attack the ability normally provides.

Darting Assault (Ex)
At 8th level, a longtooth adept can leap into action with the speed of a coiled snake, catching unsuspecting opponents in a barrage of spear strikes. When wielding a longspear, the longtooth adept may make a full attack at the end of a charge against a flat-footed opponent.

Mortal Fang (Ex)
Twice per day, a longtooth adept of 10th level can perform a swift and insidious strike that sets up vibrations in the body of another creature, like a poison that can be fatal if the longtooth adept so desires. The adept uses this ability as part of an attack with a longspear, and must announce his intent to do so prior to making an attack roll. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected. Otherwise, if the longtooth adept strikes successfully and the target takes damage from the blow, the mortal attack succeeds.

Thereafter, the adept can try to slay the victim at any later time, as long as the attempt is made within a week. To make such an attempt, the longtooth adept merely wills the target to die (a free action), and unless the target makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20 + the longtooth adept’s Wisdom modifier), it dies. Even if a creature successfully saves, it still takes 1d6 points of Strength damage. After incurring the Strength damage, the target is in no danger from that particular mortal fang attack, but it may still be affected by another one at a later time.

[h1]Sword Saint[/h1]
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become a sword saint, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
  • Base Attack Bonus: +5.
  • Skills: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, Craft (weaponsmithing) 4 ranks.
  • Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Focus (longsword), Whirling Steel Strike.
  • Special: Flurry of blows class ability, must own a masterwork longsword that the prospective sword saint has forged herself.
Class Skills
The sword saint’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Table 2: The Sword Saint
       Base Attack  Fort  Reflex  Will  
Level     Bonus     Save   Save   Save   Special
  1        +0        +2     +2     +0    Monk abilities, swordsmanship, improved flurry (-1)
  2        +1        +3     +3     +0    Tempered resolve (one attack)
  3        +2        +3     +3     +1    Bonus feat
  4        +3        +4     +4     +1    Enduring stance
  5        +3        +4     +4     +1    Flowing step, improved flurry (no penalty)
  6        +4        +5     +5     +2    Bonus feat
  7        +5        +5     +5     +2    Greater flurry
  8        +6        +6     +6     +2    Tempered resolve (all attacks)
  9        +6        +6     +6     +3    Bonus feat
 10        +7        +7     +7     +3    Tempest strike
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the sword saint prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A sword saint gains no proficiency with any weapons or armor. When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a sword saint loses her improved flurry of blows abilities, as well as her enduring stance, tempered resolve, flowing step, and tempest strike abilities.

Monk Abilities
A sword saint’s class levels stack with her monk levels for the purpose of determining her bonuses to Armor Class and unarmored speed. Her class levels do not apply to other monk abilities such as unarmed damage, flurry of blows (but see below), slow fall, and so on.

A sword saint may treat her class levels as fighter levels for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites for the Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and Greater Weapon Specialization feats with the longsword. If a sword saint has fighter levels already, her class levels and fighter levels stack. Thus, a monk 2/fighter 3/sword saint 4 is treated as a 7th level fighter for purposes of selecting such feats.

Improved Flurry (Ex)
When using her flurry of blows ability with a longsword, a sword saint suffers only a –1 penalty to her attack roll. At 5th level, her attack penalty for using a flurry of blows disappears altogether.

Tempered Resolve (Ex)
A sword saint of at least 2nd level attacks with an inner fire as intense as that of a swordsmith’s forge. When she spends an action point to increase her attack roll with a longsword, she may also add the result to her damage roll.

At 8th level, she can choose to spend one additional action point when using her tempered resolve ability. If she does so, she may apply the results of her roll to all subsequent attacks she makes in the round. (The sword saint makes the decision to spend the additional action point at the same time she decides to spend the first.)

Bonus Feat
At 3rd level, and again at 6th and 9th level, a sword saint gains a bonus feat from the following list:

Action Surge, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Greater Weapon Focus (longsword), Greater Weapon Specialization (longsword), Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Disarm, Mobility, Spring Attack, Quick Draw, Weapon Specialization (longsword).

Enduring Stance (Ex)
At 4th level, a sword saint draws on the constancy of the hills in which iron is found when grasping and controlling her sword. She can add her Wisdom bonus (if any) when making an opposed attack roll to avoid a foe’s attempt to disarm her or sunder her weapon.

Flowing Step (Ex)
At 5th level, a sword saint can move and attack with effortless fluidity. A number of times per day equal to 1 + her Wisdom modifier, the sword saint can move up to her speed as part of a full attack action (which may include a flurry of blows). She can move before, after, and between her attacks: thus, a sword saint with a move of 50 feet and the ability to attack three times with a flurry of blows could move twenty feet, attack twice to down a foe, move fifteen feet to a new opponent, attack once, and use her remaining fifteen feet of movement to move away.

Greater Flurry (Ex)
A sword saint’s flurry of blows ability improves at 7th level. When performing a flurry of blows with a longsword, she gets a second extra attack at her full base attack bonus, in addition to the single extra attack the ability normally provides.

Tempest Strike (Ex)
Once she has reached 10th level, a sword saint has attained complete mastery of the sword, striking with the quickness and intensity of stormy wind. Whenever she would threaten a critical hit with her longsword, she may opt to immediately make an additional attack at the same attack bonus. She even gains the benefit of this ability against opponents immune to critical hits. A sword saint may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Dexterity modifier.
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First Post
very nice I must say the balance looks excellent

though the sword saint may be just a little too buff on its last ability maybe 1/day then they could use action points to do it more often?

evolved said:
very nice I must say the balance looks excellent
evolved said:
though the sword saint may be just a little too buff on its last ability maybe 1/day then they could use action points to do it more often?
By the last ability, do you mean Tempest Strike (where you get an extra attack on a threat)?

If so, our instincts differ, but you might be right. (This is the sort of thing that might be best settled by playtesting.) Tempest Strike is a really great ability: in effect, it's like a +1 bonus to your critical hit multiplier, but better. (You also get to multiply extra dice, like from energy enhancements, once, and you still do double damage against opponents immune to critical hits.) With keen and Improved Critical effects (along with sensible 3.0e stacking rules), the sword saint has an effective crit of 15-20/x3 (and, again, he's better in pracrtice if he has energy enhancements or is up against crit-immune enemies).

On the other hand, limiting it to once per day, plus extra usage from action points, seems a little harsh. (Especially since you couldn't use Tempest Strike and the class's earlier action point-based abilities in the same round.) Maybe a number of times per day equal to, say, 3 + the sword saint's Dexterity or Wisdom bonus might make more sense, or never more than once per round.

evolved said:
though the sword saint may be just a little too buff on its last ability maybe 1/day then they could use action points to do it more often?
The more I think about it, the more I think you're right: tempest strike should only be usable once per round and a limited number of times per day, though I think once is too few. Since I don't want all of the sword saint's limited-use abilities to be based on Wisdom, and Dexterity is intuitive, I'm going with that. I've edited the class accordingly.


well, i honestly wouldn't cringe if the sword saint's tempest strike was usable unlimited times daily - there's a combat style feat in complete warrior that does light maces the same favor...

then again, a sword crits more often than a mace, but this is a 10th level prestige class ability, not a feat. appels + oranjes.

gamecat said:
well, i honestly wouldn't cringe if the sword saint's tempest strike was usable unlimited times daily - there's a combat style feat in complete warrior that does light maces the same favor...

then again, a sword crits more often than a mace, but this is a 10th level prestige class ability, not a feat. appels + oranjes.
Exactly. The combat style feat has a lot of prerequisites and applies to a very weak weapon, and, in general, increases to multiplier are much more powerful if applied to a high-threat weapon. If you do the math, you'll find that an unlimited-use tempest strike is probably too good.

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