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Warriors Of The Coast


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ringmereth said:
"How much coulda we got for that 'shard?"
Ari smiles. "The size we found? Oh, enough to get us a bath and new armor for sure!" Ari slaps Taviss on the back in jest. "Tharashk'd know it be us selling, and they are the only buyers in town. Houses have the monopoly. Better to be doing business with them than no business at all."

They were passing the Magistrate's office now, probably the most pretentious in town. Nothing like the most common of buildings in Fairhaven, but it did have its pride. Ari saw the Magistrate coming out, and inclined his head respectfully. No need upsetting the locals. The hexer did not pay attention to whether the Magistrate even noticed.
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James Heard

DEFCON 1 said:
"Oh, you know Jango and Jina... they could be anywhere right now. If I know Jina, I'd guess she's probably down dockside practicing her forms with Master Dyne. With her father so busy because of the lizardfolk attacks, she's taken to practicing her bladework with anyone willing to teach her." Morinda walks over to the window and looks out into town. "I do worry about them sometimes though. Always getting underfoot. I WOULD feel better if I knew where they were right now." She turns back to the three with a look of concern on her face.
"I know what you mean," Nelson nodded earnestly. " I've always longed for her t'teach me anything she'd like." It was almost hard to stay mad at him even through his obvious rudeness, sometimes he seemed so guileless that you forgot that he was a Luttin. He cocked his head, as if considering.

"F'course," he paused," Jina isn't the only pretty girl in th'family. " He said, pursing his lips as if considering," If Master Silversun ever starts t'treating y'badly..." He puffed out his chest outrageously, clenching his fist over his heart as if in pledge, and winked as several people in the bar winced at his bravado. He stroked his chin.

"They say that the sweetest of fragrances take the longest to bloom. Fear not! I shall seek out your proud defenders of home and tavern and beg them to return to you! And perhaps you shall find it also in your heart to make some of your famous chowder, known across every sea and in every sailor's heart as the finest in all Khorvaire? Oh m'lady, your stew is the only thing that could distract me from the beauty of Silversun women. Alas!" He draped an arm across his forehead histrionically, spoiling the look by peeking with one large blue eye and backing away trying to hold back his laughter.

"Come friend librarian! Come mighty priestess! Let's go make sure everyone's alright," he orates to Zan and Khalia.

He adds conspiratorially, "Mistress Silversun makes th'BEST chowder when she's ina pickle proper t'beat her biscuits senseless. We shall eat like kings tonight!" he giggled rabidly.

Really, it was hard to stay mad at him...And yet somehow everyone managed.


The man with the probe
James Heard said:
"'Course it'll cost you, if'n you know what I mean. the wink that he made would have distressed the dead. "Maybe Zan can play "pretty girl from Sharn" jus' like he did fer my cousin that day way back when?" he oozed mirthfully.
"That was you if I remember right, and it certaintly wasn't pretty," Zan says. "Not that it seemed to matter to your cousin," Zan says with a wince.

Zan continues to pour over the maps, almost oblivious to all else that is going on around him.
James Heard said:
"Come friend librarian! Come mighty priestess! Let's go make sure everyone's alright," he orates to Zan and Khalia.

He adds conspiratorially, "Mistress Silversun makes th'BEST chowder when she's ina pickle proper t'beat her biscuits senseless. We shall eat like kings tonight!" he giggled rabidly.

"They'll be back when they're back Nelson, I don't see why we need to go looking for them," Zan says, not taking his eyes off the maps. "Interesting, certaintly a unique design. I'd love to cross reference it with a few texts in the library tonight if I may, maybe I can finaly put a period on it. I might even be willing to journy allong, if you'd have me that is Miss ir’Indari."


First Post
DEFCON 1 said:
The militia outpost in the South Wall section of town is buzzing with activity. Various Watchmen move back and forth, some coming in from the field, others preparing to go out once again. It’s been a rough few weeks.


On the other side of the room, Barr paces back and forth in a panick. “Look, Amy… we NEED you! The Watchmen have already lost Peters, Annde, Stills, Kord. Watchmaster Silversun says to induct any able-bodied men in as quickly as possible, because at least that way they’ll all be under the government’s protection. Think about what this could mean to Menna! If you join up officially, she could at least petition for some benefits on the chance that you didn’t come back. I know that we aren’t really your style, but think of your woman and her son.”

Amycoth shakes his head a little, one hand at his belt, the other pawing anxiously at his beard.

He sighs.

"Aye, Simon, I know. I understand th' stress the guard is under, but really, I'm trying to work on settling down and going deck-t'-deck with the scalies just doesn't sound... well... I'm just not sure Menna'll take it well."

Still, he thinks, I'm not gonna do any good around here, and Menna and the boy can more than fend for themselves. It'd be good to feel the ol' blood pumping too, against something larger than m'self. Damn it all...

"Y'know what, no. Ferget what I said. I'll take the damnded job if you need me. You're gonna owe me a round o'drinks if we get through this though, or at least one of those nice meat-pies yer wife makes."

With that Amy stands to shake his friends hand.

DEFCON 1 said:
Dhelleck d’Tharashk sits at his small desk inside the Finder’s Guild guildhouse on the northern side of town. A fist-sized Eberron dragonshard sits upon the desk, it’s inner glow illuminating the paperwork he’s scribbling on. Standing on the other side of the desk stands Ari Osten and Tarviss Jarga, both looking hot, sweaty, and quite dirty. Small stains of blood can be seen on their tabards, and if you were to take careful look at their weapons, you’d see that they are stained as well.

Both men have just returned from another skirmish with the Scaled Might Tribe of lizardfolk, who for the past three weeks really been making more of a nuisance of themselves outside of town than usual. The Scaled Might had always been a problem, but this was getting ridiculous… three straight weeks of attacks. Granted this has pleased Dhelleck because it’s brought in extra gold to the Finder’s Guild coffers for every bounty hunter that Magistrate ir’Fischer has hired to help, but it’s becoming quite a concern for all townsfolk involved.

Dhelleck d‘Tharashk looks at both men. "So it’s getting worse, eh? Not surprising. Been getting reports from the Watchmen that the marshland to the south has been teeming with the blighters. Been good for business, though" he smirks to himself. "By the way, good job on finding this" he nods to the dragonshard on the desk. "Haven’t had much of a chance to get more of these things since the attacks started. I’ve got Dubbin out there on the northside hill scrounging for them, but he’s just one man. You said you found this actually ON one of the lizards?"

Garrick nods to Citen absently, his attention taken up by the conversation taking place outside of his cell.

“To Khyber with House d’Tharashk, “ Garrick hissed. “They don’t like the fact that I beat them to the dragonshards, and now I’m rotting in this cell, no disrespect intended to you Citen. Say, do you have any idea what they’re talking about out there? What’s happened to Peters, Annde, Still and Cord? And what does it have to do with Amy?”


First Post
Bront said:
"Interesting, certaintly a unique design. I'd love to cross reference it with a few texts in the library tonight if I may, maybe I can finaly put a period on it. I might even be willing to journy allong, if you'd have me that is Miss ir’Indari."

"If you'd like." Khalia said. "I can always use someone else along that can read Old Draconic."

Greatfrito said:
Amycoth shakes his head a little, one hand at his belt, the other pawing anxiously at his beard.

He sighs.

"Aye, Simon, I know. I understand th' stress the guard is under, but really, I'm trying to work on settling down and going deck-t'-deck with the scalies just doesn't sound... well... I'm just not sure Menna'll take it well."

Still, he thinks, I'm not gonna do any good around here, and Menna and the boy can more than fend for themselves. It'd be good to feel the ol' blood pumping too, against something larger than m'self. Damn it all...

"Y'know what, no. Ferget what I said. I'll take the damnded job if you need me. You're gonna owe me a round o'drinks if we get through this though, or at least one of those nice meat-pies yer wife makes."

With that Amy stands to shake his friends hand.

Garrick, not waiting for the guard's reply decides to take his destiny in his own hands, something he was used to doing in his line of work.

"Amy! Amy! Get me out of here! You know you need me!"


The man with the probe
drothgery said:
"If you'd like." Khalia said. "I can always use someone else along that can read Old Draconic."
"Well, as fun as the library is, there's only so much books will teach you," Zan says. "Besides, An Unabridged History of Q'Berra gets rather predictable on the 5th read."

Zan wasn't quite sure what came over him to even ask, and he'd realy only on his fourth reading of An Unabridged History of Q'Berra, but he'd managed to sieze the moment, and somehow not sounded like, well, like Nelson over there. Now he had something to plan for, and maybe even a chance to practice with a few of his spells.


Ari Osten said:
Ari saw the Magistrate coming out, and inclined his head respectfully. 'No need upsetting the locals.' he thinks. The hexer did not pay attention to whether the Magistrate even noticed.
As Tariss and Ari walk on past the house, Tariss notices [Spot TN 10 / (7+5=12) *success*] that Magistrate ir'Fischer is not dressed for any formal event and is instead hurrying out and off down another street to something that he guesses is pressing.

The two men walk through town for about seven or eight minutes and as they approach the South Wall district, they notice Watchmaster Silversun crossing down from them towards the Militia Outpost to the right.


Nelson Luttin said:
"They say that the sweetest of fragrances take the longest to bloom. Fear not! I shall seek out your proud defenders of home and tavern and beg them to return to you! And perhaps you shall find it also in your heart to make some of your famous chowder, known across every sea and in every sailor's heart as the finest in all Khorvaire? Oh m'lady, your stew is the only thing that could distract me from the beauty of Silversun women. Alas!"
Just like Nelson thought, Morinda is unable to supress a smile at his antics [Diplomacy TN 10 / (12+7=19) *success*] and she swats at him gently with her hand.

"Oh you! Now stop that! I'm old enough to be your mothe-- er, grandmo--... well now, I don't even know how many generations back an old elf like myself would be." She looks from Nelson to the other two and her look of concern returns. "But if you could go out and find the twins, I'd be very appreciative. And maybe... just MAYBE... you'll get some chowder."


Amy said:
"Y'know what, no. Ferget what I said. I'll take the damnded job if you need me. You're gonna owe me a round o'drinks if we get through this though, or at least one of those nice meat-pies yer wife makes."
Watchmen Barr's eyes light up when he hears Amy's response. "Really? Terrific! I knew I could count on you. my friend!" His smile is wide as he looks around the outpost, and he sees out the door the Watchmaster walking towards the building. "Wonderful! Silversun is coming. I'll be able to tell him the good news! We're going to need you today, I think."

Suddenly, both Dyne and Barr hear the prisoner's voice shout out from the back of the room.
Garrick said:
"Amy! Amy! Get me out of here! You know you need me!"
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James Heard

DEFCON 1 said:
"Oh you! Now stop that! I'm old enough to be your mothe-- er, grandmo--... well now, I don't even know how many generations back an old elf like myself would be." She looks from Nelson to the other two and her look of concern returns. "But if you could go out and find the twins, I'd be very appreciative. And maybe... just MAYBE... you'll get some chowder."
With a flourish, Nelson bowed deeply and fain kissed the elder elfwife's hand.

"M'lady, we'd surely have t'combine the art of my ancestry to ever approach th'equal of your beauty." he said, and then spoiled it by grinning.

drothgery said:
"If you'd like." Khalia said. "I can always use someone else along that can read Old Draconic."

Bront said:
"Well, as fun as the library is, there's only so much books will teach you," Zan says. "Besides, An Unabridged History of Q'Berra gets rather predictable on the 5th read."
Nelson snorted.

"Hello? We're in Seawell? Half th'world reads lizard, and Old Draconic is just a'half a monosyllable dif'rence anyways." He was pouting because no one would come with him to greet the elven girl and her brother. "And Milson is a blowhard that doesn't know what he's talking about in th'Histories. The man's obviously never crawled out of his mother's egg, ever, and he's always mixing the Yellowclaws with the Redfoots. As IF." Nelson rolled his eyes, as everyone in the tavern looked at him as if he'd grown a third head.

He stopped. There was muttering around the tavern since, as everyone knew, the most dangerous Luttins were cunning ones.

"What? Don't hate me because I'm smart AND beautiful." He flipped his golden hair indignantly and then wheeled back to the so-called "noble" woman.

"Now, can we fold up th'maps and earn some chowder, please? Maps keep, but trust me - Mistress Silversun's fish chowder's better th'first day. In any case, it's the right thing t'do as everyone is continually reminding me. How m'I supposed to become th'paladin of deeds y'all all seem to want from me without good rolemodels? " He paused, as if to consider.

"You know, forget about it. It's obvious that you two are more in love with books than people." He spat at the floor. "And I thought nobility was supposed to be, y'know, noble."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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