Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron

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Magic Wordsmith
I'm using it to tinker on my next campaign set in Eberron, but have not seen any of the classes or options in actual play yet. So far so good in terms of using it for my prep.


Do you think the dragonmarks will change? I was thinking that getting multiple spells from a feat and higher level ones was a lot more than say Magic Initiate and that it may get nerfed after the playtest phase.


Magic Wordsmith
Do you think the dragonmarks will change? I was thinking that getting multiple spells from a feat and higher level ones was a lot more than say Magic Initiate and that it may get nerfed after the playtest phase.

One would think that if you're running an Eberron campaign, you'd want the PCs to choose Dragonmarks over Magic Initiate as that supports the theme of the campaign anyway.


Do you think the dragonmarks will change? I was thinking that getting multiple spells from a feat and higher level ones was a lot more than say Magic Initiate and that it may get nerfed after the playtest phase.

There will be a UA playtest of the Drsgonmark mechanics, so that suggests they are still subject to change.


First Post
I have been using it in an Eberron game that I started recently. I have 1 Kalashtar, 1 Warforged and two Dragonmarked giving the use rate for that book as 4/4. My players have enjoyed the byte sized lore bits on each of the places, because it is easier for them to learn what they need to.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I have the 3.5 Campaign Setting, Sharn: City of Towers, the 4e campaign setting and ran a 5e Eberron game for 2.5 years when 5e first came out. I would rate myself as a huge Eberron fan. I find the Wayfinder's Guide to be helpful, both for the 5e mechanics, but also for the shortened lore it gives, and the tables and ideas presented in both the Eldritch Machine sections and the Sharn Adventure ideas section.

I think as is, the book is sufficient for running a detailed Sharn based adventure with allusions to other parts of the world. If as a DM you want to run full Eberron adventures, I would suggest both the 3.5 campaign setting and the guide. The fluff has not changed, and the detail of the old campaign setting is great.

Voidrunner's Codex

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