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WD's "Base of Operations" ICC

Walking Dad

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Town Hall

Ilium said:
Jarek bows, "Many thanks, your Excellency."
Bihlbo said:
"We may take that offer, Jarek and I," Collan says with a thankful smile. "But we must first see to the well-being of our compatriots. Farewell."
"As you wish. Godspeed. My Pelor watch over you and your companions." Father Lorren replies. The other council members wish you goodbye, too.

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As they depart and collect their mounts, Jarek rubs his hands together with obvious relish. "Ah, my friend, life is good. A worthy task, good folk in need of our services, and, unless my nose deceives me, someone in this neighborhood is baking apple pies." He breathes in deeply, apparently able to ignore the horse apples in favor of the more savory kind.


As Collan and Jarek leave, Collan drops 3 silver into the donation bowl.

Once outside, "I think that went well Jarek. I do believe that I will enjoy having a zeal-filled ally of the faith by my side. I must admit, I paid little attention as to how the others would busy themselves. If you know where we might find them again, please do lead the way."

As they get moving Collan mutters to himself, "I'll never understand the human need for sweetening perfectly good apples. That pie smells simply ghastly."
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Walking Dad

First Post

Bihlbo said:
"... I paid little attention as to how the others would busy themselves. If you know where we might find them again, please do lead the way...."
After a quick search and a few questions, you find the "Drunken Boar" and the half-orcs.
The others are already bathing.


OOC: I figure Collan and Jarek are going to need to also bathe, even though they aren't going to "join the others" in that endeavor.

"Greetings friends. Jarek and I have been to see the council and the priest by whom we and our bathing friends were summoned. A bit of warning: their troubles in part center on orcish spies, so while in this burg, do be on your best behavior to allay any suspicions that may arise in the basest and most primitive thoughts of the local populous. It seems some see tusks and gray skin and fail to see the humanity... though I'm sure you need not be told." Sitting down, Collan looks about, "And what of the local accomodations? We need make our way the best we can here; I fear that our travels over the coming few nights will allow for a great dearth of ammenities, to say the least," he says, winking at Jarek. "If the prices here are reasonable, I do think some good could come of giving some business to the locals, but Jarek and I have the option of staying in the humble yet functional rooms of Pelor's good graces."
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Lord Slaw

First Post
Bihlbo said:
"It seems some see tusks and gray skin and fail to see the humanity... though I'm sure you need not be told."

Arrak snorts at this as he takes his bedroll to the floor of the common room. "Nobody has to like me, so long as I don't have to like them. They think I'm a spy, they're wrong. Fine by me." Moving towards the doorway, he calls over his shoulder, "Don't wake me unless somebody's bleeding - and then, only if I've gotta finish them off." He pauses for a moment, and before he leaves the doorway, he adds, "G'night."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Torek is no ... s-p-y... neither. Whatever it is." Torek says as he shrugs. "Torek go sleep, need to get his great strength back" and so the half orc tries to find a place to accommodate his bedroll.

Walking Dad

First Post

You all sleep well tonight. The next morning Reggie already waits for you in the common room.

"Everyone ready to go?" He asks with a grinn.


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The next morning Warren is absolutley thrilled as he awakes. He can nt wait to get the report from his Peloran team mates on what is expected of them. He is out of bed the moment the morning sun touches his eyes. Taking consideration to what Collan has been talikng about and says a short prayer before getting dressed and moving downstairs to the tavern/lobby. With a smile on his face he enters the room quickly sits with his team if they are there before him if not he finds a table big enough to sit all of them and then orders fruit, cheese and some grape juice for breakfast.

Voidrunner's Codex

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