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First Post
Hi, I do not really know how to ask this so I will, I have a character that wants to... Set fire to an Inn in ford keep (the town). I don't know how to go about doing that. :) But she is, and attempting it.

It would be great if the magi would respond and let me know.
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Great, though I have not gotten an answer yet. I would really like one. My character is a human, just a caster so its not like the setting rules are being broken :) just laws if anyone saw it. If anything it was IC play that went that way, just wanted to know what went on from here?

You can't set fire to the Tavern or other parts of the town, at least, not in any official way. It wouldn't be acknowledged in any way since as far as the setting is concerned, it didn't happen at all.


Why? I didn't know a non magical, non epic and very mundane thing was not allowed, it was not an intention at first, just kind of took place.

Because if one person is allowed to affect the setting in a permanent way, everyone has to be allowed to do so. Not everyone has something so harmless as a simple fire in some nameless inn; some people have wanted to pretty much raze the town, or large parts of it. As a result, I don't allow players to affect the setting in any official way.

However, if you want to sit and natter IC about how your house caught fire and so on, that's fine. There's a distinction between your character just talking about stuff with other characters and something that affects the setting itself in some way.

In a town like Ford Keep, the homes and businesses are close together. A serious fire would threaten other parts of town and therefore become something that affected the setting...forcing other people to deal with a player's personal desires. Same reasoning behind people not being able to shake the tavern off its foundations or blow the roof or doors off. While the situations are different in effect, the principle remains the same.

If you want anything goes type stuff, you'll have to choose a setting other than the CRT.


Not to step on Siani's toes, but another good reason is setting consistancy. If individual players can have this kind of effect on the setting (for example, knocking all the walls of the tavern down), and other players aren't privy to that information, you end up with some characters reacting to it, and some not.

You end up with the same sort of thing even with little things like the weather. I live in the US, so I tend to play my characters with the weather outside my window at that moment (right now that would be snow and ice). However for our Australian friends, it's the middle of summer (or very nearly) over there, so you can wind up with some very humorous scenes, like this:

Mortonia walks into the tavern with her cloak wrapped tight around her to ward off the chill wind
Some_Other_Guy walks in from the garden, mopping his brow from the oppressive summer heat.

Now imagine that carried to the level of whole parts of the town being razed, but only some of the characters know about it. I think you begin to see the problems. :)

Sill said:
Why? I didn't know a non magical, non epic and very mundane thing was not allowed, it was not an intention at first, just kind of took place.

Look at it this way, kid... Think of most video games, you can kick, punch, cast spells, slice or even shoot a rocket launcher at a wall or obstacle and it won't break. xD Think of that same principle, just covering the entire town of Ford Keep.
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Past Tavern Burning

I was once told by someone that long ago, back before the Tavern was EN World, when it was on the wizards site, that a group of people had gotten together, spoken over things with the Wizo's then had a riot and burnt down the tavern.

It has affected the tavern so much that they actually took it off the site temporarily and said that the tavern was being rebuilt due to the fire.

Not allowing us to stage something like this, is that another one of the restrictions that was placed on us players after the site moved to EN World?

:confused: SO um......your saying your guys WANT Siani to lock the Tavern and Garden for awhile? Cause thats the jist I'm getting from this.

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