New members should feel free to say hello in this thread. Older members should feel free to welcome them!
Welcome to EN World! You have probably ended up here because you have just registered a new user account. You may need to log in at the top right before you can post, but when you do, please do drop a note a note in this thread to introduce yourself, or ask any initial questions you may have about the forums. It's a great way to break the ice and get started.
Please, please do consider subscribing to the community. Subscribing is optional, and costs about the same as one cup of coffee per month. But it's better than a cup of coffee, because it helps keep EN World around and gives you some site perks (avatars, user titles, and the like) in return! If you enjoy this site, please do consider subscribing! This community costs a lot of money to run, and every dollar helps. Thank you so much!
Welcome to EN World! You have probably ended up here because you have just registered a new user account. You may need to log in at the top right before you can post, but when you do, please do drop a note a note in this thread to introduce yourself, or ask any initial questions you may have about the forums. It's a great way to break the ice and get started.
Please, please do consider subscribing to the community. Subscribing is optional, and costs about the same as one cup of coffee per month. But it's better than a cup of coffee, because it helps keep EN World around and gives you some site perks (avatars, user titles, and the like) in return! If you enjoy this site, please do consider subscribing! This community costs a lot of money to run, and every dollar helps. Thank you so much!
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