D&D General Welcome Thread


Well, that was fun
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New members should feel free to say hello in this thread. Older members should feel free to welcome them!

Welcome to EN World! You have probably ended up here because you have just registered a new user account. You may need to log in at the top right before you can post, but when you do, please do drop a note a note in this thread to introduce yourself, or ask any initial questions you may have about the forums. It's a great way to break the ice and get started.

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Hello everybody!
I'm madlefty, from Italy :)
It's almost 12 years that I play tabletop games, I've started with an half-orc barbarian in dnd3.5, and now I'm a master in two campaigns (dnd5 and the strange), and also I'm an eldritch knight in the tiranny of dragon campaign!

I hope my (poor) english will not be an obstacle for me to write in this forum, perhaps I just need to train a little! 😂

Nice to meet all of you! :D

Welcome, MadLefty! Your English is fine, believe me. If you want to perfect it, spending time on forums is a good way to do it. Immersion is the way to master any language; when you see people writing English, and you reply to them in English, it's great practice. All you need is time, and repetition.

Have fun!

Welcome to the forum, [MENTION=6798800]Madlefty[/MENTION]!
Thank you!

Welcome, MadLefty! Your English is fine, believe me. If you want to perfect it, spending time on forums is a good way to do it. Immersion is the way to master any language; when you see people writing English, and you reply to them in English, it's great practice. All you need is time, and repetition.

Have fun!

Thanks! I lurk a lot, reading is not a problem, but writing is difficult! :)

My biggest wish is to find the courage to join a pbp, maybe I'll play an illiterate half-orc barbarian to justify any grammatical error XD
Yeah, you'll get into English in no time. Welcome :cool:
Thank you! I hope so, Lwaxy!

Hello Everybody, I'm Lazzamore. I registered here before the rollback, but do to inconvenient timing lost my account. Now i'm back!

Hello, just signed up today. Long time RPG player in highschool, then quit due to lack or group for 15 or so years, now back into it with a vengeance! Primarily playing 5th ed D&D. Glad to be back! I should have joined here months ago!

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