D&D General Welcome Thread

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Hello! I used to roleplay PbP and text RP for a decade before finally discovering joys of tabletop rpgs. So now I'm trying to throw some ideas together and do some homebrews for my own enjoyment while looking for fun new games to play. Nice to meet you all!

Hiya! I've been lurking for a long time, but I felt compelled to post in the Pathfinder forum; really excited about PF2 after coming from 5e since launch. Thought I'd post here and get back to lurking, haha.

Hello All. I'm new to the forums. I've been role playing for about 24 years now. My husband and I are big into Live Action Role Playing. I still use a chat site that I role play on.

Hello Hello!

Loooooooong-time lurker, first-time poster here.

It's honestly super weird to finally be wading into the forums after years and years of just reading threads and talking myself out of actually participating every time I've considered it. I feel like I know a huge chunk of you so well already and here I am, a total stranger. But, we're working on fixing that now, I guess?

I'm a lifelong geek who has been playing tabletop RPGs since the 80s - I started with AD&D 1e in 5th grade - but I was definitely interested since I grew up reading comics featuring ads for the game, to say nothing of the cartoon and the short-lived toy line they had. 2e was where I did the majority of my time in the D&D trenches until 5e came along but I've at least sampled the editions along the way. I also went through a pretty heavy White Wolf phase in the mid-90s and have always loved Call of Cthulhu, even if I couldn't always find a group willing to play it with me. But I'm open to just about anything, honestly.

Anyway, I finally ripped the band-aid off, so here we go. Time to put my years of lurking here to good use, I guess.


Hello! I used to roleplay PbP and text RP for a decade before finally discovering joys of tabletop rpgs. So now I'm trying to throw some ideas together and do some homebrews for my own enjoyment while looking for fun new games to play. Nice to meet you all!

Welcome to ENWorld! I used to run PbP on these very boards. There is a great community of players here if you're looking for a game. I've also had the pleasure of meeting several ENWorlders in real life – for gaming, potlucking, showing around the island – and they've all been outstanding folks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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