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Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)


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Well, you've caught me away from my notes, but if memory serves (Fajitas, feel free to jump in here if I'm mistaken) the campaign started sometime in August, which is the last month of summer in the Halmae.

Technically, I suppose it would be referred to as "the month of Ehkt descending" but not only is that a mouthful, it's just easier to keep track of what the date actually means if we stick to Gregorian month names.

One difference: I'm pretty sure that in the Halmae all months have 30 days. (Kettenites would not be so pleased if they got stuck with a short one.)

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So, is the month of Ehkt gonna reascend before we hear from you guys again?

Update! UPPP-DAAATE![/cartman]


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Sorry about the lack of update last week.

Fajtas skipped town to spend the holiday weekend playing in a different campaign he's involved in.

Obviously, he no longer loves us. :(

Hopefully, there will be more story soon.


Hold the Peppers
spyscribe said:
Well, you've caught me away from my notes, but if memory serves (Fajitas, feel free to jump in here if I'm mistaken) the campaign started sometime in August, which is the last month of summer in the Halmae.

Spyscribe's pretty much right. I didn't start keeping track of dates right away, but late August is pretty much on track.

And, at present, all the months in the Halmae are as long as their modern counterparts. Seasons start at the beginning of a month, so Summer is June, July, August, Autumn is September, October, November, etc. New Years is on March 1st, rather than January 1st, 'cause that just made more sense.

New update is written and will be posted as soon as humanly possible. Sorry for the delay.


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Part the Very Tenth
In which: Justice demands answers
(as recorded by Fajitas)

Anvil pauses outside of the door to Stalwart’s cell. He listens carefully. There is no sound of anyone within. Nor should there be, as Stalwart is supposed to be working elsewhere at the moment. Slowly, Anvil reaches for the doorknob and turns it. >click< The door opens.

He reflects briefly on Thatch’s reaction when Anvil had announced he intended to search Stalwart’s cell. “Um, can you do that?” Thatch had asked. “I mean, isn’t that like breaking the law or something?”

“Justice demands it,” had been Anvil’s reply.

Anvil slowly creeps into the empty cell. Nothing in plain view is obviously criminal, so he begins his search. No suspect documents. No direct evidence of a connection between Stalwart and the Aegosian Count Missola. Not a lot to go on.

And then he checks under the bed, and finds a bag of gold. 75 Aegosian gold pieces. The jackpot.


Thatch, Reyu, and Cyrus stand around and look imposing, as Anvil slams the bag of gold down on the table in front of Stalwart the Just. “Explain these,” Anvil demands.

Stalwart stares at it. “You invaded my cell?” he asks.

“That is not the issue,” Anvil insists. “Explain these.”

It is not, strictly speaking, forbidden for Justicars to maintain personal funds. It is just very uncommon. The Temple provides most of what a Justicar would need: food, clothing, equipment. It is not considered seemly for Justicars to have an alternate means of making money, as it could be perceived as damaging to their objectivity. In fact, it could be damaging to their objectivity.

Stalwart looks up, a twitch in his eye. “I’ve done nothing wrong,” he says, defensively.

“Nothing wrong!?” Thatch blurts. “You framed us and were gonna have us sold into slavery!”

“I did nothing of the sort!” Stalwart cries, his voice rising a tone in pitch. “I never framed anyone! I always acted within the law. If others have bent the law, how could I know--"

“Then you admit your collusion with nefarious men,” Anvil says.

“I didn’t-- I don’t--" Stalwart stammers. He finally gets out, “I’ve studied Aegosian law! It’s only natural that Aegosians would come to me.”

“And pay you to rule in their favor?” Anvil demands.

“That’s how things work in Dar Aego! Each side in a case makes a contribution to the Temple,” Stalwart protests.

“They pay to the Temple or the Justicar?” Cyrus asks.

“The-the Justicar.”

“What size… contribution are they allowed to make? Are there any limits?” Reyu asks.

“Well, no. It-it depends.”

“And when one party gives more money to a Justicar than another, that never affects the judgement, does it?” Thatch asks.

“Kettenek supports the pious, the pious give freely to the Temple, so those who give freely are clearly--" Stalwart begins, but there’s little conviction behind his words. He seems to be reciting from rote something he read once, and it comes off as a pathetic justification.

The others are disgusted, but Anvil is incredulous. “This system is what they call… this is how they dispense… that’s supposed to be Justice!?” he roars.

Stalwart cowers before Anvil’s fury. “They were entitled to be treated under Aegosian law,” he says meekly. “It is the law.”

Anvil storms about the room, while Reyu’s cooler head takes over. “Tell us exactly what… business… passed between you and Count Missola. It may go better for you if you are… honest. Were you contacted by this man, Remmer or perhaps Reller?” she asks, showing him the sketch. “He has often changed his name and appearance.”

“I never met anyone named Remmer, nor anyone who looks anything like that,” Stalwart says, indicating the sketch. “I never even met Missola. Only his factor, Desalle. He said they were looking for an expert in Aegosian law. He… well, he made sure to mention that they were willing to… tithe. Like Aegosians.”

“Then they framed innocent people for crimes of property, sent them before you, paid you in gold, and you sentenced them to slavery?” Cyrus asks, skipping to the end.

“I didn’t know they were innocent,” Stalwart protests.

“Um, they all said they were,” Thatch points out.

Stalwart looks to Anvil for support. “Nearly everyone judged in a criminal case claims they’re innocent. Anvil, tell them.”

“It is true miscreants often lie about their culpability,” Anvil says grudgingly, but then turns on Stalwart, “which is why Justice must be demanded! The truth of the matter must be ascertained. It cannot be accepted. The claims made against these two…” he indicates Thatch and Reyu “…were proved suspect by the most basic of questions. Did you even bother to investigate the innocent pleas of those who stood before you?” Anvil stares at Stalwart, who hangs his head in shame.

“No,” he says quietly. Then he adds “it… it was all legal under Aegosian law.”

There is silence around the room for several long moments. Finally Thatch asks, “Um. So, does that prove we didn’t do it? Are we free to go now?”

To Thatch’s dismay, Anvil shakes his head. “Though Stalwart can tie Count Missola to multiple heresies of Justice, he cannot tie him to the scarred man you saw in the Marketplace,” Anvil says. “Until that connection can be drawn, the charges against you cannot be disproved.”

“It seems,” Reyu says carefully, “that there are few who can make that… connection. And they seem to be limited to those involved in the conspiracy themselves.”

“Yes,” Anvil says, thoughtfully. He turns to Stalwart. “Your acts demand Judgement by those higher than I. Do you wish a chance for partial atonement? I will testify to such actions on your behalf.”

“Yes,” Stalwart replies. “Yes. What would you have me do?”

“Do you have a means of communicating with this man, Desalle?”

“I can send him a message.”

“Excellent. You will send Desalle a message that I have discovered the identity of his associate, Remmer, and that he had best advise him to leave town.”

“All right. And then?” Stalwart asks.

“Then nothing,” Anvil responds.

“Um, what do the rest of us do?” Thatch asks.

“We? We shall follow Desalle …”

To be continued…


Thanks for the update.

I'm a little bit incredulous that Stalwart cracked that easily. Don't Justicars have to be a little tough?

And Cyrus is too good to be an NPC. Someone's got to play him.


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dpdx said:

And Cyrus is too good to be an NPC. Someone's got to play him.

Well, at this point, he was a PC. At least, that's what they tell me. I've never met the guy who supposedly played him.

Actually, Cyrus was around in the bits that I posted at the very beginning of the thread. He just didn't make much of an impression. :D


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This is not an update

Today is Friday.

If there are any compulsive-types reading this storyhour they might have logged on today and thought, "Hmm... Usually, spyscribe puts up an update on Thursday or Friday. There wasn't an update on Thursday so maybe there will be one today. (What with it being Friday and all.)"


Let me tell you a little story.

As I was dropping Fajitas off at the airport on Wednesday, I asked him, "So am I going to get an update?"

He leans down to the window and says, "I'll try. Feel free to villify me in the story hour."


Villification is only fun to point, and I'm sure people would rather read an acutal update than this pointless dithering.

I'm going to try to work up a sidebar for early next week.

If people have suggestions for stuff they want to know about, post away. Right now, it's looking like arcane magic in the Halmae.


First Post
Lo and behold! An update!

Part the Very Eleventh
In which: bait is taken
(as recorded by Fajitas)

Anvil’s initial plan is executed without a hitch. Stalwart sends a message to Desalle, informing him that Anvil is “looking for a scarred man in connection with the case,” and subtly suggesting that “if this man exists, it would be ill for your case if Anvil found him.” The group stakes out the Missola compound and waits to see what will happen next.

It is well after sunset when the gates of the compound open and a cart pulls out. There is a lone driver, who is neither Desalle nor Missola himself. There is a whispered conversation about what to do.

“Let’s follow it,” Thatch says.

“It may only be a diversion. They may be on to us,” Cyrus points out.

“Or it may be simple business. There may be nothing nefarious about this,” Anvil notes.

“Still, it is… late… for business,” Reyu comments. “Perhaps two of us should follow the cart, while two remain watching the compound.”

They agree to split up. Thatch and Cyrus maintain a watch on the house from opposite ends of the street, while Reyu and Anvil sneak down the street in pursuit of the cart.

The cart follows a winding course down the streets of Dar Pykos. Anvil and Reyu stick to the shadows, trying to follow unobserved.


Thatch fidgets from his hidden position across from the Missola compound. How come Reyu and Anvil get all the fun, he wonders. How come they get to chase the cart while I have to wait here doing nothing?

Because if anyone spots me, I can probably fight ‘em better than Reyu or Anvil, he answers himself.

Sure, okay. But still, I’m getting cramped, and it’s kinda boring sitting here in the shadows. He stretches out his left leg to relieve the tense muscle, and doesn’t notice that it is now quite visible in a pool of light on the street… (GM note: Gotta love a 3 on a Hide Check.)


“I feel as if we are going in circles,” Reyu whispers to Anvil as they continue to follow the cart. The cart has done nothing but wind its way down a series of twisted alleys, all of which look the same to Reyu. It slowed down once, outside of a tavern, but it did not stop, and they did not see anyone get in or out.

“We are going in circles,” Anvil responds, pointing ahead. “We passed this tavern before. It is where the cart slowed down.” Sure enough, Reyu can again make out the swinging sign of The Fortunate Traveler, adorned with the holy symbol of Alirria, who looks over those on long journeys.

“Perhaps it dropped someone off before. Someone we did not see,” Reyu suggests.

The words no sooner escape her lips than the wagon suddenly begins to slow. A figure furtively darts from the door of the tavern towards the wagon, and makes to jump on.

“Now!” Anvil hisses, and the two of them rush forward.

The figure scrambles onto the back of the wagon as Anvil and Reyu leap towards it. “Hold! Kettenek’s Justice demands it!” shouts Anvil. The driver, acting instinctively, hauls up on the reins and the cart comes to a stop. Reyu grabs the figure in the back, yanking the hood of his cloak from his face.

It is Desalle, Count Missola’s chamberlain.

Reyu and Desalle stare at each other for half a moment. Reyu grabs for her spear, but Desalle is faster. He points his finger at her and opens his mouth to chant. Fortunately for Reyu, Anvil is even faster than Desalle. “Surrender!” he calls, his eyes flashing, and the power of Kettenek echoes in his voice.

And Desalle, looking startled, throws his hands in the air.

Anvil grabs Desalle before he can react and slaps masterwork manacles on his wrists (GM’s Note: Yes, Bad Monkey Jeff really and truly purchased masterwork manacles with almost all his starting cash. He was just itching to use them on someone). Desalle does not look in the least bit happy. “How dare you?” he blusters. “What is the meaning of this?”

“I will ask the questions,” Anvil calmly responds. “What is your business here tonight?”

“My business is the Count’s,” Desalle snaps back. “If you have questions, I suggest you ask him.”

“Oh, don’t worry. We shall. For now we would know your business here.”

But Desalle won’t answer. Reyu taps Anvil on the shoulder. “If he was meeting with the scarred man, he may yet be in the Tavern. I can look for him there while you watch this one.”

Anvil nods his assent, and Reyu enters The Fortunate Traveler.


Thatch pinches himself to stay awake. This, he thinks, is not what heroing is supposed to be about. Nothing’s gonna happe--

And suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he catches a glimpse of something moving behind him. Just a flicker of shadow, but definitely something. He grips his uncle’s greatsword more tightly and shifts his position for a better, careful look.

He sees nothing. He watches in absolute stillness for a few more moments. Nothing at all.

Cautiously, he tucks his leg back in underneath him. Okay, maybe this is a little trickier than it looks, he thinks, as he tries to keep one eye on the compound and one eye behind him…

to be continued...


I was also surprised the corrupt Justicar gave in so quickly, but I guess the whole point is that he wasn't strong - otherwise he wouldn't have given in to temptation. ;)

Plan seems to be working well so far! :D

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