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Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)


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Part the Two-Hundred Sixth
In which: Barnabus finally gets to have his conversation with the Count.

The surrender of Etienne and the death of Lady Tempest serve to illustrate to the few remaining guards that perhaps, surrender is the preferable option, and the last of the Count’s forces are soon secured.

Those outside the keep, anyway.

Kiara flutters about excitedly. Since she’s in hybrid form, the fluttering is literal. “Back at the beginning of the fight, since I was in swallow form anyway, when Lord Marmion ran back into the keep, I slipped in under the eaves.” Kiara pauses to catch her breath. “And there were all these guards in there, and warmages, and the Count’s sons.”

“Did you see the Count?”

“No, but it looked like the important people were falling back to the throne room.”

“What about the unimportant people?”

“I think they’re waiting for us to break down a door.”

Eva makes a frustrated noise. “Well then, let’s not do that.”


The mage clears his throat delicately. “If they are going to make a stand, the throne room is probably the place for it. I wasn’t privy to any meetings on the topic—”

“I can’t imagine why not,” Thatch mutters.

“—but it’s one of the most defensible rooms in the keep. Only one entrance, heavy doors—”

“Barnabus?” Reyu asks.

“Hmm? Yes?”

“Can you open a passageway directly into the throne room? So we don’t have to deal with everyone else in the keep?”

“Oh yes, of course. I have passwall prepared for just such an occasion.”

Thatch flexes his hand around his sword hilt. “Then let’s get moving.”

With a last check to make sure everyone is healed back to full strength, that’s exactly what they do.


Barnabus’ wall of stone has already sealed off the front doors of the keep, but since the throne room is located against the back wall, this is more of a problem for the keep’s defenders than for the party.

The only potential point of egress from the keep left is a kitchen door along the right side of the building. As the party dashes past, Thatch plants his immovable rod against the door, holding it shut.

Reyu gives the door a kick on her way past. As a voice inside calls, “Hold your ground!” she grins. That ought to keep them busy for a bit.


Once at the back of the keep, Barnabus casts passwall* opening a tunnel from the courtyard directly into the throne room.

(*For the duration of this encounter, as well as the battle in the courtyard, the players ran Barnabus’ spells as well as their own characters, more or less by committee.)

Immediately from the inside, shouts can be heard.

Kiara goes flying in first, still in hybrid form, as Anvil calls ahead. “We demand parley!”

There is a pause, and some speech that is too quiet for the party to make out.

“Very well.”

As the party cautiously makes their way into the throne room, Reyu notices that their passage intersects with another one—a small servant’s corridor that appears to run around the perimeter of the throne room—and instead of proceeding to egress in the throne room with the rest of her companions, the she steps off to the side to better investigate. After all she thinks, given the Count’s history of duplicity, better to exercise caution. She notices that Kiara has done the same. So much the better.

The party and Barnabus find quite a welcoming committee waiting for them. There is the Count, of course, his son Gaston, Lord Marmion, several guards, two warmages, a well armed stranger, his armor covered in odd holy symbols, his sword blade made of a dark metal, and a man who looks shockingly like Etienne. (Anvil takes a quick look behind him to ensure that the wizard is still waiting outside as he promised. Indeed, Etienne stands at the other end of the passwall, following what happens with some interest.)

Eva lets out a small sniff. The Count would have identical twins for his Court Wizards.

The Count’s second son, Guy, and the Contessa are nowhere to be seen.

As Barnabus enters the throne room, he takes in the welcoming committee, and casts a globe of invulnerability, standing so that most of the party members fall within its sphere.

The Count makes no comment until Barnabus finishes casting. “Really, Barnabus, I thought we had a better relationship than that.”

Barnabus nods soberly. “So had I. But that was before I learned of some of your less savory practices.”

“Less savory? Have I ever been anything but a generous host to you?”

“The objects you brought me to enchant for you were made by slave labor.”

The Count smiles rather patronizingly. “Did I ever tell you they weren’t? Barnabus, you never cared about that sort of thing before the intrusion of these…” he makes a gesture of distaste towards the party, “interlopers.”

Barnabus’ voice takes on unexpected steel. “Count Agramont,” he says, “it is my intention to leave your service.”

“Are you quite certain about that?”

“I am.”

The Count sighs. “I was afraid this day would come.” He gestures for the well armed man the party does not recognize to step forward. “So, you see, I took certain precautions. For instance, I enlisted the aid of this gentleman, Munzir von Shreicthelm. Or, as they call him in Dar Und, the Anarcanist. They say he has slain more arcane casters than any man alive. A true artisan when it comes to killing wizards. So, of course, I simply had to have him.”

The so-called Anarcanist sneers at Barnabus, his hands shifting on the hilt of his sword, his dark eyes fixed upon the wizard.

“Of course,” the Count continues, “it doesn’t have to be this way. You can return to your island, surrender these renegades to me, and we can forget this entire incident ever happened. Come now, what do you say? Our relationship has always been mutually beneficial. Are you really willing to throw it all away?”

When he is certain the Count is quite finished, Barnabus clears his throat. “In addition, upon my departure, I will require the return of all of the items I have enchanted for you.”

The Count’s face darkens. “I see.”

He turns and shoots the barest glance towards Gaston. And an instant later a black bolt is shooting from Gaston’s fingertips straight at Thatch.

And that’s when things get interesting.

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Gold Roger

First Post
You modern kids and your cliffhangers.

I'm telling you, all the storyhour writers these days are using is those dastardly cliffhangers. And it's not only the storyhours, it's the TV to, and recently I went to the cinema and at the end of the movie, guess what?

Right, a cliffhanger.

It's like some pest or something, cliffhangers everywhere. Must be a corporate thing. Next thing you know you go and buy a good old adventure module and guess what, you'll get a cliffhanger at the end.

Back in my days there wheren't any of those cliffhangers. You'd buy a module, kill monsters and at the end of one sessions you'd know exactly what you'd be doing at the start of your next session- kill more monsters, or make a new character, because the monster got you for a change.

But the important part was that you died before the end of the session. You kids, you'll propably stop a session when you see someone low on HP, just to have one of your precious cliffhangers, makes me sick, it does!

[/cranky old man]

In other words, keep up the good work, I'm greatly enjoing myself.

Edit: cleaned up rotten grammar- just look what you did to my poor brains with your cliffhanger


Hold the Peppers
Gold Roger said:
But the important part was that you died before the end of the session. You kids, you'll propably stop a session when you see someone low on HP, just to have one of your precious cliffhangers, makes me sick, it does!
Mental note: Don't tell Gold Roger where we ended our last session...


Moderator Emeritus
I'm sorry. I think G.R. had just come from reading my story hour's last installment and after reading this last Halmae one his mind just snapped! ;)

Anyway, great great stuff as usual.

Question: When Anvil asked for parley, this allowed the party (and allies) to all walk into the throne room, as opposed to allowing the Count and his allies the tactical advantage of the attackers having to pass through the passwall one at a time. . .

Was this just for dramatic expediency? Fatal arrogant flaw of the Count? I mean, theoritically, any parley could have been done by calling through the passwall?


Hold the Peppers
el-remmen said:
Was this just for dramatic expediency? Fatal arrogant flaw of the Count? I mean, theoritically, any parley could have been done by calling through the passwall?
It was one part dramatic expediency, and actually one part game design. I had certain things that I needed the Count to say to the PCs before the fight began. Specifically, I needed him to introduce the Anarcanist, and to state that he had made preparations for the day Barnabus might turn on him. That is, I needed him to give the PCs the tactical information that there was a very real, very dangerous threat to Barnabus in this encounter. That kind of intentionality is very important to me as a GM.

There were also a couple of other bits of information in there I needed to get out, but it's a bit early to talk about them.

Personally, I don't remember if there was a literal parley called in game, or if the PCs just entered and they spoke before the fight. I typically trust Spyscribe's notes and sense of the dramatic on these things.


to Fajitas et all

Fajitas, thanks for the background on the reason for parley. I was wondering that maybe next gencon/winter fantasy you and a bunch of other GMs would elaborate on the methods and tips that you do to make your game so good.
Heck, it doesn't even need to be at a con you could just talk about it in a thread.

Thanks again for the wonderful game, and Spyscribe keep up the good work.


Well now I'm depressed!! After about 2 months of reading at work I'm all caught up. Well now it's just a waiting game.

SpyScribe: Everyone has said this, but I'll say it agian, Great Storyhour. You could turn this into a novel and it would sell huge!

Fajitas: I wish I had your skill at running a Campagin. Just from reading this I know it would be so much fun to play in your game!!

Keep up the great work and I can't wait for the next update.



First Post
Ah, at last... the update!

Part the Two-Hundred Seventh
In which: our adventurers take on the Count… and friends.

Meanwhile, as the parley with the Count has been going on, Kiara and Reyu have been sneaking carefully down the interior passageway.

Kiara notices that she can hear everything that is going on inside the throne room perfectly, and discovers that the passage has several outlets into the throne room itself, cunningly concealed behind tapestries.

So that’s how all those servants came right out of the walls, she marvels.

However, servants aren’t the only ones who can take advantage of a hidden hallway. As Kiara comes around a corner, she discovers two warmages and the Count’s second son, Guy, poised at the hidden gaps in the tapestries and ready to unleash their fury into the room.

Kiara shouts.


Guy immediately whirls away from the throne room. Behind Kiara in the passageway, Reyu has begun the process of summoning a dire wolf, but the complex invocations required will leave Guy plenty of time to act.

Guy immediately whirls away from the throne room and draws his rapier, advancing towards Kiara. Kiara takes to the air as best she can in the confined space, to make herself a more difficult target. As she does so, she catches a glimpse through the tapestries of Gaston sending a black bolt of seething negative energy straight for Thatch.


Inside the throne room, Thatch flinches as the oily black energy screams towards him, but he holds his ground. After all, that’s about the smartest thing you can do when someone’s trying to launch a magical attack at you when you’re standing inside a globe of invulnerability.

The bolt impacts Barnabus’ field, causing a brief shimmer across the surface of the globe before dissipating harmlessly. Thatch smirks.

Anvil wastes no time in seizing the initiative. “Count Agramount!” he bellows, “I call upon Kettenek to smite you for the injustices you have practiced in your realm. Crimes including but not limited to: kidnapping, unlawful enslavement, assault, and murder!”

The ground beneath the keep trembles and a surge of deific vengeance hurtles towards the Count… only to vanish instantly as it impacts his anti-magic field.

Barnabus’ eyes darken. Anvil scowls.

There is a brief silence.

“Well,” Eva mutters under her breath. “This could get old really quickly.” And with that she draws her sword, lunges forward and slashes at the nearest enemy in reach.

The battle is joined, and as guards run forward, warmages cast, and the party returns fire, the Count calmly takes a step back and prepares to watch the carnage.


Testy pulls out yet another wand from his seemingly unending supply and attempts to snare the Count in a web. He’s protected by his field, but the sticky strands do ensnare Gaston, two warmages, an officer of the Guard, and the man the Count called the Anarcanist.

That last swears loudly, and lets out a nearly animal snarl as he hacks and slashes his way through the stiff and heavy strands. Beside him, Gaston gathers himself and begins to cast a spell of his own.

Eva tries to figure out what the Count’s son is up to, but there are so many spells flying around it’s hard to tell. A freezing sphere has suddenly materialized in the middle of the room and is rolling straight at Woodsy, Barnabus has started an ice storm in another corner, there’s a crack of summoned lightning from just behind a tapestry, and she’s pretty sure she caught a glimpse of an acid arrow out of the corner of her eye.

The effect of ice, acid, web, and crackling holy energy all in one small space is more than a little surreal. Eva grits her teeth. Steel in hand, enemy in reach, she reminds herself. Concentrate on what you know. Don’t worry about what you don’t until you have to.

Unfortunately, a few seconds later, she encounters something she knows all too well. Because at that second, from the shadows of two columns in the center of the room, two hunched figures melt out of the darkness.*

The Count watches, inordinately pleased as Eva flinches. “Oh, didn’t I mention? The Anarcanist brought along a couple of friends. Null shadows, he calls them. Fascinating creatures, no? After they’ve killed you all, I’m planning to give them a place of honor in the menagerie.”

Black mist rolls off the bodies of the creatures that the party has come to call shadowbeasts. They sniff the air, scanning, scanning… and then lock in on Barnabus.

The null shadows rush the archmage, rushing through the globe of invulnerability, as though it wasn’t even there. Barnabus briefly frowns. Well, of course they can rush right through, he thinks. Who decided to call that spell a globe of invulnerability anyway? Still the archmage isn’t too worried until he notices that the null shadows are also unaffected by any of his other abjurations. Oh. Now this could be a problem.

In seconds, the creatures’ claws are ripping through Barnabus’ fragile skin and pulling away chunks of aged flesh.

The burning wounds left behind on his body are bad enough, but as the creatures momentarily withdraw their claws, Barnabus feels the disjunction—one of his most powerful spells—ripped from his mind. The shock of violation leaves him more shaken than the physical pain.

Another option off the table.

Still standing at the back of the room, the Count smiles.

It’s right about then that Gaston manages to dispel the web trapping him and others in the corner. And as soon as the web drops, the Anarcanist charges forward, straight for the bleeding Barnabus.

Eva throws herself at the mage-killer as he passes, slashing him on the thigh, but it’s not enough to stop him, or even slow him down. As the Anarchanist brings his broadsword down on the injured, elderly archmage, time seems to slow. With all of his magical protections at full-effect, the Barnabus should be nearly untouchable in melee combat.

But as the Anarcanist’s blade touches each abjuration surrounding Barnabus there is a shimmer and burst of light, and Barnabus feels his wards stripped from him. At the last second, he manages to dodge to one side, taking what would have been a killing blow on his clavicle instead of his skull.

(DM’s note: the effect of the Anarcanist’s blade was the result of a grossly over-powered feat that I gave him from Complete Arcane, which—while grossly overpowered—is really useful for killing wizards.)

Barnabus barely manages to choke out, “Anvil!” as he stumbles backwards. He catches himself on the wall behind him, dizzy and weakened by the pain and loss of blood.

Anvil gives up on his useless attempts to dispel the Count’s protective field and dashes to Barnabus’ side.

As all this is going on, Lord Marmion falls back to the wall beside the Count, and Kiara—who has snuck into the room past a tapestry—stings him with an arrow. He glares at her as he clutches the wound with one hand and uses the other to cast back at her.

Kiara doesn’t recognize the spell, but for a moment, it strikes her how absolutely absurd this entire situation is. A room filled with magical ice, sleet, lightning, and a guy who calls himself the Anarcanist? What kind of a name is that? She puts a hand to her mouth, trying to stifle a giggle. She just knows that if she starts laughing, she won’t be able to stop.

And at that moment, teetering on the brink of helpless laughter, she catches a glimpse of the shadowbeast menacing Barnabus. She’s seen them before. They’re the creatures that attacked Annika in the desert, the ones who killed her old familiar during the fire at the Academy.

Her laughter dies behind her lips, and Kiara realizes it must have been an effect of Lord Marmion’s spell.

Because there’s nothing funny about the situation at all.


Barnabus couldn’t agree more. Anvil sinks his sword into one of the shadowbeasts menacing the archmage and then fends off another attack from the Anarcanist. Barnabus takes advantage of the brief respite and casts forcecage. The protective barrier snaps into place not a moment too soon, surrounding himself, Anvil, and a quick-flying Kiara.

Safe for the moment, Anvil casts cure serious wounds on Barnabus. He can’t heal all of the archmage’s injuries, but at least Barnabus no longer appears to be on death’s door.

The Anarcanist’s sword shudders as it impacts the bars of the forcecage, but it does not go through. Woodsy takes advantage of the mage-killer’s distraction to saw at his back with his whirling saw-blade hands. When Eva buries an arrow in his side, the Anarcanist is finally forced to turn from Barnabus and deal with the immediate threat.

He swings his sword around at Woodsy, but apparently his mage-killing prowess doesn’t extend to constructs; none of his attacks manage to land.

In the hidden hallway, Reyu has used Shesak’s horn to summon a bear. She sends it in to attack alongside the dire wolf that she summoned earlier. With wild animals coming out of literally nowhere, the Count’s second son, Guy, ducks through the tapestries into the throne room. Reyu follows.

She finds the battle going full-force. Thatch and Eva frustratingly have their hands full dealing with the Count’s officers and elite battle-mages and are unable to reach the Count himself. Swords are swinging, another freezing sphere appears and an ice-knife shatters at Eva’s feet.

One of the shadowbeasts has turned on Testy, and is sinking its claws into the construct. For his part, Testy seems torn between whether to be concerned at the damage he is suffering or intrigued by its source. Now pinned to the floor, Testy pulls out a wand and casts a lightning bolt at the creature crouched on his chest. The spell passes through the creature as though it wasn’t even there.

Fascinating Testy thinks.

The second shadowbeast hasn’t been distracted from its fixation on Barnabus. As other attacks are deflected off the forcecage the creature comes forward and sniffs at the barely visible bars. They’re closely set, with barely an inch of clearance between them.

Anvil has a moment of relief, thinking that perhaps they’ve found one magical effect that the shadow abominations are not immune to. But then, the creature leans its weight against the magical enclosure… and pushes its way through.


Would killing the Anarcanist dissipate the null shadows?

Because otherwise, this is looking like multiple PC fatalities at a minimum. Of course, the battle on the boat looked like that, too.

You folks rule the Story Hour.

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