• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)


First Post

Interlude the Second

Benedic walks with Lira as she leaves the main house after breakfast. Although normally gregarious enough, the ranger is strangely quiet as they walk, kicking a stone ahead of him down the path. Finally, he breaks the silence.

"You know, I've been thinking. You're about to go heading farther into the Ketkath than I've ever been. You brought me on to be a guide, and we're about at the end of my guiding."

Lira stops walking. "You're going to go back to Noran? I thought you were going to see us through the mountains."

Benedic kicks a clump of snow, still frozen on the ground. "You don't need me for that."

"But… you've got better wood sense than most of us put together."

He shakes his head, "Ah no, that Reyu... she's got a good head on her shoulders. She'll get you though."

"But you found that shelter in the blizzards."

Benedic smiles as though pleased at the memory, but shakes his head. "She would have found it. You'll be fine."

He looks up and, for the first time that morning, makes eye contact with Lira.

"Do you want to go home?" she asks.

"Seems like I should."

Lira licks her lips, nervously. "I'd miss you... If you went."

There is a long pause.



"Well, ah…” Another pause. Lira blushes. Benedic clears his throat. “Maybe I could stick around a bit longer. Always another mountain to climb, right?"

"Right," Lira agrees. "And we could always use a good sword-arm."

"Guess so. You're not too bad yourself, with those fingers of yours."

Lira smiles and blushes again. So does Benedic, although in a much manlier sort of way.

There is an awkward silence.

Lira breaks it, tentatively. "So... do you... want to take a walk or something?"

Benedic is about to agree when Euro suddenly pops out of Lira's pocket and begins running back and forth excitedly across her shoulders. Lira shoots him a look, and after a moment of silent conversation, Euro hops over to Benedic's shoulder, pauses for a second, and then runs down his leg and away back to the manor.

Benedic is not skilled reading facial expressions of mustelidae, but he is almost positive that the weasel winked at him before running off.

Lira laughs awkwardly. "Weasels... crazy huh?"

Benedic forces a chuckle. "Yeah."

And the two walk off together, into the woods of the Fau Meen estate.

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First Post
Capellan said:
Lira and Benedict, walkin' through the trees ...

Oh, and the awkward-yet-hillarious conversations that came in the aftermath...

Me: Um... do we assume that the Halmae has some reasonably effective form of birth control?
Fajitas: No. Could you please roll me a d28? =)

This was part of a longer email exchange that I was carrying on the following day at work. It was possibly the hardest time I have ever had trying not to laugh out loud at my desk. (In Fajitas' defense, the message did go on to clarify that yes, there were steps that could be taken to avoid pregnancy, and we'd assume that Lira and Benedic were taking them.)

Update coming almost immediately, and doghead, thanks for posting!


First Post
Part the Ninetieth:
In which, the party becomes acquainted with the beliefs and customs of a strange land.

The party rides uneventfully to Seaward, although most of the horses still need a bit of reassurance to travel happily in the company of a large bear.

Thatch has made great strides with Bob, and is able to ride him comfortably on the main road. He is confident that soon his trusty steed will be ready to carry him into combat once again.

The party re-supplies at Seaward, picking up a few items Lord Fau Meen was not able to provide. Lira buys a few flasks of acid and Annika obtains a scroll of rope trick which she uses to copy the spell into her spell-book.

Anvil bides his time. Before leaving Sheesak’s lair, Lord Agasha pulled him aside for a somewhat delicate conversation. Once they are underway from Seaward, the looming peaks of the Ketkath to port plunging into the vast waters of the Halmae that stretch as far as the eye can see to starboard, Anvil assembles the rest of the group.

"Lord Agasha has spoken to me about what we can expect as we journey farther into the Sovereignty," Anvil informs them, "and more importantly, what will be expected of us."

"What do you mean, expected of us?" Eva wants to know.

"Specifically," Anvil replies, "in matters of respect for authority and religion."

Lira slouches and lets out a long sigh. As she does, Anvil has a sudden flash of understanding regarding the sorts of things Lord Agasha had wished to bring to his attention. Anvil fixes her with a hard stare. "That would be a bad reaction to have if someone in the Sovereignty broaches the topic."

Lira straightens, protesting, but Anvil ignores her.

"Being on the border, Lord Agasha is more relaxed about such things than people will be where we are going."

His lecture boils down to several salient points:

  1. With their equivalent of "visiting dignitary" status, the party has a bit of leeway. If they forget to bow to a superior, they probably won't be summarily beheaded. Probably.
  2. The most feared people in the Sovereignty are known as Inquisitors. The party should avoid interaction with them if at all possible.
  3. Being a cleric who casts divine spells while invoking a god other than Kettenek is a good way to get in trouble very quickly. Lucky for the party, their only cleric is Anvil—who might be a heretical worshipper, but at least he's a worshipper.
  4. For Reyu, the case is a bit ambiguous. She's not invoking the might of Kettenek, but she's not invoking the might of someone else either. She probably wants to be as discreet as possible with her spellcasting.
  5. In a contrast to the Darine Confederacy, arcane magic is viewed with little suspicion. It follows rigid laws, and if it exists, it must be as Kettenek wills it to be.
  6. Attempting to preach a religion other than Sovereign orthodoxy is punishable by death. Four members of the party carry contraband in the form of holy symbols of other deities. (Lira and Annika - Ehkt, Eva - Sedellus, and Benedic - Alirria). From what Lord Agasha told him, Anvil doesn't think that is enough in and of itself to warrant execution, although it certainly won’t be looked on kindly.

Eva, Annika, and Benedic have already removed their holy symbols and hidden them away in their packs. Lira, on the theory that someone is more likely to search her luggage than her person, has continued to wear hers under her blouse.

"So," she asks Anvil, "if my holy symbol falls out of my shirt, how much trouble am I in?"

Anvil considers, "It would depend on what you did next. In any case, more than a little."

"So, ripping it off my neck and spitting on it would be a good option, then?"

Anvil nods, "Much better than asking the Master Inquisitor if he would like one."

Lira snorts. "Good thing I'm not the one who keeps telling people they should be acolytes at my temple."

Thatch begins laughing so hard he almost falls of his chair. Finally, in between gasped breaths he manages to explain. "You could claim someone slipped it into your pack in the marketplace. We've had good luck with that one!"

(Yep, you can tell what part of the story was being posted when this game was played!)


First Post
Part the Ninety-First
In which: Eva chats up sailors in a bar.

The party's ship arrives at Descentport. The harbor is on the small side, but packed with a forest of masts bearing the colors of settlements from all over the Halmae.

The town itself is the most elaborate shantytown they have ever laid eyes on. Apparently, a small settlement grew up at the mouth of the river, and as it became a great port for ship-to-ship transfers the buildings were shored-up to make it through the winter. Most of the buildings look solid enough, but it's clear that the settlement was thrown together rather than planned.

The party bids Lord Hiru goodbye and are taken ashore with their gear and horses in a smaller boat. All of the sailors on their ship heave a sigh of relief to see the bear lumbering onto someone else's craft.

At the mouth of the river, the party comes ashore and finds a huge barge, crewed—curiously enough—entirely by dwarves. Lira, Reyu and Anvil go aboard and the captain, Gripp Ironroot, quickly agrees to have them as passengers for the journey up the river to the Lake of Exalted Heights.

He is even willing to make arrangements for Paws, the bear, provided he travels for the price of a person, not a horse, which the party happily agrees to pay.

Business concluded, Gripp rubs his hands together happily, "The ship leaves at dawn, so we'll expect you before first light tomorrow. Yes, this is going to be a good trip."

"Why particularly good this time?" Lira wants to know.

The dwarf shrugs elaborately. "Plenty of cargo, plenty of passengers. What's not to be pleased about?"

"Are there passengers besides us?" Reyu asks.

Despite his professed happiness, Gripp seems less and less inclined to talk. "Some."

"I hope they will not be troubled by the bear," Reyu ventures.

Gripp stokes his beard, suddenly thoughtful. "Me too." With that, he quickly makes his excuses and hurries on his way.

Back with the others, everyone is glad arrangements have been so easily made, but somewhat curious as to who their new traveling companions will be. Eva decides to use the evening they have before departure to see if she can gather more information.


The dockside tavern Eva and Thatch locate is truly the most minimal establishment which could be fairly called by that name. It consists of a large room with a bar in it and several tables, populated with large burly men, and the occasional large burly woman.

Eva surveys the room and finds a likely looking table of men playing cards. She watches for a few hands, then throws a few coins on the table and asks to be dealt in.

Being neither particularly large nor burly, Eva gets more than a few odd looks. So does the wakazashi. Still, her gold is good and they give her a spot.

Eva plays with enough concentration to keep from fleecing the men she's playing with, but doesn't let them rob her blind either. After a few hands, she begins making discrete inquiries.

She learns that the town is mainly filled by dockworkers and professional sailors, but they do get the odd traveler through now and again.

"Anyone interesting around these days?" she asks, taking a miniscule sip of the ale that has been sitting by her right hand all evening.

An uneasy silence falls on the table. Eva looks around and flashes a self-deprecating smile. "Aside from me and my friends of course."

The suddenly quiet man to Eva's left asks, "Why'd you want to know?"

Eva lays out her cards, realizing too late she has the strongest hand at the table by a long shot. "No reason. I'm new to these parts. Just want to know who's around."

The man clears his throat and folding, cashes out of the game. Muttering something about early departures and angry captains, the others quickly follow suit. Eva departs the suddenly empty table and goes to collect Thatch, who has been steadily loosing at arm-wrestling all night.

His fist hits the table as Eva appears at his elbow. "I think it's time we left. Now."

Given their prior experiences with encounters in taverns, Thatch in not inclined to linger. He pays the winner and the two quickly make their departure.

As they make their way back to the group's base for the night, Thatch turns to Eva. "What did you find out?" he asks.

Eva shakes her head and discretely checks to be sure they are not being followed. "Not a lot. But there's someone around here that no one wants to talk about."

It isn't long before the party finds out whom. As they board the dwarven barge the next morning in the gray of the pre-dawn, they find five fellow travelers gathered in a circle on deck.

Three are obviously guards carrying both wakazashis and katanas. The fourth wears a wakazashi, but does not carry himself as though it is his chief weapon. All of them stand flanking a woman, who turns and stares at the party as they board. As the party draws closer, they notice she wears well-crafted armor that has been equally well decorated and carries both a wakazashi and katana. The woman stares at the party as though she is looking not only at them, but through them. Around her neck is a large holy symbol that looks like a variant of Anvil's. The whole effect is of a Justicar, only slightly more stiff.

She can only be an Inquisitor.


dpdx said:

That makes three people in the last three episodes who could out-Anvil Anvil at the drop of a hat.
Huh? In the last three? I'm not seeing it in the last one, let alone three. Perhaps you could point out the instances you're thinking of?


First Post
Part the Ninety-Second:
In which: Anvil does not win friends and influence people

At over fifty feet in length, lake waders are truly remarkable creatures. The dwarves have harnessed two of the giant reptiles to the prow of the barge, who with slow and steady strokes of their tails draw the craft up the river. Most of the party stands, watching in fascination the spectacle of the animals’ lean muscles bunching and relaxing under slick, blue-gray skins—dappled by shadows beneath the water, and glistening in the winter sunlight when the beasts lift their heads and long, graceful necks to the surface to breathe.

Kiara stares, open-mouthed. “That is so cool.”

Thatch nods wordlessly. Forget cool. These are the most remarkable creatures he has ever seen. He catches the arm of a passing dwarf.

“Excuse me.” Thatch points to the lake waders. “Can you ride them?”

The dwarf looks at Thatch as though he is just a little dim. “Well… I wouldn’t.”

“But is it possible?”

The dwarf squints up at Thatch’s hopeful face. “How long can you hold your breath, son?”

Thatch’s expression falls. “Oh.”


Anvil looks up from the churning water and takes a gulp of fresh air. As fascinating as it is to watch a massive barge hauled upriver, through frothing, choppy water… Well, Anvil decides he would prefer to retain his breakfast.

Tearing his eyes off the bright surface of the water, Anvil scans the deck instead. The dwarves are busy at their work, and most of his companions are gathered at the bow to watch the lake waders. The five Sovereignite passengers have broken their circle on the deck, and gradually, Anvil notices that the Inquisitor has fixed him in her gaze.

He makes a respectful nod, and seeing that she has his attention, the woman signals that he should approach.

Anvil does. "Greetings, I am Anvil the Just," he introduces himself, finishing with a deep bow.

The woman returns neither the greeting, nor the bow.

"What are you doing in our lands, Justicar?"

Although this lack of courtesy would normally be considered quite rude, Anvil wisely decides not to make an issue of it.

"We are on a mission of King Orin of Dar Pykos, seeking powerful wizards who might serve as Chancellor of the Mage's Academy. Might I ask what mission you travel on?"

The woman raises an eyebrow. "You may not. Do you carry any proof of this 'mission?'"

"Certainly." Anvil takes his staff, and opens the compartment within, removing letters from King Orin, Bastion the Just, as well as the ones recently received from Lord Agasha. He does not offer the letters from the temples of Alirria Ehkt and Sedellus. The guards flinch as Anvil reaches for the staff, but the woman motions for them to stand down.

She examines the letters carefully.

"And are you merely passing through on this quest, or do you believe one of these archmages whom you seek is within our lands?"

Anvil deliberates for the barest second before answering, "We believe one of these individuals may be found in the place you call The Valley at the Center of the Storm. Once we have delivered our invitation, we will depart."

The woman considers Anvil for a few moments more before handing back the letters.

Anvil takes them with a bow. "If you will excuse me?"

She dismisses him with a gesture. Anvil withdraws having the distinct feeling of having been appraised and found not only wanting, but so far from what is wanted so as to be unmentionable. It isn't a sensation he likes much.


In late afternoon, the barge reaches the first of two massive cascades it will have to traverse before reaching the lake that is the party’s ultimate destination. The River of Great Descent, it turns out, is not so named for nothing, as its source, the Lake of Exalted Heights is several thousand feet above sea level, deep in the Ketkath Mountains. In a marvel of engineering, the dwarves have constructed a series of lifts, powered by the waterfall itself to move cargo (along with passengers and crew) from the barge below to the one waiting above and vice versa. In other places, they have actually re-routed the riverbed in order to more easily facilitate travel.

As they rise up beside the waterfall, Eva finds herself swallowing rapidly to clear her ears as they adjust to the new altitude. However, she has to admit that the views down river are absolutely stunning. Once to the top, the find a second barge, nearly identical to the first, waiting for them to board.

Once they are settled again, and after taking the evening meal, Reyu descends to the hold to makes sure Paws is comfortable in his new lodgings. Finding it warm, quiet, and away from prying eyes, she lies down next to his shaggy bulk and settles in for the night.

The rest of the party camps beneath a makeshift tent on deck. Although the wind off the river is cold and they do set their usual watches, the slow motion of the boat helps everyone to sleep soundly.

At midnight, a bell begins to toll.

Those party members not on watch pull themselves out of bed fearing the worst: the ship has run aground, someone has fallen overboard, the lake-waders have broken their harnesses and have turned to demolish the barge.

In the opinion of some of the adventurers, what they find is even worse.

The Lady Inquisitor stands on deck near the stern, flanked by two of her guards, her other companions in attendance. All the dwarves not absolutely necessary for the running of the boat are appearing on deck and forming neat rows in front of her.

The bell is calling a worship service.

Lira bites back her usual oath of "Ehkt's balls." She knows that Anvil prays at midnight, but this looks like more than clerical attendance is expected.

"What should we do?" Benedic whispers in the dark.

Thatch surveys the scene. "The dwarves are going, we probably should too."

Anvil strides confidently to the front of the congregation where he is grudgingly shown a place by the Inquisitor's attendants, while the rest of the party slips as discretely as possible into the last row. Though most of them are putting all of their attention into watching the person in front of them and copying their actions, they can all feel the Inquisitor staring at them.

Thatch, having lived for a time at the Temple of the Justicars in Dar Pykos, has a bit more than a passing familiarity with the rituals of worship. (He may have been Anvil's prisoner at the time, but he certainly had good reason to fervently pray that Ketenek's Justice would be done.) He recognizes similarities to the current service, but the language is much more severe.

Most of the party has some idea what to do, or is skilled at faking their way through things that they don't, but Annika always feels like she is a step behind where she is supposed to be. Eva and Kiara try to help her, but their whispered instructions only make her more confused. If she could just stop and think for a second, she's sure she could get the responses in where they're supposed to be.

She looks up, hoping for some kind of divine guidance, whatever the source. All her eyes find is the disapproving glare of the Inquisitor.

Once the service is finally concluded, the party quickly returns to their beds, but Anvil is waylaid by one of the Inquisitor's guards and brought before the lady herself.

"One of your people was missing tonight." Her tone is even colder than usual.

Anvil realizes for the first time that Reyu did not emerge from the hold, and must still be with Paws below. Anvil makes a perfectly accurate reply. "Yes."

The Inquisitor's eyes narrow. "The elf, she does not honor Kettenek?"

Although he is not frequently called upon to be diplomatic, Anvil is capable in a pinch. "I am sure she does, but she is an elf. Her rituals are her own."

The woman's voice drops another ten degrees. "You will tell your elf that while she is in our lands, she will observe our customs."

"I will tell her." Although Anvil makes the mental note to leave out the "your elf" part of the message.

The Inquisitor does not seem particularly satisfied. "What is your business here?" she demands again.

"I have told you-" Anvil begins.

"I know what you have told me. I wish to know what you have not."

Anvil grits his teeth. "We are on a mission from King Orin and our Temple leaders. We come seeking a powerful wizard."

"Are you going to the Sharpstone Pass?" she abruptly demands.

Anvil blinks. "We have no plans to do so." When pressed further, Anvil gives the Inquisitor a rough itinerary: the group plans to visit the Ironroot mines to redeem promissory notes from the dwarves and then, backtracking to the lake, follow the riverbanks to the Valley at the Center of the Storm.

"If I find you have been less than candid with me, it will go very badly for you." The Inquisitor informs him archly.

"Of that," says Anvil, "I have no doubt."

She turns abruptly away, leaving Anvil alone on deck, dismissed.


Although no light penetrates the cargo hold, Reyu instinctively rises at first light and conducts her prayers in seclusion. When she reaches the deck, she finds Anvil waiting for her.

“Greetings Anvil, did you sleep well?”

“We need to talk.”


Lira and Benedic have been watching the lake waders all morning, interspersed with Benedic pointing out interesting plants and animals glimpsed on the banks on either side of the barge, in between sneaking glances at each other. Conversation has been pretty thin for a while.

Benedic is just about to make another observation about the local plant life when he is interrupted by a young dwarf.

“Sir. Lady.” The sailor is out of breath, whether from nerves or exhaustion is unclear. “I’m sorry. Madame Inquisitor requests you attend her. Immediately.” With a quick nod over his shoulder in the direction of the Inquisitors’ tent, he is on his way, hurrying over to where Eva is attempting to teach Thatch the finer points of poker.

“Well, guess we’d better attend then,” Benedic observes.

Lira nods.

Soon, the entire party is gathered before the Inquisitor outside her tent (Lira and Benedic arriving a few steps behind following a detour by their packs where Euro hid himself and Lira’s holy symbol in her bedroll).

The Inquisitor looks down at them all and says simply. “You will not resist.”

And the man beside her begins to cast.

Voidrunner's Codex

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