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Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)


I forgot about Hue! Thanks for the update. I like the style of this one. :)

I as a player would recommend Manaal, but I think Chi'i is the more logical choice in game.

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Well i choose Barnabus simple becase out of all of the archmagi he seems the most normal.
I just have a sneaking suspicon that Chi'i is hiding something.


First Post
I would pick Chi'i, but I think she would refuse. I think Barnabus is the most likely to accept the offer. Although I'm not sure having an absent-minded archmage training a new crop of mages, is such a great idea...=)


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I would choose Barnabus. He may be absent minded but hes a delver and a tinkerer. He seems more likely to let his students get on and explore things for themselves than be too restrcictive.

Of course, that could have implications in itself.


First Post
I would almost certainly select Barnabus. The others already seem to have established roles, other than Chi'i, who seemed a tad self-absorbed to be doing that kind of work.

Wow. I'm really surprised that Barnabus is as popular as he is. He's a great guy and all, and would make an outstanding instructor in artificing, but he's also a loon and capable of missing things going on right in front of him. As an administrator and leader? What a disaster. Not that this is influenced by my spouse's experiences dealing with academic administrators, or anything. :) (My spouse is an assistant professor who has had to deal with far too many people who are smart, able academics put in administrative positions that they are terrible at, with very bad consequences for their universities.)

I'm not sure who I would favor, but not Barnabus. Perhaps Chi'i, perhaps Manaal. Petros seems too politically unpalatable-- he's doing a lot of good as it is, but as Chancellor might be a lightning rod for hatred of mages. The big question in my mind is whether Manaal's ties to Ekht would help build acceptance, etc, or whether her eccentricities and religious oddness would bring condemnations for heresy. If Manaal would play out well, she might be the best choice. Chi'i has less upsides to me, but less downsides as well.


Chi'i (likely won't accept), then Manaal (likely won't either), then Barnabus (hopefully if they don't, he does). The Miyen Kai has pressing engagements elsewhere, and unless you want a dramatic upsurge in necromancy throughout the Darine Confederacy, Petros isn't a good choice either.

But if I may go off the board, how about...

the acting Chancellor?


First Post
Barnabus seems to be the best choice to me but whay do I know? Oh and I would like to say Happy Holidays to all I am sorry that it is so late but I just now got to use a computer.


Vote for Petros.

In times when the moral fiber of the city is running thin, you need strong ethical leadership.
Will Barnabus serve as a roll model for these future mages? Or will he lock himself away with the resources of the University to make magic items that will be used to empower a corrupt magic-hating nobility and, in the future, he may or may not need to Disjoin?

Petros has championed the fight against the undead across the Halmae.
This winter Cri'i was clearly aware and able to act against the undead threat. She did nothing while Pertos valiantly sacrificed his life for the cause. And what did she want that 'evil rock' for, anyway?

Petros is not afraid to use the darkest means to the greatest ends. His research has already yielded excellent results in the field of prosthetics.
Will Manaal warp the focus of the University? Will fire magic 101 really be of any use to the future of arcane magic?

Petros can and will fight for the University.
Will the Miyen Kai fight for the University? Or will he stare at a big hole in the ground hundreds of miles away while riots tear down the wall and stone 1st year conjuration students to death? And he actually disempowered the the leadership of the tribe, as the 'health' of the nation. Could the king be next? Could he have his sights set on being the 'health' of the Darien Alliance?

This uhm.... November maybe? vote for what's right.
No absent minded tinker.
No evil rock collector.
No useless pyromancer.
No elven dissident.

Vote Petros.

Paid for by the People's Support of Petros Foundation.
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