• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 3E/3.5 WFRP 3E full Gen Con seminar movie (dice mechanic and character sheet)

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Ok, I have to admit I was skeptical when I heard FFG was doing WHFRP 3rd edition, because I LOVE WHFRP2- in fact, is one of my all-time favorite games.

However, after seeing those videos, I have high hopes for WHFRP3. Although I don't care for most dice pool games, this one actually looks well done and interesting, with a lot of narrative and storytelling elements factored right into the dice rolls. I think game this also has the potential for the player to roll the dice, look at the result, and then describe what he is doing in the game, which increases player involvement rather than having what is happening dictated by the GM. Looks very cool.

So I went from moderately negative, to cautiously optomistic and hopeful regarding WHFRP3. I'll definitely be picking up the core set and first expansion for my group to try.

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
After watching I guess I am still moderately negative. I don't think I will like the dice-pool system as it is presented so far. It just looks a bit to gimmicky to me. I don't like the reason Halflings were removed (at least until a latter 'expansion') and two races of elves were added, cause "they are different" (which I agree they are but...). It seems the assumed starting level is going to be more 'heroic' then I want. I don't mind playing tough characters in the WH world, but I don't want to start there. I would prefer the starting level to be lower.

But my biggest worry is that in order to even look it over to see if I would like it I have to put down $100... I don't think anyone I know will give it to I will not get to look it over. I am not optomistic enough to put that much down on it.

Well, I have gone from cautious optimistic and curious to optimistic and interested. I think this looks fascinating. It is unusual in the way it relies on "props", but it seems very innovative in that.

My only concern is that the price might still seem too high for many people. D&D has a similar buy in, but the buy-in is concealed in 3 individual purchases for books. They will need to be smart in their marketing to make this apparant.
Who knows, maybe they are working at a demo game, too - something you can download and print out yourself (no idea how they do this with the dice?), for a single party with predefined character races and classes and a short adventure and DM advice?

We'll see. One of the guys in my group already expressed interest in it. Maybe I suggest we share the expense and then we'll see. It's obviously not a game where everyone might want a copy. :)


I'm still very skeptical (maybe less than before, but I also remember being optimistic about 4e after watching the gencon announcement)

The 'expansion approach' is even more limiting than I expected (few careers, restricted number of actions)

The cards/dice pools still look fiddly but the mechanics sound more innovative and less board-gamey than I thought.

It could be an interresting rpg after all, I'm just not paying 100$ to find out.

And I am still annoyed that they called it WFRP3e rather than "Warhammer [something else]". I didn't jump on the "4e is not D&D" bandwagon, but you can't honestly say that "ze game is still ze same" here.
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Having watched the seminars... it seems to me as if they've lost their minds. A hundred bucks? Decks of cards? Fiddly, funny dice? You buy an expansion to go beyond 3 players?

What if two players want the same career? Well, buy another $100 copy I guess. What if the Ref wants to design his own careers? Can't do it I guess. What if you lose one of the cards or dice? Buy another set I guess.

Just... weird.

Plus, I've got a sack of hand-inked Gamescience dice. Those are my role playing dice. They abhor interlopers! ;)


First Post
Having watched the seminars... it seems to me as if they've lost their minds. A hundred bucks? Decks of cards? Fiddly, funny dice? You buy an expansion to go beyond 3 players?

What if two players want the same career? Well, buy another $100 copy I guess. What if the Ref wants to design his own careers? Can't do it I guess. What if you lose one of the cards or dice? Buy another set I guess.
With the exception of the various random effect cards, it all looks pretty printable to me. No reason why you couldn't just photocopy the Protagonist career card if two players are playing protagonists. Want to make your own career? Spend a little time with a word processor or take a pen to some paper.


First Post
With the exception of the various random effect cards, it all looks pretty printable to me. No reason why you couldn't just photocopy the Protagonist career card if two players are playing protagonists. Want to make your own career? Spend a little time with a word processor or take a pen to some paper.

I'm not saying there aren't work-arounds... I mean, you can even go buy blank dice and make your own dice if you want.

It just seems to defeat the purpose of spending $100 on bling bling.

It's also a strange model for core books... surely they don't expect that each player will show up at the table with his own core set? If the $100 box-o-bling is aimed at a GM and 3 players, that's $100 per group. A $35 core book that each player and GM bring to the table... that's $140 per group.

Now, maybe they expect that you'll have 4 players, so that's at least one sale of the "Adventurer's Kit" (*shudder*), making the gain per group $130. But add another player to the traditional group and you're up to $175.

If each Adventurer's Kit adds only one player (but that is not clear... it is entirely possible that each Kit adds more than one), then at 6 players you're up to $190 for the group. Whereas perhaps at a 6 player + GM table you'll level out at say 4 or 5 core books on the traditional model.

Still, after all that you've only made your haul comparable... you're really not ahead.

The whole thing is bizarre. If someone told me, I might well have thought it was a hoax. I mean, can you imagine showing up at a role playing session and told you have to use the Corporate Proprietary Dice? And that we can't add you to the session unless you purchase a $30 expansion pack? *boggle*

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