What adventure module have you pillaged the most without using the main plot?

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Of 5e adventures, Princes of the Apocalypse. Specifically, all of the pre-campaign adventure material set in and around Red Larch is great.
This. I’ve used the “Trouble in Red Larch” material to start two different campaigns (neither of which were PotA). I’ve also used Feathergale Spire, Scarlet Moon Hall, the fire cultists’ dungeon, the orc raid, the Uthgart burial mound, and the Yartar segments in other campaigns.


Much of the Wild Beyond the Witchlight is good for any adventure where fey appear. I did that lots, using silly fey NPCs or strange events and curses from that book.


WotC President Runner-Up.
Much of the Wild Beyond the Witchlight is good for any adventure where fey appear. I did that lots, using silly fey NPCs or strange events and curses from that book.
This is like the only WOTC book I want to buy.. I'm really torn, because I love the premise, and I'm sure I'd steal a lot of good content from it,

But I am holding out in the hopes that I will eventually get to play it.. So I'm avoiding it to avoid spoilers


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Souls for Smugglers Shiv is such a modern classic module, but the rest of the AP is wanting. I would easily use it place of a starting sandbox campaign and think its a fine way to introduce players and GMs to sandbox modules.


Probably Sunless Citadel to be honest. It's light on plot anyway, but I've used the top layer of the citadel for a lot of different games.

Voidrunner's Codex

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