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What are some Good Old Fashioned hangover cures?

Dark Jezter

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I have a friend who swears by water. Whenever he gets drunk, he'll always drink a few glasses of water before he goes to bed. According to him, he's never gotten a hangover since he started doing this.

Although I guess I wouldn't consider this a hangover cure; more of a preventive measure.

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Percivellian said:
One reason you're feeling bad the next morning is dehydration, so water will work to some degree.
Keep a bottle of water beside your bed.

Then again, dehydration isn't the only reason you feel sick, as Slife has already said.

jgbrowning said:
Don't sober up. It's the only way to be sure.

Only if your liver is as superior as Joe's.



As a college student whos done his fair share of boozing here's my favorite...

Peanut butter and bacon on any kind of bread, and a Bloody Mary.

I've never used it but I've got a friend who swears by it.


Gave a friend a bag of saline IV drip and it cured him right up. Of course, that won't help in Faerun.

As a DM, I would rule that "Slow Poison" would cure a hangover.

orchid blossom

I agree. Alcohol is esentially poison, which is why it makes you feel hideous the morning after. Any spell that gets rid of posion should (DM's discretion of course) knock out a hangover.

In real life, my mother always said she took a tylenol, drank a glass of milk and ate half a sandwhich before she went out drinking. Then repeated the procedure once she got home. Always worked for her. But again, preventative.

Seems the real answer is, there isn't much you can do about a hangover but take some aspirin, drink a glass of water, and wait for your liver to do its thing.


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When I would get a bad hangover when I was in college, the best cure I found was to smoke a little grass. Not sure how that would transfer to Faerun though. ;)


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Tabasco. And plenty of it.

Another one that worked for me, though I woudn't recommend it now, was to take a handful of tylenol before bed. Like 8. But I've since learned that wreaks havoc on your liver.


Water is good - but Gatorade is better.

Gatorade and Tylenol together are about as good as science can manage without getting heroic.

How your character will come across these remains to be seen. But the player ought to keep it in mind all the same for future reference. :heh:

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