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What are you Reading? Magnanimous March 2019 edition

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Finished reading Janet Morris’ Beyond Sanctuary and I’ve got mixed feelings on the book. On the one hand, some of the language recalls Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun. The book is inclusive, with its Sacred Band partners. The scope opens up vastly from the contained Thieves World short stories. The grim and morally grey Thieves World will always have a place in my heart.

But, there’s something holding me back from an unabashed endorsement. The offhand treatment of rape is jarring – it’s not even lazy grimdark shorthand, it’s just a thing that gets a sentence here and there, that bothers me. And there’s an at-times fuzziness to the plot and writing. Without having read a bunch of Thieves World anthologies (which I have, mostly, mind you), much of the book would become inscrutable.

Now I'm switching gears to Megan Lindholm's /Robin Hobb's Wizard of Pigeons.

Wizard of the Pigeons is done. It's a tale that could be read in different ways, but I think works best as a tale of magic and trauma. It's one of those books that makes magic feel magical. If you read it in such a way that magic exists, that is.

Next up is Herbert's Dune Messiah. Been afraid to follow up on the first book, for fear of the series being a let-down.


I'm reading Red Seas Under Red Skies, the first sequel to The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. It's as awesome as the original.


Finished Dune Messiah. For such a short book, it is filled with layers of meaning. Some of which, honestly, disquieted, provoking all sorts of thoughts. And considering its page count, it packed a heck of a punch.

Next up is something lighter, with Kent Kelly’s Hawk & Moor: The Unofficial History of Dungeons & Dragons: Book 1.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Just finished Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee. Very imaginative. Great use of making the setting matter to the plot. Quite far from "yet another SF story". The ending was a bit abrupt, she did a good job of telegraphing there were things we didn't know, but a bit of hint of what would have made the end smoother. A few other things I didn't see enough to follow home, but they were minor. All in all though, really enjoyable. 8/10, with an extra special award for almost-nonsensical but very RIGHT sounding descriptions around the uniqueness of the setting.

Most of the way through Deep State by Walter Jon Williams. It's the second Dagmar Shaw book. It's had at least one fist-pump-in-the-air, but hasn't been as consistently gripping as the first. Still enjoying it.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Finished Deep State. Ending was a little too pat, as in unsure why X would not be under the protection (or "protection") of the Y government. (Hopefully that both doesn't give away spoilers, and makes sense for anyone who read it.)

Really loved the visceral reality of how PTSD was portrayed.

Good book. I think there's more Dagmar Shaw book(s), will pick it/them up.


First Post
I decided to stop reading fantastic literature and start reading non-fiction and historical literature. Right now, I'm reading a book by Walter Isaacson "Benjamin Franklin: An American Life." Very interesting, so I'm recommending to read it.
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Last week I picked up some old (2000) books on armor dioramas from fine scale modelers ,so I'll check them out for tips and tricks. Also got a YA book that has been on my radar "Two can keep a secret" by Karen M. McManus also grabbed American lion : Andrew Jackson in the White House by Jon Meacham

Finished up the YA book,it was good, now to read about Jackson.


Today was a good day: I flew all over the country as a passenger, so I not only finished up Red Seas Under Red Skies but got about 200 pages into the third book in the Lock Lamora series, The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch. There are seven books planned in the series, but this is the last one currently published. I'm going to be one sad individual when I finish this book and there are no more to be had at the moment.


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