What are your unpopular geek opinions?

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Martin Scorsese was mostly right.

Superhero movies are big, dumb, and fun. I enjoy them. But they are rarely smart- at best, they are competent. Many geeks confuse recognizing fan service and the bare minimum of an allusion (hey- did you know that the second Captain America movie is almost an allusion to 70s political thrillers??!!11??) with actual intelligent discourse, and not only try to elevate the lowbrow to the middlebrow, but confuse the middlebrow with the highbrow.

A 6 minute YouTube video explainer isn’t an article in diacritics, and recognizing who Pynchon is in the Simpsons because you looked it up on-line doesn’t mean you’ve read Gravity’s Rainbow.

Also? Joker was perfectly cromulent for a superhero movie, which makes it one of the smartest ones ever- which also means that is was just a pale reflection of the movies that Scorsese made decades ago. But with less understanding of the tropes it was playing with.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist

The vast majority of anime is terrible. Or creepy (in an inappropriate way). Or both. It’s tiring to hear people defend the stuff in anime that should never fly in any other genre because it’s either too stupid … or because
It’s way too pervy.

There is some incredibly good anime, but the majority of it is a lot dumber than most people think it is. And that’s ignoring the creepy stuff, which it seems is in way too much.

(That said, I will always love Neon Genesis Evangelion.)


I don't believe in the no-win scenario

The vast majority of anime is terrible. Or creepy (in an inappropriate way). Or both. It’s tiring to hear people defend the stuff in anime that should never fly in any other genre because it’s either too stupid … or because
It’s way too pervy.

There is some incredibly good anime, but the majority of it is a lot dumber than most people think it is. And that’s ignoring the creepy stuff, which it seems is in way too much.

(That said, I will always love Neon Genesis Evangelion.)
Yeap, lots of anime is pervy AF.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Scorsese movies are not that great, best one was After Hours.

….. and I thought I had a scorching hot take!

(I would at least go with Raging Bull. Or Goodfellas. Or Casino. Or Taxi Driver. Or King of Comedy. Or even Wolf of Wall Street. But at least you didn’t say The Departed!!).


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
….. and I thought I had a scorching hot take!

(I would at least go with Raging Bull. Or Goodfellas. Or Casino. Or Taxi Driver. Or King of Comedy. Or even Wolf of Wall Street. But at least you didn’t say The Departed!!).
lol, yeah I do like Marty's movies but think they are often highly overrated. Kind like the Bob Dylan albums for the last 30 years. There was a time, but now its just rib joint stuff that people think is groundbreaking.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
lol, yeah I do like Marty's movies but think they are often highly overrated. Kind like the Bob Dylan albums for the last 30 years. There was a time, but now its just rib joint stuff that people think is groundbreaking.

The Departed was just a makeup call from the Academy.

That said, he is still making good films. He just has the Citizen Kane problem (as I call it).

If someone watches Citizen Kane today, having only watched modern films, they will probably be unimpressed. “What’s the big deal? It’s fine, but best ever?”

The issue is that the movie was so groundbreaking, so amazing, and so influential that it’s entirety has been utilized, regurgitated, aped, parodied, and so on to the point where unless you have some understand of how influential it is, in so many ways, you can’t fully appreciate its greatness

Scorsese is similar - his innovations and ideas are utilized by so many that it’s hard to fully recognize why (for example) Raging Bull or Goodfellas are the masterpieces that they are. Heck- it’s hard for Scorsese to even do a tracking shot without people thinking he’s parodying himself.

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