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What d20 products have you purchased?


First Post
Let me see if I can remember what all I have bought:

Green Ronin:
The Freeport trilogy


Privateer Press:
The Witchfire trilogy

Belly of the Beast


Paradigm Press
Spear of Lohgin
Blood Reign
Bloody Sands

Sword and Sorcery
Creature Collection 1

Maze of Zayne

Fiery Dragon
Nemoran’s Vault
Silver Summon
Hallowed Ground
Nature’s Fury
Giant’s Skull
Counter Collection

Kenzer Co.
Setting Guide
The Coin Trilogy
Harvest of Darkness
Midnight’s Terror
Aldriv’s Revenge
Siren’s Prize

Plans to buy:
Kalamar Products
Books and Adventures by Gygax and Kuntz
Fires of Insurrection by Paradigm to finish up Canceri trilogy.
Banewarrens by Monte Cook
Traveler d20
Dragonstar? The space setting by FFG.
Freeport setting book

[edit] added two more products
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Privateer Press)

I have Witchfire Trilogy

I intend to buy the IK Sourcebook, Monsternomicon, Mechanika and Corvis book.

Atlas Games

I have Three Days to Kill and Belly of the Beast.

I intend to buy Ascension of Magdalene.

Holistic Design

I have d20 Fading Suns.

Fantasy Flight

I have Starfarer's Handbook (and was underwhelmed enough that I do not intend to buy anymore Dragonstar :( ).

Necromancer Games

I have Crucible of Freya
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I have bought no d20 products that aren't WotC's, but that's basically just because I don't have enough money to spend on things I don't really need.

In fact, I only kept buying WotC stuff until I realized they're not that good. Manual of the Planes and Oriental Adventures were great, but aside from that, the only non-core book I really liked was Tome & Blood.

Basically, aside from those, I feel that nothing that comes out is something that I so vitally need that I couldn't make up similar stuff myself. I can't use published adventures in my arcing-plot homebrew campaign, and none of the rules supplements so far really interested me. However, I'm trying to get my college gaming club to run monthly conventions so people can come and play quicky games. Then I'll buy adventures.

But, hmm. For someone who's trying to publish himself, I really don't buy much from other publishers. I'll blame it on lack of funds.


Troll Lord Games:
The Codex of Erde
After Winter Dark Campaign Setting
Map of Erde
A Lion in the Ropes
The Mortality of Green
The Malady of Kings
The Fantastic Adventure

Necromancer Games
The Wizard's Amulet
The Crucible of Freya
R1 Rappan Athuk
R2 Rappan Athuk
Prisoner of the Maze
Demons and Devils
The Siege of Durgam's Folly

Green Ronin Publishing
Death in Freeport
Terror in Freeport
Madness in Freeport
Jade Dragons and Hungry Ghosts
Legions of Hell
Character Record Folio

Atlas Games
In the Belly of the Beast
Thieves in the Woods
Three Days to Kill


Fiend Games
Galal's Grave

Paradigm Concepts
TheSpear of Lohgin

Fiery Dragon Productions
Counter Collection I: The Usual Suspects

Privateer Press
The Legion of Lost Souls (didn't actually buy this one- it was free)

Avalanche Press LTD
Twilight in Atlantis
Jade and Steel

Fast Forward Entertainment
Demonic Lairs
The Encylopedia of Demons & Devils

Sword & Sorcery Studios
Scarred Lands Gazetteer
Creature Collection
Relics and Rituals

Do you think I have enough??:D


Zarrock said:
In lieu of the "d20 Publishers to watch" list, I would like to hear which products you have purchased from d20 publishers (and that'll include everything else than what WotC puts out).

Our lists are remarkably similar! You have good taste sir.

Already Purchased:

- These are all..."OK". Something about them just doesn't excite me as much as many of the other d20 stuff out there, but I still seem to keep buying them.

Libram Equitus - Excellent book of prestige classes. Most collections I look through and say 'Eh' to many classes, but the ones in here are all interesting.

I know a lot of people don't like PDFs but I wish there were more of them, especially if they were like this. 8) I also appreciated the minimalist nature of this product - it didn't need pictures or the fancy graphics because the material was so strong.

Atlas (Penumbra)
En Route - I figure I can use at least a few of these.

Touched by the Gods - some nifty ideas that I haven't yet found a place for in my campaign.

Bastion Press
Minions - highest production values I've seen on a monster supplement. Lots of stuff that made me say "Oo, I want to use that."

Yeah, I said up under Ambient that I liked the minimalism. That was for prestige classes. For monsters, pictures are important! And having well done full color pics is a big plus for this book.

Fantasy Flight Games:
L&L: Traps and Treachery I - practically worth it just for the 'getting in character' sections of what a thief's life is like, how traps are found and disarmed, etc. Then there's all the traps!

Dragonstar: Starfarer's Handbook - mmmm, rayguns and magic.

Green Ronin:
Legions of Hell - mmmm. Can't wait for Armies of the Abyss.

Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts - I know Monte kind of panned it, but I love freaky-strange monsters like the growing baby thing. They really give a non-traditional feel to the game. Someday I may even run Oriental Adventures...

Freeport adventures - see my Story Hour!

Malhavoc Press:

Book of Eldritch Might I - every time I read this I like it more.

If Thoughts Could Kill - I'll be honest, I haven't even read the adventure yet. I grabbed it for the rules stuff. At $5 how can you lose?

My only complaint with the Malhavoc products are the printing problems - with the fancy backdrops and such they're almost too much for my old Laserwriter to handle. I have to do it a few pages at a time. Malhavoc included a text version with ITCK but I like the formatting you can get with PDF! Monte, if you're reading this: your stuff is good even without the fancy backgrounds. If you have to include them, there's got to be a better way - I never have this problem printing the web enhancements from the WOTC site.

Mongoose Publishing:
Encyclopedia Arcane I : Demonology
Encyclopedia Arcane II: Necromancy
Encyclopedia Arcane III: Chaos Magic
Seas of Blood
Gladiator: Sands of Death
The Quintessential Fighter

Mongoose went from being 'just another company' to one that I very much look forward to releases from after I bought Seas of Blood. The Arcane series has been quite interesting too - Chaos Magic especially sparked some ideas for my campaign world.

Sword and Sorcery Studios:

Relics and Rituals I
Creature Collection I
Creature Collection II

Planned Purchases:

Libram Equitis II

Bastion Press:
Arms and Armor
Spells and Magic

Fantasy Flight Games:
L&L: Seafarer's Handbook
L&L: Spells and Spellcraft
L&L: Traps and Treachery II
Dragonstar: Galaxy Guide
Dragonstar: Imperial Supply

Green Ronin:
Armies of the Abyss
Freeport: City of Adventure

Malhavoc Press:
Book of Eldritch Might II: Songs and Souls of Power
Book of Eldritch Might III: The Nexus
Book of Hallowed Might I
(..The Secret Project)

Mongoose Publishing:
The Quintessential Rogue
Encyclopedia Arcane IV: Constructs

Sword and Sorcery Studios:
Relics and Rituals II

There's plenty of others that I have interest in - Adamant's Tao of Wuxia, Mystic Eye's Foul Locales: Urban Blight, Fiery Dragon's Psionics Toolkit - but I plan to wait and see how they are before making a final decision.



Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
I have purchased the CC I. For what I own in addition to that, check out the entries for last year's ENnies awards. :cool:


Registered User
Monte's made me his b***h...

...Not really, but the only things I've actually purchased are:

Malhavoc Press:
Book of Eldritch Might
If Thoughts Could Kill

(although the 3 DMs I currently play under have spent far more money on 3rd party stuff than I have.)

Books I will most likely buy include:

Malhavoc Press:
Book of Eldritch Might 2: Songs and Souls...
Book of Eldritch Might 3: The Nexus
Book of Hallowed Might
(what else ya got?)

Sword & Sorcery:
Relics & Rituals
Relics & Rituals 2: Lost Lore

Fantasy Flight Games:
Traps & Treachery
Seafarer's Guidebook

Kenzer & Co:
Kalamar player's guide
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Easier to do it this way...

Just about everything except: Most adventures, but I have all of the FFG and AEG "minibooks" as well as Burning Shaolin, the two red hardcovers that just came out (Rings of Power and something else), Deadlands D20 (but It's on my list) and Wierd War (but it's also on my list)


First Post
Ok, so who won? Who has the most toys? I was just looking at my own list and thinking, "My God, no wonder I couldn't take my 14-year-old to New York this year. I spent all my money on D&D" I think I will have to shorten my "to buy" list for this next year to Kalamar, Gygax, and Kuntz.

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