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What d20 Purchases to you Regret?

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Ivan Alias
MichaelH said:
I most regret purchasing the Traveller T20 Players book. IMO, it is too complicated to play, especially the vehicle/starship creation and space travel aspects. YMMV.
My first forays into T20 character creation were an exercise in confusion, but I've come to enjoy the game. I think that University and OTC definitely belong at the beginning of the class section rather than at the end, but I'm happy on the whole. The errata cleared up the spaceship design confusion I had.

I am still a little put out by the fact that you can't die during character creation, but you can get maimed. Maybe in Second edition they'll bring that back.


I regret having purchased the Original SW Core Book, the WOTC Class splatbooks, the LG Gazetteer, the Dungeon Builder's Guidebook (even at discount), and Enemies and Allies. I can't really say that I regret purchasing the 3.0 Core Books because I've gotten much more use out of them, but now that I have 3.5, I'm pretty happy, too.

Ironically enough, besides (obviously) the current Core Books for DnD and SW, the Hero Builder's Guidebook has come in pretty handy for me even now, especially for determining a background for a character I just rolled up.

I'd also like to try out the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook. I might be able to find that in a discount bin somewhere.


Ivan Alias
dpdx said:
Ironically enough, besides (obviously) the current Core Books for DnD and SW, the Hero Builder's Guidebook has come in pretty handy for me even now, especially for determining a background for a character I just rolled up.
The Hero Builder's Guidebook gets a bad rap. Sure it's of limited use to those who have been playing RPGs for years, but it's of great value when teaching people who have never played a roleplaying game before. I think people tend to forget that when they bash it, they may not be the book's target audience.


Tuzenbach said:
OK, I give up. What the %#$@ are the "splatbooks"?
The few softcovers WotC published. Most people refer especially to the classbooks, Sword & Fist, Tome & Blood, Song & Silence and Masters of the Wild. In the same category fall Hero Builder's Guide Book, Stronghold Builder's Guide Book, and Enemy and Allies.


First Post
Turjan said:
The few softcovers WotC published. Most people refer especially to the classbooks, Sword & Fist, Tome & Blood, Song & Silence and Masters of the Wild. In the same category fall Hero Builder's Guide Book, Stronghold Builder's Guide Book, and Enemy and Allies.

Ah! Thanks for that info. I think I'm glad my role-playing has been on hiatus for the past 3 years. It appears to have saved me a boatload of cash!


Slumbering in Tsar
Tuzenbach said:
Ah! Thanks for that info. I think I'm glad my role-playing has been on hiatus for the past 3 years. It appears to have saved me a boatload of cash!

Why do you say that?

Just because there's over $15,000 in D&D-related d20 products?

[end sarcasm]



First Post
Purchases I regret:

BESM d20: The whole attitude of this booked reeked of contempt for the d20 audience. Apparently, the rules we all like are so broken that the mighty masters of GOO had to come and fix everything for us. Good thing they are such geniuses and willing to rub elbows with scum like us.

Kingdoms of Kalamar: I got the main campaign setting book and found it to be dreadful. The back cover promises an “epic, ass-kicking” campaign setting. Instead, I got some guys trying to get use out of their college anthropology and sociology classes. Boooorrrrinngggggg (and very poorly written too).

Anything by Mongoose: They are the kings of crap. Only FFE had a lower overall level of quality but they never matched Mongoose for quantity. Someone in that company must be really rich for them to still be in business. A damn shame they have Conan too. That property belongs with a decent company.

Hamlet of Thumble: Heard some good things about this and found them to be unjustified. Boring town, boring adventure, and source material that is largely unrelated to either and yet takes up half the book.

Lost City of Barakus: I ordered this online, so I didn’t have a chance to flip through it first. Holy crap, the font is huge! This could easily have been 32 pages or more shorter, instead of a $35 hardback. I also found the backstory so convoluted so as to be utterly ridiculous.

Swashbuckling Adventures: Someone hire AEG an editor.

Psionics Handbook: Psionic combat was very poorly handled. That sunk the book in my opinion.

Lord of the Rings RPG: Not d20 but might as well be. So much potential squandered it makes me sad. Again, I wish this license had gone to a decent company.

Going back some years: Bluffside, Creature Collection 1, Foundation, Diomin

Books I Can’t Live Without

Book of the Righteous: Best game book of any kind since Delta Green. Period. Totally robbed at the ENnies.

Testament: Really well done ancient campaign setting and not just for Biblical stuff. It covers Egypt, Canaan, and Babylon too, so it’s great for all kinds of ancient campaigns.

Green Ronin in General: Oh hell, why don’t I just put my cards on the table and say I love Green Ronin. Mutants & Masterminds, Freeport, Plot & Poison, Mindshadows—all great stuff. I just got Black Sails Over Freeport and it puts Barakus to shame. 256 pages packed to the gills and it’s $3 less to boot. I may also burst waiting for Book of Fiends. That’s going to be awesome.

Traps & Treachery: I still get use out of this book. I like traps but hate designing them. Great stuff.

Grimm: OK, maybe I could live without it, but nonetheless a very cool mini-game that hasn’t gotten much attention around here.

Spycraft: I’ll be running this soon and it looks like great fun. I totally want the 60s Decade Book but can’t afford it right now after Black Sails.

Fiend Folio: Much better than MM2, but sadly 3.0.

Mindscapes: Much better than the Psionic’s HB and crucial when I was running my Mindshadows campaign. Kudos to Bruce Cordell for writing the conversion material in Mindshadows so I didn’t have to.

“101” PDFs: Those 101 PDFs Phil Reed does are real handy.

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